He's My Son Too!

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"Come on Spidey, where ya at?" Uncle Clint's voice came through the coms and I struggled. The building was too heavy on top of me.


"Steve, behind you!" There was grunting on the other side and I could hear a crash, then a sigh.

"Thanks Nat."

"Kid, where are you?" Dad asked and I felt scared. I can't tell them I'm trapped under a building. What if he takes my suit again?

"Uh, guys. Anyone else see what I'm seeing?" Uncle Sam cut off my thoughts and I stopped mid struggle as an explosion went off a yard or two away. Debris sprung everywhere and pieces hit me all over. My body was in pain, but I continued to struggle with the building on top of me as darkness fought to take over.

"Everyone okay?" Uncle Steve's voice spoke out.

"All good here." Uncle Bucky and Uncle Thor spoke.

"Spidey, where are ya-"

"Guys! Clint-" I couldn't hear the rest as everything drowned out. I could no longer keep my eyes open and I wasn't going to continue fighting. My eyes shut as the dust cleared.

$$$ Tony $$$

I looked around the battle area and nearly panicked when I couldn't see my son.
"Kid, where are you?" I asked flying over head and shooting at the opposing bots. The bots went down one by one and soon, there was only a handful of them left, but no sign of my son anywhere.

"Uh, guys. Anyone else seeing what I'm seeing?" Sam's voice was heard over the beeping of the bots. Everyone stopped and started to get out of the way as the beeping got louder. An explosion went off and the whole field was blown to pieces. I got knocked back by the blast and my eyes widened. Peter.

"Everyone okay?" Steve's voice interrupted my thoughts and I flew over head.

"All good here." Bucky and Thor spoke at the same time as I frantically searched the field.

"Spidey, where are ya-" I started, but was cut off by a panicked Natasha.

"Guys! Clint got injured badly from the blast. We gotta get him back to the tower." I flew over to the two spies as everyone gathered around.

"What's wrong with him?" Vision asked and I looked around for my child.

"His arm seems to be burned pretty badly and he isn't responding." Nat explained in tears. Rhodey lifted him up carefully and flew off. Thankfully, we were closer to the tower than we usually were. We were maybe 30 minutes away, just a bit outside the city.

"Has anyone seen Peter?" I questioned concerned and that got everyone's attention.

"He's not here?" Nat asked looking around and I shook my head.

"He's not answering me." Everyone split up and went searching for my son, their beloved nephew. We all searched the entire field and anxiety built up in me looking at all the debris and fallen buildings. He could be under any of these-

"T-Tony, I found him." Wanda's voice cracked and I got scared.

"Where is he?" I asked flying overhead to hopefully see them. I flew by a building and landed as I saw Wanda's red hands glowing as she struggled to lift a piece of a building.
Once on the ground, my heart dropped. My son, my precious baby boy was stuck under the rubble of a building and I rushed over. I threw the piece of rubble and lifted my son into my arms. His suit had multiple tears and rips in it. I pulled off his mask and his eyes were closed.

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