The Angel Known As Peter Parker(Stark)

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Dedicated to ripnuami for requesting it. Hope you like it.

It was a normal day for Peter. Ned was rambling on about Peter's-Spider man's- latest crime stopping and MJ was reading her one of her usual books, while Flash kept smirking back at Peter. Peter had just gotten back yesterday from a week long mission with the Avengers and today was his first day back, Peter was too tired to wonder why Flash kept smirking at him.

"They say the guys Spiderman stopped was wanted for several crimes around the area and-" Ned's ramble was cut short as the teacher entered the room, a giddy smile on his face.

"So class, as you know we are going on a field today, but unless your parents told you where we are going, some of you don't know." Peter turned to Ned in surprise and he shrugged his shoulders. He knew there was a field trip, but his mother refused to tell him. "Now, the moment I'm sure you all have been waiting for... The trip is to Stark Tower!" The teacher announced and everyone cheered, while Peter looked up towards the ceiling. Why did whoever is up in the sky hate him? "Once the bell rings, everyone will follow me out to the bus and we'll be on our way to Stark Tower." Mrs. Kelly announced and the children sat talking to one another, while waiting anxiously for the bell to ring.

"So Penis, ready for your lies to come to an end?" Flash taunted, but Peter ignored, thinking of all the embarrassment to come, instead. He was just thankful certain people-Shuri, Loki, Thor and Ripnuami- weren't there as well. Except, this wouldn't be a Peter Parker story if his Parker Luck didn't come into play, now would it? The awaited bell finally went off and jerked Peter from his thoughts. Everyone stood and as they exited the classroom, Flash tripped Peter -who was still distracted with his thoughts to notice his spider senses go off- causing Peter to fall flat on his face. Flash bent down close to Peter and whispered in his ear.

"Next time, don't ignore me Puny." Flash laughed as he walked away and Ned helped Peter up, glaring at the back of Flash.

"I wish someone would knock Flash off his high horse. You should just let Shuri, Loki, Nat, or Ripnuami take care of him." Ned suggested and Peter sighed, wiping the dirt off his clothes as he walked to the bus next to one of his best friends.

"I would love to, but no one deserves that torment. Besides, it's not flashes fault, I've seen how his home life is and it's not the best." Peter's voice got quiet towards the end as they boarded the bus and Ned shook his head.

"You're too good of a person, man." Peter chose to ignore that statement and focused on more important matters, instead.

Maybe the Avengers are busy on a mission? No, they said they were taking the day off. Maybe, they will be busy and won't know about the field trip? After all, the one who gave permission was May and she's currently traveling the world with her fiance Liam. The only ones who might know are Tony and Pepper, but Tony barely pays attention to who is taking a tour of the building, so that leaves Pepper. Maybe I should send a text to make sure the others don't know? Yea, I'll do that.

Just as Peter took out his phone, he heard gasps and looked up to see they've arrived at the tower. Even Ned was looking out of the window in awe and MJ quickly masked her surprise. Peter decided to text Pepper anyway and went to her contact, just as everyone started evacuating the bus. Peter followed, typing a quick text.

Son- Please tell me no one else knows about my class taking a tour?

Momma Pepper- Sorry Pete, Tony forced me to tell him. They all know, and it gets worse. What could be worse?

Momma Pepper- Loki, Shuri and Ripnuami are here visiting as well.

Peter facepalmed and groaned, causing Flash to smirk, thinking it was from something else. They walked inside and Flash drifted to the back, walking next to Peter.

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