My Baby..

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"I'd like to talk to the principal." Tony spoke to the secretary as he stood in the front office of Peter's school. Peter was still at home, considering what had happened Monday morning. The secretary's eyes widened, but buzzed for the principal to come out. Mr. Morita opened his door with a groan, expecting to see a students parents, but was shocked to say the least when he saw Tony Stark standing at his secretary's desk.

"M-Mr. Stark, to what do I owe the pleasure of having you here?" Mr. Morita stuttered and Tony held back a disdainful laugh.

"Won't be such a pleasure." Tony said bitterly and Mr. Morita was curious.
"Shall we talk in my office?" Tony walked past him and walked over to a chair. He sat down and glared at the desk in front. Mr. Morita took his seat and felt uneasy under the billionaire's gaze. "What can I-"

"Do you keep a close eye on your students and their activities?" Tony cut him off immediately and Mr. Morita was shocked further.

"Why, yes I do. What is it you're concerned-"

"Who is this Flash Thompson?" Tony cut him off once again and Mr. Morita smiled.

"Ah, yes. Mr. Thompson. Eugene is a good kid. Good grades, quarter back for the football team; he has a few college offers, you know?" Mr. Morita spoke highly of his student that in his eyes, could do nothing wrong, considering the amount of money his parents donated to the school.

"Really? Speak so highly of a student that almost killed my son?" Tony's glare hardened as Mr. Morita looked astonished, then narrowed his eyes as well.

"Whoever your son is, he should really be careful of who he wrongfully accuses-" 

"Peter would never wrongfully accuse anyone. It would be very wise to watch the way you speak about my son." Tony said viscously and Mr. Morita smirked.

"And what proof does your son have of Mr. Thompson's supposed attack and attempted murder?" Mr. Morita asked smirking, believing there was no way his star student could do such an act and Tony's glare turned murderous.

"Are you calling my son and myself a liar?" Tony's fists were balled and Mr. Morita raised an eyebrow.

"And what proof do you-"

"How about the fact that my son was on the verge of death and not breathing when I had found him?!" Tony's voice rose and Mr. Morita's eyes widened once more. "My son, the greatest and smartest kid- no person, I know is now on a bed in a hospital with a fractured nose, head trauma and other injuries inflicted by this kid. Now, I want to know what you're going to do about it?" Tony calmed down, knowing if he didn't, the whole place would be obliterated. 

"I-I. Two weeks suspension?" Mr. Morita as if a question and Tony lost his cool.

"Two weeks suspension?! You're telling me, my son almost died and all his attacker gets is a two week suspension?! He should be expelled! You're lucky I don't sue the school! This isn't some sick joke, I could've lost my son!" Tony slammed his fists on the desk and knocked his chair over. 

He got in the principal's face and Mr. Morita struggled to talk. Tony stormed out of the school and drove recklessly back to his tower. He pulled up to the garage and slammed the door as he got out. He went straight to Med bay and entered Peter's room heaving. He looked to his son and all anger dissipated as relief washed over him.

"Peter." Tony breathed and Peter smiled as best he could at his father. 

"Hey dad." Tony rushed over and gave him a light hug.

"You're okay." Tony whispered and Peter tensed, but relaxed. He wasn't used to being touched or hugged, going 6 months without either. 

"What's wrong?" 

"I'm suing your school and pressing charges-"

"Please don't." Peter cut him off, worry in his voice. Tony pulled back and looked at his son in shock.

"Kid, he almost killed you." 

"Don't press charges. That will ruin his life and chances of college. I'm okay now, see?" Peter tried to reason and Tony frowned.

"Why do you want to-"

"I've seen his home life. He does this to get attention. It's not the best way, but it's the only way he knows how to. Please don't ruin the chances he has." Peter begged and Tony sighed.

"You're too good of a person. How are you my son?" Tony wondered aloud and he heard a chuckle behind him.

"He's my son as well, Tony." Pepper spoke as she walked to her husband and hugged him from behind, kissing his cheek.

"Thank you both." Peter mentioned and both adults looked at him in wonder. 

"What do you mean sweetie?" Pepper asked her darling son and he smiled.

"You both are so busy, but make time for me. Flash doesn't have that luxury and I'm grateful that you both care for me the way you two do. I love you both." Pepper's eyes watered as Tony gave a loving smile. 

"My baby." Pepper whispered as she walked over and kissed his forehead. 

                  Word Count: 865

Shitty ending, I know. I'm sorry

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