Fangs And Blue Blood?!!!!

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"Hey, Pete- woah, what's with your teeth?!" Ned exclaimed as I woke up with a jolt and saw him looking at me. I felt my face and froze. Oh no.

"Uh, um-"

"Woah, Penis has fangs!" Flash exclaimed as he looked back at me and I sighed. "You're not gonna fool anyone, those are definitely fake." He pointed and laughed, as everyone else glanced over. I locked eyes with MJ and she raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, yeah. They're uh fake. Was pulling a prank on Ned." I joked, voice being slightly muffled from the protruding fangs in my mouth.

"Take them out!" Flash commanded and I gulped. "I'll help." He smirked and pulled back his fist. Just as it was going to connect, a thump was heard above us and Doc Ock dropped down.

"Hello children. I'm looking for Spider-Man." He smiled creepily and I sighed. Why today?

"S-s-spider-man isn't here." Flash stuttered and Doc frowned.

"Really? So I guess no one will stop me from doing this!" His mechanical arm reached out and I jumped in front before it hit Flash. It stabbed me in my abdomen and I coughed up blood.

"B-blue blood?!" Flash stuttered freaking out and Ned was repeating 'omg' in the background. I grunted and pulled the arm out of my stomach, groaning. I tapped my wrist and my suit engulfed me.

"Mr. Stark, I-I need assistance. Doc- Ock." I got out, falling to my knees.

"Kid, what happened?" He asked as I heard some noise in the background faintly, but I couldn't answer. "Hang on, I'll be there soon Pete." He said and Doc lifted me up, throwing me out of the window.

"H-hurry." I said weakly as Doc came out of the bus and walked slowly to me.

"Well, well, well. The little spider is injured." He said mockingly as he shook his head in fake pity. "Looks like you-" He was interrupted by a blast coming down from above.

"Back away from the kid." Mr. Stark now stood defensively in front of me and I smiled weakly, pulling off my mask. It was hard to breathe and I fought off the faint feeling.

"Peter!" Ned exclaimed as he ran out of the bus and Mr. Stark led Doc away from us. He ran to my side, everyone following him.

"What the fuck Penis?! You have actual fangs, blue blood and you're Spider-Man?!" Flash exclaimed as Ned put a sweat jacket over my wound to stop the bleeding some.

"Really jackass? He just saved your life and all you're worried about is shit that doesn't matter right now?!" MJ raged as Ned continued to frantically panic. I was losing blood very quickly and couldn't breathe.

"Back away kids." I barely heard Mr. Stark, before my eyes shut.

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip Brought To You By Me Hating My Life~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


"Woah, easy tiger." I warned as I tried to push Peter back and he looked around confused. Rae Jay stepped forward and gave a smirk.

"Saving the person who caused you misery and fangs? You sure are full of surprises loser." Peter blushed and I raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean he saved the person who causes him misery?" I asked and she kept quiet. I looked back at Peter and he was looking down. "Kid, is someone bullying you?" He sighed and looked at me.

"It wasn't anything I couldn't handle."

"You still should've told me-"

"It doesn't matter-"

"It does matter, Peter-"


"Because I care for you." I ended the argument and he looked at me with uncertainty.

"Because if I die, you'd feel like it was your fault. That's the only reason you care, right?" He asked looking down and my heart broke.

"No Peter. I care because you're like a son to me." I said truthfully and he looked up shocked.

"R-really?" He stuttered and I gave a rare smile.

"You may be over talkative, annoying, hardheaded-"

"Really?" He rolled his eyes and I chuckled.

"Yes. You may be all those, but you're also someone I hold closely to my heart. I really do have one, despite what people think. Just ask Pepper." I joked and he smiled, chuckling as well. Rae Jay cleared her throat and we both looked at her.

"Well, as much as that made me want to puke, I'm glad you're okay loser. I have to go." She left and I turned back to Peter.

"She sure is something." I mentioned and he smiled.

"Yup, but that's what makes her MJ."

                                                     Word Count: 756

This idea was given by fluttercord_smile hope ya'll liked it. Also, this book is about 300 votes away from 6k!!!! Please vote and comment your opinions.

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