Don't Ever Hit A Woman..

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"So, Penis. Do you still claim to work at Stark Industries?" Flash taunted as he cornered his victim. School had just gotten out, and before Peter even had a chance to run, Flash trapped him with his goons.

"Leave me alone, Flash." Peter tried to push through his bullies, but was pulled back instead and held by his arms. "Let me go!" Peter knew he could break out of their grip if he wanted to, but he was still recovering from Captain's kick and he was 'puny' Parker. He wouldn't blow his cover to some bullies.

"I always knew you were lying. Why would Stark hire you, when he could hire me. I mean, look at me; I'm way better than you." Flash chuckled and Peter groaned.

"Just let me-" Peter was cut off by a punch to his stomach and stumbled back, still being held by Flash's goons. A punch was sent, along with a few kicks and Peter took every blow. He was kicked in the ribs a few times, and couldn't breathe. A huge crowd was surrounding the scene and Peter's best friends pushed through the crowd.

"Flash, let him go." MJ blocked any more blows from hitting Peter. Flash smirked and looked to Peter.

"So, you got a little girlfriend? How-" Flash was stopped when MJ slapped him in the face and Flash face turned red from anger and the impact of the slap. Flash raised his hand and went to slap MJ, but Peter broke free and dashed in front of MJ. Everyone was surprised as Peter took the hit and a clap resounded around the area.

"D-don't ever hit a woman." Peter gritted out and Flash smirked. Flash sent one more punch and everyone dispersed.

"Till tomorrow, Penis." Flash chuckled and Peter fell to the ground once Flash walked away.

"Peter!" Ned exclaimed as he rushed to MJ and his best friend. Peter let out a groan and Ned tried to help him stand.

"Give me a m-minute." Peter stuttered as Ned froze in his place. Peter struggled to stand and Ned gently helped him.

"What are you going to say when your family see you like this?" Ned questioned and Peter groaned.

"I-I'm not going home yet. Is anyone home at your house?" Peter asked, having a hard time seeing and Ned gave an apologetic look.

"Some of my family flew in yesterday, so my house is full." Ned explained and MJ looked away.

"No one's home at my place. If-if you wanted to go there?" MJ said as a question and Peter gave a smile as best as he could.

"Really?" Ned asked and MJ nodded.

"S-sure." Peter stuttered and Ned nodded. Ned walked Peter to MJ's car and helped him get in. Closing the door, he turned to his two friends.

"Wish I could you two, but I have to get home. See you tomorrow." Ned waved as he ran to his mom's car. MJ got in the driver's seat and set off to her place. Once there, she helped Peter out and led him to her apartment. MJ went straight to the first aid kit and began to clean Peter's wounds.

"T-thank you MJ." Peter expressed his gratitude and MJ rolled her eyes.

"No problem, loser. Rest on the couch for a bit, you can stay as long as you want." MJ stood and put back the first aid kit, before walking back out to an unconscious Petet. She sighed and placed a blanket over his sleeping form.

"Thank you, loser." MJ whispered and sat on the recliner, beginning her homework.

♡♡♡♡♡♡ Time Skip Brought To You By A Concerned MJ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Peter woke up with a start and glanced around the room. In a recliner lay MJ, asleep and everything came back to Peter in an instant. Peter stood and placed the blanket down. Everything seemed to be healed, except for his ribs. When he took a deep breath, a pain shot through his body and he cringed. He grabbed his stuff and wrote a quick note to MJ.

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