Victims... Part 2; Revenge

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In a lot of cases around the world, a lot of people who were victims; whether they were a victim of alcohol abuse, victims of rape, victims of child abuse, turn into the projection onto other's lives. They turn around and do the same thing they've witnessed, whether as a kid or older, many people reflect what they've been through by following in someone's footsteps. When someone wrongs these type of people, a lot of times they become the same thing they had happen to them. These type of people become the very person they were wronged by.

In this situation, it's revenge. People were looking over their shoulders after what they did. Others wanted revenge and were doing whatever it takes to get back at the wrong doers. That's why, currently Peter is looking over his shoulder at school. His father could be anywhere, or his Uncle Sam, or Uncle Rhodey, or Uncle Bucky, or his Uncle Steve. He had to be on toes in case of any scenario he could think of happening. 

"Bro, did you hear about the surprise class trip?" Ned asked Peter as he sat down next to his best friend.

"Surprise trip? When was this decided?" Peter questioned as he raised an eyebrow and Ned smiled.

"This morning dude. Our science class is going on a trip for the whole day." Ned explained and Peter smiled.

"Where is it?" Peter asked and Ned frowned.

"They didn't say. But dude, a whole day away from school? I don't care where we go!" Ned exclaimed and Peter chuckled.

"I agree. I would love to be away from school for the day." That way my dad and uncles can't get me. 

"Okay, Mr. Harrington's class, it appears you are dismissed. Have fun on your trip and be sure to do your homework." Mrs. Irene spoke and the two best friend's fist bumped, before exiting the classroom. Once they arrived at the bus, they were curious as the windows had a one sided looking glass. You could see in the bus, but not out and Flash was the first to speak.

"Mr. Harrington, where is the trip to? Also, why can't we see out the window?"

"I will not be telling you where we're going. All of your parents got a call asking permission for you to go, so don't worry about that. As for why you can't see outside, we want to keep you guessing until we arrive." Everyone groaned as the bus took off and Peter felt something bad in his gut. He chose to just write it off as it being because of not knowing where he was going to. Soon the bus stopped and everyone stood.

"Can you tell us where we are now?" Flash asked and Mr. Harrington chuckled.

"I could tell you, or you all could see for yourselves." Mr. Harrington said as he walked off the bus and everyone followed. Once outside, everyone was stunned and Peter flushed.

"Everyone, welcome to Stark Tower." Mr. Harrington announced and everyone began to chatter cheerfully, while Flash smirked at Peter.

"Guess Penis Parker over here will finally be exposed as a liar." Peter groaned and smacked his forehead. 

"This is why dad told me to have a good day at school with a smirk." Peter muttered and Ned raised an eyebrow.


"I kinda pranked my uncles and dad yesterday and they've turned on me. Now they're going to get back at me with this tour." Peter groaned and Ned laughed, patting his friend's back.

"Man, and MJ's here too. Nice knowing you, man." Ned chuckled as Peter blushed and hit his head against the bus.

"I hate my life." 

"Alright students, let's go on the tour!" Mr. Harrington exclaimed as they walked inside. Maria, an intern, ran over to greet the groups and Peter saw the evil glint in her eyes. She's in on it too?! Who else did they rope into this?! 

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