No way...

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Stephen Strange

"Any word on how they are?" I questioned a nearby nurse in Med bay, who shook her head and I sighed. They need to be okay, they have to be okay. I was really shaken by the events and could barely focus on anything that was happening as of right now. The team were asking me questions, but all I could do was sit there numb. I should've hurried, maybe they would be-

"Strange!" Nat exclaimed, waving her hand in my face and I blinked.

"What?" I questioned and she smiled warmly at me, surprising everyone in the room.

"Doctor Huong said you can see them." I stood as fast as I could, disregarding the now cold coffee and rushing to the room. I stopped at the door and sighed in relief, when I saw him sitting up in bed, looking around the room. I walked to his bedside and grabbed his hand, holding it tightly.

"I thought I lost you.." I whispered and he smiled, leaning his forehead against mine.

"Nah, death decided I'm too good, and sent me back." He smirked and I laughed softly, leaning in to kiss him. The moment was interrupted when the kid in the bed next to us started screaming out in agony and pain. Tony attempted to get up, but I stopped him, pushing him back down. "Stephen, I have to-"

"You have to do nothing. You almost just died Tony! Relax. Your kid is fine, it's just a nightma-"

"Dad!" Peter screamed at the top of his lungs, causing both me and Tony to freeze.

"Peter-" Tony started, but was cut off.

"No! You have to bring him back!" Peter started to cry and hyperventilate. Tony stood up, wincing at the pain and walked to his son's bedside. He brushed his son's hair away from his eyes and gently hugged his bandaged up son. After Tony got shot, Peter ended up passing, while I took care of Ross *laughs evilly*. After I made sure Ross would never bother Tony or anyone else for that matter, ever again, I opened a portal and carried Tony and Peter to a stretcher in Med bay. I stopped a nearby doctor and Tony, along with Peter was taken back to be treated. Now, it seems Peter was worse than Tony, who was shot near a lung. Peter lost so much blood, he almost died. The room was gruesome and I could barely stomach the sight of blood splattered all over the the walls and floor.

"It's okay, underroos. I'm right here." Tony whispered, running his fingers through Peter's soft brown curls and whispering soothing words. Peter eventually calmed down and slowly opened his eyes.

"D-dad?" He croaked and Tony smiled, tears streaming down his face. "I-I thought you-you-" Peter's eyes filled with tears once again, hugging Tony tightly, and only pulled back when Tony winced. "You did get shot?" He questioned and Tony nodded, causing Peter to look down guiltily.

"I would get shot more times over if it means I can keep you safe." Tony smiled and Peter wiped a tear.

"But, I don't want you to get shot...." Peter whimpered crying once again, and in that moment, Tony saw the 7 year old kid he saved that day in New York when the Hammer drones were attacking.

"Aw, kid..." Tony whispered, hugging his kid once again, before pulling back and becoming serious. "Look at me." Peter reluctantly looked at Tony and Tony wiped his tears. "I promise, I'm not going to leave you, ever. I'll beat death's ass several times over, just to stay with you." Tony winked and Peter gave a light smile.

"What would Cap think of that language?" Tony chuckled and I smiled at the two. If anything were to happen to these two people, I'd kill whoever took them away from me and then kill myself to be with them, that's how important they are to me. 

Did you really think I'd leave Tony dead? You must be out of yall's fuckin minds. Lol, but yea,  they're all alive :)

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