The Snake..

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"Uncle Loki? What are you doing here?" I asked the current snake around my neck.

"I didn't wanna be around those foolish mortals." He hissed and I quirked an eyebrow.

"Aunt Nat and my mom are trying to kill you again?" He nodded, looking to the ground(still in snake form) and I laughed. "What'd you do-" I was cut off by obnoxious laughing and facepalmed. Worst day for him to bother me.

"Look at Penis, talking to a snake, as if it could understand you and actually respond! Such a fucking loser!" He laughed even louder and I felt Uncle Loki getting tense, as if about to strike.

"Uncle Loki, no." I whispered and wrapped an arm around the snake on my shoulder.

"Awe, is Penis' best friend a snake?"

"Give it a rest Flash. At least he has friends, what do you have? A case of the uglies? Fuck off." MJ shook her head and I smiled, as Flash stalked off.

"Thanks MJ." She nodded and Ned walked up behind her.

"That was awesome MJ!" Ned exclaimed and she smirked.

"Of course it was, I'm Michelle Jones, I'm awesome no matter what." She flipped her hair and walked away, with sass. Ned followed, only stopping a few feet away and turned to me.

"You coming?" He asked and I nodded, glancing at Loki who kinda snuggled my neck.

"Yea, one minute." He shrugged and continued walking while I turned my head to my uncle. "Please, don't do anything." I whispered and he sighed, but nodded. I smiled and pat his head. I walked to class and sat in the back with Ned and MJ. I felt my spidey sense go off, but ignored and a paper ball hit my head. I rolled my eyes and picked it up.

"Your girlfriend can't save you from me." It read and I sighed. I threw the note in my bag and paid attention to the lesson instead, feeling my uncle seething on my shoulder. I looked down and felt nervous, not for me, but for Flash. As soon as school ended, I bolted to the car and nearly slammed the door shut. I looked forward and Uncle Happy looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"You okay kid?" He asked and I nodded, smiling.

"Yea Uncle Happy." He drove off and I babbled to him as usual. I'm pretty sure Uncle Loki was tired of my rambling and was annoyed, but didn't actually say anything. As soon as I walked into the tower, I was bombarded by Clint running away from Sam and Bucky. He hid behind me and I chuckled.

"Let me guess, you were sticking magnets to Bucky's arm again and then tried to steal Redwing which caused both of them to chase you?" He nodded and had a terrified look on his face as the two drew closer. "Hi guys!" I waved and they both paused.

"Hey Peter, what's with the snake on your shoulders?" They asked and I smiled sheepishly.

"Well, I was told I couldn't own a dog or cat. I was never told I couldn't have a snake. I found this snake on my way to school, and he took a liking to me, so I decided to keep him." It wasn't a complete lie, but it wasn't exactly the truth. I did find him on the way to school, but I found out it was Uncle Loki when I got to my locker. They nodded and I continued walking to the penthouse.

"Hey Pete, what's with the snake?" My dad greeted me as I walked into the kitchen to grab a snack.

"It's my- uh, pet now." I stuttered and he raised an eyebrow, but sighed shaking his head.

"Okay." He accepted it and I smiled. I hugged him and he ruffled my hair.

"Ugh, dad. Not the hair." I groaned and he chuckled. I fixed my hair and he pulled out a small cage thing.

"Here, for your snake." I smiled widely and grabbed it from him.

"Thank you dad!" I put the cage in my room and walked to the living room, Uncle Loki still as a snake around my neck.


I waited for Peter to go on patrol before transforming back to my glorious self and walking out of the room. I was spotted by Tony and asked what I was doing in the tower.

"I have come to talk about your son and what is going on at his school." His eyes narrowed and I rolled my eyes. I transformed back to the snake and then back after Tony seemed to get the idea.

"What about Peter?" The red headed assassin ask from behind and I sighed, leading them to the living area where everyone else was situated.

"So, what about my son and his school?" Tony repeated and I rolled my eyes once again, before getting serious.

"Peter is being bullied by a kid. Flash Thompson?" I tried to remember the insignificant boys name and they all growled.

"What?" The redhead assassin growled and I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, but is the redhead going deaf?" I asked and Tony, Bucky and Thor had to hold her back as she tried to lunge at me.

"Did you do anything?" Banner asked and I smirked.

"I would've made it so no one remembers him and he'd be gone, but Peter asked me not to do anything." I frowned towards the end and everyone looked shocked, even Tony.

"Hey everyone." We all turned to see the curly brown haired boy and he backed up a bit.

"Uh, what's going on?" He glanced at me with pleading eye and I frowned.

"Why did you not tell anyone you were getting bullied?" Tony asked and Peter sighed.

"ребенок паук.." The redhead started softly, gently caressing his cheek. "Who do I need to kill?" Her voice turned cold and Peter sighed.

"You guys can't kill or threaten a teenager!" He exclaimed and then went on a long rant for why they couldn't murder the pitiful human being.

"I'll talk to the school tomorrow, kid. Now, it's late, go to sleep." Peter yawned and obeyed, grabbing my hand and pulling me to his room.

"Wha- what are you doing?" I asked confused and he smiled at me tiredly.

"Taking you to your cage." I frowned in confusion, before realization hit me. The snake cage. I sighed and transformed into a snake, as he put me in the cage. It was embarrassing and cramped, but trust me when I say this; No one can say no to this angel. He is too innocent and even my father would cave to his adorableness.

                                                      Word Count: 1112

Requested by  therian_girl  Hope you liked it. Sorry if it wasn't what you had in mind. I thought this was a really good idea though and decided to try my best with it. Also, for those of you who are reading my other story 'The Child Who Changed Tony Stark's Life': I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! I will hopefully have another chapter posted within the next few day. Please vote and comment your opinions. Also, if you haven't already, go read my other story posted on my account!

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