Morgan H. Stark..

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"Introducing the new addition to our family, Morgan H. Stark." Tony announced as he held the newborn in his arms and smiled at the group in the hospital room. Tony placed Morgan back into Pepper's arms and Natasha raised an eyebrow.
"What does the "H" stand for?" 
"Hope?" Steve questioned and Bucky shook his head.
"Hannah?" Bucky asked and Sam smirked.
"Hanna without an 'h' at the end?" 
"Hanna without an 'h' at the end sounds retarded. Who the he-"
"Language!" Steve exclaimed as he gave Bucky the eyebrows of disappointment and Bucky looked exasperated.
"Steve, he started-"
"Okay children, do you wanna know what the 'H' in her name stands for?" Tony asked in annoyance and before anyone could say anything, Clint fell from the air ducts above.
"Henrietta!" The spy exclaimed and everyone looked at him with an 'are-you-stupid?' look.
"What the- Clint, I thought I told you to stay out of the vents?" Tony said and the blonde shrugged, looking towards the baby.
"So, is her middle name Henrietta?" Clint asked and Tony shook his head.
"I'll tell you all when-"
"Sorry we're late!"
"I was-"
"Glad you two finally showed up to meet your little sister." Pepper interrupted the two teens and they looked to the ground.
"Sorry, mom." Peter apologized as he sighed and Harley put his hand on his brother's shoulder.
"Anyway, now that my sons are here. Morgan's middle name is.. Hermione." Tony smiled and Peter looked up with a small smile.
"You-you named her after a character in Harry Potter?" Wanda asked with surprise and Harley grinned.
"Do you finally understand everything?" Harley questioned and Tony sighed.
"I had to rewatch it several times, Peter got mad at me so I had to watch it with Pepper and she fell asleep. I believe I understand it, but… I don't-" (30 votes and 50 comments for the Harry Potter One Shot, Since We All Know How Much Tom Holland Loves Harry Potter)
"Can-can I have the first dance with her?" Peter asked and everyone looked at him with wonder.
"Peter, she's-"
"I know, she's a newborn. It's just- the first dance she should have is with someone who would never hurt her. Although that should be dad, I-"
"Dad, I think he should." Harley intervened and Tony nodded, raising an eyebrow. Peter looked to Pepper and she smiled kindly. 
"Okay Peter, just be really careful with her." Pepper agreed and Peter gently took Morgan into his arms. 
He held her close to him and danced in a circle, making sure to cradle her head. He danced around with her for a bit and Tony looked to his other son.
"Did something-"
"He's going through a lot, right now.." Harley spoke as he watched his brother and sister with empathy. 
"Right…" Tony nodded and sighed. 
He'd find out what happened later, he would also get the footage from Friday's security cameras and save it forever. However, for right now, he watched his oldest son dance with his newborn, pain and sorrow hiding in his son's eyes.

♤♤♤ Scene Change Brought To You By Peter And Harley Being Close Brothers ♤♤♤

"Okay, now.. what's wrong?" Tony asked as he and his sons walked to his lab. Peter walked over to his suit and started to work on it, ignoring his father. "Peter-"
"Nothing, dad." The curly haired teen spoke as he kept his eyes on his suit and switched tools.
"Well, it doesn't seem like-" Tony started, but Peter shook his head, still looking at his suit.
"It's nothing, just focused on-"
"Peter, you can't lie-" Peter cut Tony off with annoyance and Tony had his arms crossed.
"And you can't pressure me to tell you-"
"Well, if you would just tell-"
"I shouldn't have to tell you-"
"If you're living under my roof-" Tony's voice started to get louder and Peter glared at his suit, before shaking his head.
"Then I'll move out!" Peter finished the argument as he slammed the tool in his hand on the table and looked up in annoyance/anger. 
"Peter.." Tony trailed off as he realized he pushed his kid too far and Harley started to walk towards his brother.
"Peter, you surely don't mean that-" 
"Harley, I-I need to go." Peter spoke as he ran to the elevator and took it up to his room. 
He locked his door and pushed his dresser in front of it. He packed a bag of important stuff and put his suit on. He walked over to his window and opened it, taking one last look at his room. A knock was at his door and he sighed, pulling his mask down.
"Sorry, dad. Harley. Mom. Morgan. I can't stay.." Peter whispered as a tear fell and he shot his web at a nearby window, while the knocking got louder and Tony yelled for his son.
"Peter, open the door!" Tony exclaimed as he tried to open it, but failed. "Friday, unlock Peter's door." 
"The door is unlocked, sir. However, there is an object blocking the door from being open." Friday announced and Tony frowned.
"What is it?" The adult asked as he looked to Harley and the teen was upset.
"It appears to be a dresser." Tony sighed and walked out to the living room. He saw Clint and wanted to bite his tongue, but knew he needed the spy to do the one thing he hated.
"Hey Katniss, I need you to climb in the vents to Peter's room." 
"Woah, did he pull a prank on you or something?" Clint smirked and Tony frowned.
"No, he covered the door with a dresser and I need to know if he left or not. Friday won't give me a trace on him and he seemed troubled." Tony spoke, vaguely describing the situation and Natasha looked up from the couch.
"Why would my oldest nephew leave?" She asked with her arms crossed as she stood and Tony sighed.
"He wasn't telling me what's wrong and I pushed him too far. I brought up that he lives under my roof and he said he'll leave then. He ran to his room and now I can't get in there." Tony explained and Natasha narrowed her eyes.
"He's already gone." Harley announced and everyone turned to the teen. 
"What do you mean "he's already gone"?" Tony asked with a raised eyebrow and Harley looked to the side.
"That argument… Peter planned for it.." Harley explained, pain in his eyes and Natasha was surprised.
"Why would he fake an-"
"I don't know anything else, but.. Peter definitely wasn't himself and that argument..? Seemed forced, like he didn't want to have it, but he needed to." Harley explained and Sam, who had just entered from the kitchen, raised an eyebrow.
"And you would know this, because..?"
"He's my brother, Uncle Sam.. I would know. He wasn't himself and though I'm not like him with powers, I am the closest person to him. Something's wrong with him and it's scaring him to the point he feels he needs to distance himself.." Harley explained as he clenched his fists and turned to leave. "If you don't believe me, then I guess I'll just have to show you myself." Harley muttered as he walked to his room as well.
                  Word Count: 1,223

Okay, so as a sort of distraction from this COVID19 thing, I want to make a one shot where Infinity war and Endgame never happened. However, Morgan is still born and Harley is her brother along with Peter. Part 2, though? Please vote and comment your opinions.

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