My Pride And Joy..

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"Steve, he just used bad language!" Clint joked as he pointed at Bucky who raised an eyebrow.

"Oh gosh, you aren't going to-" Steve was cut off by the elevator opening and a teen walking out.

"You would not believe the day I had!" Peter exclaimed as he threw his bag on the floor and walked to the kitchen.

"Underoos, I told you to stop leaving your stuff around." Tony groaned as he followed the teen to the kitchen and just leaving the bag in place.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me Underoos." Peter sassed as he grabbed a drink and a few cookies.

"Yea, yea. So why would I 'not believe' the day you had?" Tony smirked and Peter groaned, throwing his head back. He swallowed the food in his mouth, before turning to Tony with an annoyed look.

"Because of your name on my permission slip, I have to miss the next field trip! Then, I don't even know where it's too, but Flash keeps taunting me about how 'all my lies are about to be brought to light'. Then! I was talking to MJ and just as I was about to finally ask her to go to the Galla with me, food was dumped all over me! The only outfit the nurse had for me was this loser get up and I couldn't talk to MJ the rest of the day without her raising an eyebrow." Peter complained and Tony held back a laugh.

"That- uh, that-" Tony bust out laughing and Peter groaned.

"Daddddddddd." Peter whined and Tony smiled, sobering up.

"Dont worry kid, I'll fix the field trip problem. Also, I'm sure MJ will say yes. Just ask her when the moment is right." Peter smiled and hugged his father before sprinting to his room, grabbing his bag with a web on the way. Tony walked back out to where he left the team and stopped short looking like a deer caught in headlights.

"So, uh. Anyone else see the mini Stark?" Clint asked the obvious and Natasha smacked him in the back of the head.

"Of course we did, you idiot. You may be deaf, but we're not blind." She muttered and Steve stood.

"You have a son?" He asked and Tony grinned.

"Yepp. My pride and joy."

                 Word Count: 387

Prompt given by Ilovemydogblues and yea. I'm sorry it's short, couldn't think of what else to write. Please vote and comment your opinions. Also, this book may have to have a second book cause I'm running out of the limited amount pages for a book.

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