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Continuation and final part of 'Where's Peter' and 'I'm Sorry'. Trigger warning; some of the words and imagery in this one shot may cause you to be triggered. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

It's been 3 months and still no sign of Peter anywhere. It's been hectic and none of the Avengers had been sleeping, but the worst was Tony. He's been holed up in his lab, replaying the security clip over and over, hoping to find even the slightest clue to who took his little ball of sunshine. No one could get Tony to do anything and it was always a fight between Pepper, Rhodey, Steve and himself, to sleep or eat. It was one of those nights tonight.

"Tony, what would Peter think if he saw you not eating or sleeping?" Steve asked, that was always Tony's weak point. He couldn't bare thinking of how his son would react to the state his father was in. Tony sighed, hanging his head.

"I-I can't stop. My son is out there, probably alone and scared. I promised him, I promised nothing bad would happen to him as long as I'm around, and the one day I told him to go without me, he goes missing.. What kind of father am I?! I'm Iron Man for fuck's sake! It's been three fucking miserable months and still no leads!" Tony exclaimed and Pepper wrapped him in a hug.

"Tony, it's not your fault. Peter wouldn't like you blaming yourself, and you know it. We'll find him, but you can't keep going on like this." Rhodey frowned at his best friend. He was blaming himself, and it truly wasn't his fault. Tony gave in and followed Pepper to his room, stumbling along the way. He crashed onto his bed and Pepper tucked him in, Tony's eyes closing as soon as his head hit the pillow.


Dull eyes stared at the blank wall in front of him, all the light that was in his eyes, now nowhere to be found. Hope of being found was lost during the middle of the first month when the experimenting began. Now all light in the room was gone and the room's temperature was in the negatives, causing Peter to barely stay conscious. After the first month of experimenting, Peter had been trained and beaten constantly. The worst pain is the man behind all of this. Peter would recognize him anywhere. It was the man who killed his mother that night all those years ago. He thought and hoped- no prayed he'd never see this murderer ever again.

The door opened, and Peter wanted so badly to back up, but the cold prevented him from even moving a finger. The wicked man grinned, intentions to start another beating for the 7 year old clear in his eyes. The man had a whip in one hand and a knife in the other. Peter let out an inaudible sound and the man laughed. After the beating, Peter felt on the verge of death. He could barely breathe and was going in and out of consciousness. He's lost so much blood and it was so cold. His now heightened hearing caused him to hear what was going on outside. Yells and footsteps were heard outside along with explosions and more yelling. The door swung open and Iron Man was the last thing he saw before passing out, a sort of smile on his face. Tony picked his son up carefully, killing everyone in his way out to the quinjet and rushed to the stretcher gently. Bruce came over and gasped, quickly getting to work to save the kid. Tony heard the team tell him to head home, and to just send a jet back to get them.Tony told the pilot and the pilot took off to the tower. Peter woke up for a few minutes and looked directly at Tony, the smile that hadn't seen light in 3 months, making its way to Peter's face.

"Y-you c-came. I-i l-love y-you d-daddy.." Peter trailed off, falling unconscious once again. Tony smiled sadly, holding his son's hand and trying to stay out of Bruce's way.

"I love you Peter." Tony told the passed out child, tears of relief and sadness. I can't believe it took this long to find you, but I'm glad I found you.

~~~~~~~Before Tony found Peter~~~~~~~


I jerked awake from my slumber, sweat and tears mixing as both rolled off my face. I sighed, just another nightmare. I looked over at the time. 5:36 in the morning and I groaned. I looked over and saw Pepper soundlessly asleep and almost smiled, she was adorable. I looked towards my dresser, almost cringing when my eyes landed on a picture. It was a picture from when I first got Peter. I fell asleep on the couch, cuddling the adorable child. Pepper took it and framed it for Peter to give me on Christmas. I choked back the tears and went to my lab to see if I might get a lead today.

"Tony! We found him!" Nat yelled walking into the lab and I dropped everything in my hands and turned to see Nat smiling sadly and Bucky with a frown and a tear rolling down his face.

"W-where?" I stuttered, my heart racing.

"In a HYDRA base outside the city." Fury's voice boomed and my eyes widened. I put my sunglasses on and my suit formed around me.

"Let's go get my son." I was the first to arrive, the avengers appearing moments later. We pushed through the bad guys and Nat told me to go look for Peter. I nodded and took off, killing anyone and everyone in my way. I checked every cell, and froze when I reached the last one. A guy walked out and I gagged at all the blood on his hands. His hands were drenched and the smell in the room was enough to make me wanna puke. I held the man against the wall and he smirked.

"Came to save the rat, huh?" The guy smirked. "Probably should've killed his father as well." The man grinned and I punched him.

"You bastard! If he is hurt, you are fucking dead." I threw the man and shot both his legs so he couldn't move. I kicked the door in and nearly died at the sight. Blood was splattered all over and an almost unrecognizable form was in the corner of the room. I gasped and ran to the small figure. I checked for a pulse and was slightly relieved to find one, but panicked when it felt weak. I walked out of the room and told Nat to keep the guy alive and bring him back to the tower. My son is more important, but once Peter is safe and no longer on the verge of death, I have plans for the man who nearly killed my son.

                                                                     Word Count: 1106

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