Why Do They Hate Peter?

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Trigger warning. Do not read if you have mental health problems and have self worth problems.

It all started when the family moved in down the street from the compound and my dad had some company over the tower. There was a brother and sister, a scientist and a big dude that went by the ‘thing’. The siblings were Johnny and Susan Storm, the scientist was known as Reed Richard and the ‘thing’ was known as Ben Grimm. Johnny was the same age as me, Susan was about 25 years old while Reed and Ben were in their 30’s (I know this isn’t true and that they’re older, but this is for the one shot). Johnny is starting at my school tomorrow and I don’t quite know if we’ll be friends. He looks hot as fuck, but I'm sure he's straight and will just hang with Flash or the popular kids.

Johnny barely spared a glance at me the entire time they were here. It was pretty annoying and Sue had to keep giving him a look when he'd complain about being bored. When they finally left, I made eye contact with him and it made me feel tingly inside. I guess I stayed staring at the elevator for too long cause my dad gave me a weird look.

“Pete, you okay?” I shook my head and grimaced.

“Uh, yea, I'm fine. Imma go to bed.” He gave me a weird look and I just shrugged it off, continuing to my room. I stripped and hopped in my bed, falling asleep immediately.

¤¤¤¤¤¤Time Skip Brought To You By Peter Hugging Loki¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

It was 7 in the morning and I was dreading this day already. As soon as I got to the school, I realized Ned was still gone on a visit to distant family and MJ was absent. I tried to keep my head down and stay out of sight. As I was almost to my first period, I was slammed against the wall and gasped at the pain. I looked up and to no surprise, Flash was the one holding me up against the wall and the hall was completely desolate.

“What's wrong Parker? Where's your little boyfriend?” Wade.

I knew that's who he was talking about. Tears welled in my eyes and I fought to keep them in. Wade was my first boyfriend, who I had hid from my family, and when I refused to introduce him to them, he dumped me and thought I was ashamed of him.

"Oh wait, I forgot, he didn't want someone as puny and worthless like you.” After getting no response, Flash landed a hard punch to my face, causing my nose to make a cracking sound letting me know it's broken. I held back a wince and tears that were being held in, came rushing out.


Today was my first day of school and… I was lost. The person who was supposed to show me around never showed to the office and the secretary had told me he comes late often and to just wait. I was getting impatient and left the office while the secretary was busy.

I walked with my head up and hands in my pocket. I didn't know where I was going, so I just continued forward and looked for the class number I was meant to be in. As I rounded a corner, I heard a voice and listened in, though I didn't mean to be nosey.

“What's wrong Parker? Where's your boyfriend?” I searched my memory and tried to remember the name Parker, but nothing came up. “Oh wait, I forgot, he didn't want someone as puny and worthless like you are.”

It went silent for a few minutes, before a punch and a crack was heard. I shrugged it off and took a step forward, trying to avoid the situation. Isn't my problem, why should I care? I went to walk by, when I saw a familiar face, as tears were streaming from his eyes. The guy went to throw another punch when I grabbed his fist, causing him to turn to me.

“Hey, wha-”

“Look, I usually don't care for bullies, but you are messing with the wrong person. Now get out of here, before things get heated.” He narrowed his eyes and I raised an eyebrow.

“So Puny, found yourself a new boyfriend? Are you ashamed of this one too?” I raised both my eyebrows at the guy against the wall, Peter? I believe his name was and he looked down, off to the side. “Fags.” The kid spat and dropped Peter, walking away. I held in my fury and turned to the kid on the floor.

“Are you okay?” I asked and he pushed past me.

“Just stay away from me. I'm not someone to be around.” He whispered and walked off, going into the classroom I'm meant to be in. I followed and walked in to the teacher scolding the boy.

“Parker, why are you late to my class this time? Oh wait, let me guess, the internship?” The teacher rolled his eyes and I clenched my fist.


“He was showing me around Mr-”

“Jackson. So, you're my new student?” He asked and I nodded. “Well, I'll let it slide this time Mr. Parker.” Peter nodded and walked to his seat in the back, getting tripped on the way there. “Now, Mr. Storm, care to introduce yourself?”

“Not really.” I brushed him off and walked to the back, sitting next to the kid. I waited for a ‘thank you’, but it never came and I sighed. “You know, you're welcome.” I spoke and he glanced at me briefly, then looked away.

“I didn't need your help.” He replied and I went to answer, but the teacher cut me off.

“Now that we won't have anymore interruptions-” he glared at Peter and I raised an eyebrow, why do people hate him so much? “On with the lesson.”

                   Word Count: 979

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