Stolen Info..

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"Mr. Stark, Peter has awoken, but he's clinging to a wall in the corner of his room and no one can get him down." Dr. Helen Cho said as she walked out to the waiting room and Tony stopped his pace, turning towards the room she had just come from. 
"Kid..?" Tony asked as he saw his kid kinda curled up in the corner on the ceiling and he watched as Peter slightly flinched. "It's okay, Peter. No one will hurt you-" 
"Stay back, dad. It's not my safety I'm worried about. We- I don't know what I'm capable of and I.." Peter was cut off when Tony finished suiting up and flying upto to his kid. Iron man reached out to the teen and his arms soon wrapped around the spider.
"It's okay, Peter. Let go, I gotcha. You're not going anywhere and neither is anyone else, especially not your brother. It wasn't your fault-"
"It was-"
"Not your fault, Peter. You had no control. You were being controlled by Hydra. I know you won't hurt anyone and.. Bucky promised to help you recover, considering he went through the whole mind control thing." Tony spoke begrudgingly and Peter relaxed in his father's arms. 

■■■■ Time Skip Brought To You By Tony's Grudge Against The Winter Soldier ■■■■

"Any news on Harley?" Natasha asked as soon as a nurse walked by and the nurse stopped, a sympathetic look on her face.
"Unfortunately, I still have yet to hear news on him." The nurse apologized and left to where she was headed.
It had been a good two hours since Harley and Peter were brought here, Harley was wheeled in as soon as Tony arrived. Peter was growing anxious as more time passed and Bucky hugged the kid.
"Relax, Peter. Getting worked up could trigger something." Bucky whispered as Peter frowned and nodded. He took some deep breaths and soon, the doctor was standing in front of everyone.
"Luckily, the knife didn't puncture anything too drastic. We were able to fix the damage and stitched him up. However, he had lost too much blood and will remain unconscious for a few more hours. Otherwise that the kid will remain stable and will heal in time." Helen smiled, happy she was able to save her employers kid, not that she didn't fight her hardest regardless. 
She actually adored Harley and Peter, but Harley was a little closer to her. When he's home from school and Peter is patrolling, Harley either goes to med bay to hang out or to the interns lab; Peter sometimes accompanied his brother.
"Thank you, Dr. Cho for saving and helping my sons. Is it okay to see him?" Tony asked and Cho raised an eyebrow.
"Since when do you get permission from anyone-" Dr. Cho cut off as she saw Peter's anxiety rolling off in waves and smiled sadly with a nod. "Go ahead, Peter." 
At a lightning speed, Peter took off and soon stood in front of his brother's hospital room. The room Harley was in because of his old brother. The spider hesitated and seemed to be fighting an inner battle. He wanted to see his baby brother, but did he even have a right to? Wasn't he the one who caused this? He could've killed his younger brother. What right-
"Aren't you gonna go in, kid?" Tony wondered as he stopped right before the doorway and looked at his oldest. Peter released a breath and clenched his fist.
"Do you- do you think he'll hate me?" Peter asked as he bit his lip and added as an afterthought, "When he wakes up..?" 
"Kid… I think, if anything, everyone will have to hold him down so he doesn't tackle you in a hug and reopen the stitching. He really looks up to you and when you were gone, he blamed himself for you getting caught-"
"It wasn't his fault." Peter answered quickly and Tony smiled.
"I know, kid. It wasn't his fault and that's why you should listen to me as well when I say it's not your fault either. Things happen, Peter. Sometimes… We can't prevent them or take precautions and someone gets hurt.. However, if we continue to hold all those mistakes and painful incidents inside, we'll never be able to grow from it." Tony finished his speech, looking to the floor and Peter was silent. Tony looked up just in time to see his son dash towards him and engulf the adult in a hug.
"Can-can we see Harley now?" Peter muttered as he broke away from the hug and gripped his father's hand. Tony looked down at their hands and his face melted, giving his son's hand a squeeze.
"Of course."

££££ Scene Change Brought To You By Tony Actually Showing His Father Side ££££

"Woah Harls, careful. You were only stitched up a few hours ago." Tony warned as his youngest son woke up with a gasp and tried to sit up. Peter squeezed his younger brother's hand and stood at his bedside, pushing the younger down onto the bed.
"Pe-peter? Is it actually you?" Harley asked and Peter looked down, giving a small nod. 
"Yea, it's me Harls. I understand if-" Peter was cut off by Harley catching him off guard and the older teen was dragged down towards the bed.
"I'm sorry." They both whispered and each were surprised, Peter pulling away from Harley carefully.
"What are you sorry for?" They asked at the same time and both tilted their head, causing Tony to smile on the side. 
"I'm the reason you were-"
"It wasn't your fault, Harley. I would do it again to protect you.. except I failed at that too.." Peter beat himself down and Harley shook his head.
"It's not your fault, Peter. I knew something was wrong with you and considering all the information Uncle Bruce found from SHIELD, if you really intended to; you would've killed me, or dad, or Uncle Bruce-"
"I almost did, Harley! I stabbed you-"
"Your instincts kicked in when I touched you and you accidentally stabbed me, Pete. I saw the regret on your face afterward. You could never hurt us Peter and you didn't fail. You never do." Harley spoke sternly and Peter smiled, tears filling his eyes.
"Thanks Harls." Peter muttered as he hugged his brother and avoided his wound. 
"Wait, how did you know about the intel from Bruce?" Tony butted in with a raised eyebrow and Harley gave a half smirk.
"Did you really think Peter and I don't know how to override Friday?" 
                  Word Count:1,100

This was the last part. The next two chapters will be the last two chapters of this book, then maybe another one shot book? It's up to you guys. Please vote and comment your opinions.

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