The Avengers Are Pardoned...

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"Wh-what are you?" Peter stuttered as he looked in the mirror at the thing that attached itself to him.

He was on patrol when he came upon this black liquidy thing and as he walked closer to it, the thing jumped at him. He wasn't sure what it was and it wouldn't come off, so he swung back to the tower. He entered his room immediately, ignoring his father and mother as he wanted to investigate what it was. Once in his room, the thing made itself known by forming itself around his suit.

"I am Venom." The voice was deep and kinda animalistic. Peter was slightly concerned as to what it was.

"What are you?" He asked and the symbiote formed a head over his own.

"I am from the planet of symbiote."  Peter forced its head back and tilted his head in confusion.

"What do you want?" Peter asked scared and the symbiote was silent.

"Hey kid, I gotta tell you something." Tony, aka Peter's father, spoke through the door and Venom receded back to wherever he hid. Peter opened the door cautiously and Tony raised an eyebrow. "You okay, kiddo?"

"Uh, yea. Long day on patrol." Peter chuckled nervously and Tony nodded slowly, very suspicious.

"O...kay… anyway kid, you know how the other Avengers were trying to fix the accords..?" Tony asked his kid slowly and Peter nodded. "They were pardoned.." Tony finished and Peter tilted his head.

"Okay, and….?"

"They're coming to the tower." Peter didn't know how to feel about this confession, so he just stared blankly.


"Okay?" Tony repeated confused and Peter nodded, sighing.

"Yea, I have homework to do, so can you leave?" Tony nodded and stood, still suspicious. After the door was shut, the symbiote crawled to his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" The symbiote asked noticing the human's discomfort and Peter frowned.

"The leader of the rogue Avengers almost killed my father and now he's coming back to the tower." Peter spat as he clenched his fist. He heard the plane land on the helipad and Peter sighed. As long as nothing went wrong while they're here, he'll try to get along. Peter stood and walked to the door. He walked out and was surprised to see everyone greeting his dad as if nothing had happened.

"Who's that?" Black widow asked with raised eyebrows as she pointed at Peter and everyone's attention was pulled to the teen.

"He looks to be 15." Wanda chimed in.

"I'm 16." Peter corrected and Tony walked to his son, putting an arm over his shoulder.

"This is my son, Peter." Tony mentioned looking at Peter with caring eyes and everyone was shocked.

"You don't have a son, Stark." Falcon pointed out and Tony narrowed his eyes.

"I took him in a while ago, Sam." Tony replied hastily and that was when the all high and mighty walked off the plane.

"Is this some charity case type thing, Tony?" The Captain America asked as he crossed his arms in disapproval and Tony narrowed his eyes.

"No, Steve. I care for the kid. He's my son."

"You and I both know, you care for no one, but yourself. You don't even care for your teammates, the ones who saved your ass more than once." Steve said, arms crossed and Peter felt his blood boil.

"Release your anger." Venoms voice flooded Peter's mind and he slightly shook his head.

"Says the one who almost killed his teammate for a murderer." Tony spoke coldly and Steve let out a humorless laugh.

"If I wanted you dead, Stark. You'd already be ten feet under." Steve spoke with venom and Peter couldn't control his anger.

"You bastard!" Peter exclaimed and Venom took over as he went after the Captain. Everyone's eyes widened and Tony had his suit around him before Peter killed the traitor.

"Pete, don't." Tony tried to get through, but Peter had no control.

"He almost killed you!" Venom's voice hissed and Tony's eyes widened. This was not his son. After several failed attempts, the group finally got Peter off of the Captain and Venom receded.

"Kid, what was that?" Tony asked concerned and Peter continued to look at the captain with fire filled eyes.

"His name is venom. He's an alien symbiote." Peter answered and Tony stepped in front of Peter.

"We need to get rid of-"

"No." Peter stopped his sentence and Tony's eyes widened.

"Kid, you almost killed-"

"I don't care. He almost killed you."

"That was the past Pete. This isn't you. You would never hurt someone."

"I've changed."

"Do you know what it's like to have someone die because of anger?" Tony tried to reason, but Peter was still angry. Tony pulled him to another room and held him in his arms. "Peter, this thing is dangerous. You're not the kid I know. If you accidentally end up killing someone from anger, that's it. You'll have that on your conscious forever." Peter still stayed stubborn, but seemed to be leaning towards his father. "Think of your uncle Ben."

"With great power, comes a greater responsibility." Uncle Ben's voice filled Peter's mind and Peter fell to the floor in tears. The symbiote tried to argue with Peter, by invading his mind, but Peter wasn't having it. The symbiote escaped while Tony engulfed his son in a hug.

"I'm sorry." Peter whispered as his father held him tightly.

"Its okay son." Tony whispered back. They walked back out to the living area and Peter was formally introduced to the rest of the team. Peter apologized to the cap, but he was still on ice for almost killing Tony.

                      Word Count: 942

This book is back! I posted a few chapters of 'the Child Who Changed Tony Stark's Life' and now, back to updating this story. I hope you guys enjoyed and I'm so sorry it's shit. Could not really think of how to write this. This prompt was given by radrosesxx hope you liked it.

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