The Museum..

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"Sweetie, you need to come out. It's been two weeks. You can't stay in there forever." Susan tried to reason with her daughter as she lay in bed. Muffled sounds were leaving the room and Susan had barely heard it.

"Go away." MJ muttered and Tom walked upto the door.

"Michelle, this is ridiculous. Come out here this minute, or else." Tom tried to threaten, as the door opened and MJ stood there, arms crossed and her puffy eyes glared at the man she calls father.

"Or else, what? You'll ground me? You'll take away my phone? Good luck with that." MJ slammed and locked the door behind her as she lay in bed, sobbing. 

"Michelle, you don't know him. He could-"

"I don't know him?!" MJ exclaimed as she stormed to the door, unlocking and slamming it open. "You're the one who doesn't know him!"

"He's probably a spoiled child, who gets everything he wants. He probably-"

"You don't know him! He's not like that and will never be like that! Peter is the most amazing person ever. He has a heart of gold. Full of kindness, passion, charm, and he doesn't spend money on himself. He's always worried about other people, and risk everything to keep anyone safe. Don't tell me I don't know him. I've been dating him for 2 years, before you two came home.
He was the one who stayed by my side. Wiped my eyes when I cried. Sang me to sleep when I couldn't fall asleep on my own. Pushed me to do better. He's been here the entire time. You just met him and are making judgements based off of his father. He's nothing like Tony, and Tony isn't as bad as you think. Go do some research, before you judge my boyfriend." With that, MJ pushed passed her shocked parents and walked out of the house.

"Michelle Jones, where do you think you're going?!" Her father yelled after her, but ignored and slipped on her earbuds as she walked.

☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Fast Forward Brought To You By My Readers Making Up Their Own Endings(which are all pretty good, btw)☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Peter was swinging around town, looking for any criminals to take down and distract himself with. He's been patrolling nonstop the past few weeks after the whole situation at the Jones' household. He didn't want to be home and answer anyone, so he just continued to patrol, till the early hours of the morning. He'd get about 4 hours of sleep each night, the thoughts of those people's deaths still fresh in his mind. 

"Peter, come home." Tony's voice spoke through the speaker and Peter turned off his communication line. It wasn't until Tony showed up in his suit that Peter collapsed on the building he was currently swinging to. Tony landed near him and retracted his suit. "Pete-"

"Th-those people who died in Afghanistan… what did you do for their families?" Peter asked and Tony's eyes widened. Peter left his mask on as he watched his shocked father.

"I-I haven't-"

"Why?" Peter asked in tears.

"When I came back and was in the middle of recovery, Stane- Obadiah Stane wanted power. It was him who sold Stark's tech to the enemies. He's the reason I was captured in the first place, and he tried to take my life shortly after I returned. After a long battle with Stane, came the battle of my anxiety and Justin Hammer. I haven't really-"

"We need to do something now, dad." Peter interrupted and Tony raised an eyebrow.

"Kid, that was over 8 years ago. Its too-"

"It's not too late dad! You turned your company from making weapons, to making phones and other technology! If it wasn't too late for that, then why is it too late to do something now?" Peter asked, almost pleading. It never crossed his mind how the families who didn't have someone return to them, felt after that. When his dad came home, that was all he cared about. He wasn't being selfish, but his dad hadn't been found for months, he thought he was gone. He did however, pray for the families and people killed from his father's inventions. 

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