Why Didn't You Tell Me..?!

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Natasha nervously paced her room and bit her lip nervously. I can't be. It's not possible. After the.. red room, I can't be. . It's not possible. 
"Nat?" MJ asked, as Wanda, Pepper and she entered the room. Natasha has asked the three to come into the room after the third day of her missed period and hurriedly rushed the three in, before locking the door behind them.
"What's going on? You seem distraught." Pepper asked concerned and Natasha sighed, sitting on the bed.
"I'm-I'm late.." She trailed off and Pepper sat next to her, offering a small smile.
"Have you taken a test yet?" MJ asked and Natasha shook her head.
"I could run to the store and pick up a couple?" Wanda suggested and the widow looked up to the witch.
"If you could, that'd be great." She nodded and walked out, leaving Pepper, Nat and MJ to talk.
"So MJ, how are you and Peter doing?" Pepper asked and MJ smiled. 
It's been about two year since Peter had been caught with MJ and was grounded at the age of 15. After he got off grounding, he formally introduced MJ and everyone got along pretty well with her. She got along especially well with the females of the family and have gotten pretty close with the three.
"Pretty good, can't really complain. Besides being worried about him as Spiderman, everything has been really good." The two women nodded with an understanding look and the door opened.
"Okay, so I got 4 just in case." Wanda explained as she held up a bag and Natasha stayed frozen.
"Nat?" Pepper asked as she looked to the widow and she stayed frozen.
"I-I'm scared." 
"I'll take one with you, if you want?" MJ questioned and Natasha nodded. The widow went in first and the teen went in second. The two waited a few minutes and checked right after.
"Negative.." Natasha read and sighed. "I figured as much. What about- M?" 
"It-it can't be." She whispered as she held the test and tears welled in her eyes.
"What is- oh my gosh." Wanda covered her mouth and Pepper looked over.
"I-i can't have a baby. I'm too young." MJ spoke as she looked up at the three women around her and Pepper frowned.
"Why don't you take another test? False positives are rare, but it could be the case." Pepper convinced and the teen nodded, walking back into the bathroom. She took the second test and walked back out to the other three. They waited anxiously and finally the test results came up; positive. 
"I-I can't do it. I need a favor." She stuttered as she turned to them with tears and they looked at her with concerned eyes.

₩₩₩ Time Skip Brought To You By Natasha's Silent Disappointment ₩₩₩

"Are you sure about this?" Pepper asked as she looked at me with worry and I couldn't stop the tears from falling.
"I-I need to. Peter and I are only 17. We can't have a kid!" I exclaimed in sorrow as I lay on the bed and Wanda looked down. 
"Shouldn't you consult Peter on this?" Natasha asked and I shook my head.
"I-I can't break his heart. This would hurt him and I could never do that. Please, promise me you won't tell him?" I asked and Pepper shook her head.
"Dear, you have to tell him-"
"I-I will, when I'm ready. Please?" I begged and they nodded. 
"Okay, Miss Jones. Our scan tells us you are a couple weeks pregnant, are you sure you want to go through with this?" 

◇◇ Scene Change Brought To You By Some Readers Being Against Abortion ◇◇

"Hey MJ, are you okay?" Peter asked and I forced a smile.
"Of course, just worried about our upcoming competition, that's all." I excused and Peter frowned. 
"M.. You don't have to lie to me." Peter whispered and I looked down.
"I-I gotta go. I'll see you later." I walked out and made it outside. 
The wind blew the snow into my face and I sighed. I continued on my way home and looked around the wintery wonderland before me. It's been a few weeks since… That day and everytime I see Peter, I'm reminded of the fact that I got the abortion. I couldn't tell him. I wanted to, but I couldn't bare seeing the hurt of the decision I made.
When I finally got to my apartment, I ran upstairs and hurried to my room. I shut my door and lay on my bed, turning on my music. The song 'Small Bump' by Ed Sheeran came on and I threw my phone at the wall. Tears ran down my face faster and I felt an unimaginable pain in my heart. The music continued to play as I hugged my pillow tighter to me.
"M?" Peter asked above the music and I turned to my boyfriend in sadness. "What happened, baby?" He asked as he stepped towards me and I moved back on my bed, putting distance between us.
"I-I'm a monster." I stuttered and he furrowed his eyebrows.
"I murdered our child." 
"Wh-what?" Peter asked hurt and I looked down, tears still falling.
"I-I found out I was pregnant a month ago and.. I panicked. We're only 17! We can't raise a child!" I exclaimed and Peter looked down.
"What did you do?" 
"I-I had the girls take me to planned parenthood and got an abortion, making them promise me not to tell you."
"How-how could you do that without talking to me first?" Peter asked with tears in his eyes as he looked up at me.
"I-I couldn't-"
"It was my decision too!" He raised his voice and I pushed my pillow aside.
"I was scared!"
"You should've come to me first!"
"I couldn't-"
"Why not?!" Peter yelled and I looked down.
"I didn't wanna-"
"Hurt me? Well, you did. You should've come to me." Peter spoke softly and I looked down. The pain felt worse and seeing Peter in pain didn't help. Soon, I felt arms wrap around me and he pulled me to his chest.
"I'm so sorry.." I whispered as I choked on tears and he softly combed through my hair.
"It's okay, baby. I understand, but next time.. please come to me. We'll figure it out together." Peter muttered and I nodded. He laid us back and I laid my head on his chest.
"I love you, Peter."
"I love you too, M. No matter what." My eyes shut and I fell asleep to the sound of my amazing boyfriend's heartbeat, the ending of 'Small Bump' fading in the background.
                Word Count: 1,112

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