I'm Sorry

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Continuation of 'Where's Peter?'.  Trigger warning; some of the words and imagery in this one shot may cause you to be triggered. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

"What do you mean Peter's missing?! You can't find him?!" Tony screamed picking up the phone, close to having a full on panic attack.

"He went to the bathroom and when Ned went to go look for him, he came to me exclaiming he couldn't find him-" The words became distant and he couldn't hear what she said next. Tony's throat felt constricted and he fell to his knees. The world around him started to spin and his lungs hurt from lack of oxygen.

"Hey Tony- Tony!" Pepper screamed and ran to his side, Rhodey beside her. Pepper tried to calm him down as Rhodey picked up the fallen phone. He walked away and a few minutes later, walked back over with a worried look on his face.

"Peter's missing." Rhodey spoke and Pepper's face dropped. Tony composed himself and put on his nano glasses, his nanosuit forming around him. He took off towards Chuck E. Cheese and ran in as soon as he got there. Mrs. Leeds spotted him right away, and ran in his direction.

"Mr. Stark, I'm so sorry. I turned my back for a second and-" Tony held up his hand to stop her and turned to the front counter. He walked over briskly and the employee's eyes widened a fraction.

"I need your security tape." Tony spoke and the employee sputtered for a minute or two before nodding and rushing to get the tape. She came back a minute later and Tony grabbed the item in her hands, quickly having F.R.I.D.A.Y. play it. Tony skipped to where his son was in the video and pressed play. His eyes darkened when he saw a guy walk out of the bathroom carrying his kid, who was passed out in his arms. He clicked to the outside camera recording and looked closer at the van, watching his son get thrown into the van and watching the guy tie his son up to a pole. It pissed Tony off to see that there was no license plate and he watched as the van pulled off, his son still in the back. Tony took off to the tower and landed on the launching pad. The suit began to detach and he walked into the lounge where all the Avengers were, frustration clear on his face and close to tears.

"Hey Tony, where's our little nephew?" Bucky asked and Tony ignored, walking to the kitchen instead. He grabbed one of his liquor bottles and held it up, looking at the contents of the full bottle. Since he had Peter, he cut down on the alcohol, only drinking it during special occasions. His grip tightened and he threw it at the wall, the glass shattering and the content of the bottle going everywhere.

"Tony! What happened?!" The Avengers ran into the room at the sound of glass breaking and froze, seeing Tony crying. They saw the bottle and figured he threw it. "Tony-"

"He's gone Nat." Tony said, voice void of emotion.

"What do you mean Tony? Who's gone?" Steve asked confused and Tony stayed looking at the broken glass, flinching when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Peter! Someone took Peter! My son is missing and I don't know who took him! M-my s-son." Tony ended with a whimper and gasps were heard all around the kitchen.

"We'll find him Tony. Nat-" Steve turned to Natasha and she nodded, walking out of the room, phone to her ear; probably contacting Fury.

"We'll get him back Tony." Bucky spoke up, determination evident in his voice. He would do anything to have his nephew back and wouldn't stop until he's home safe. Everyone went to do anything and everything they could to try and locate the hyperactive 7 year old who wormed his way into their hearts.

"We'll find you Peter, no matter what it costs." Tony swore, wiping his eyes and walking to his lab to evaluate the tape further.

~~~~~~~With Peter~~~~~~~
"Y-you." Peter whispered and the man smiled a sickening smile, his hands clasped as he watched the boy with an evil glint evident in his eyes.

"We're gonna have some fun with you." The man spoke, and Peter curled up even more, if possible, attempting to hide himself in the shadows. The man cackled and walked closer. He picked Peter up by the hair and Peter let out a blood curdling scream from the immense pain he felt. "No one can save you. You're Hydra's now." He threw peter and the 7 year old's body crashed into the wall, a sickening crack sounding through out the room. The man closed the door and Peter tried to stay awake.

"Daddy.. I'm sorry.." Peter whispered, before the darkness took over. Someone will save me.. right?

                                                                                    Word Count: 778

Part 3? Sorry it took so long, was kinda busy. 

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