No One Should Be Alone on Christmas!

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I woke up and sighed as the other side of the bed was empty and cold. "Merry Christmas to me.." I muttered and bit my lip to stop from crying. I got up, with a struggle of course, and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hair, then walked out.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen, half asleep and kept running into things. I made some hot cocoa and walked to the living room, waving to Peter, and his family then walked back to the kitchen. I got my hot chocolate and my eyes grew wide. I placed my mug down and ran to the living room. It was all decorated, which was surprising, cause I didn't do it, and Peter was sitting under the tree with a bow on his head. Shuri was sitting beside him, a bow in her hair, and everyone else was on the couches.

"What are you guys doing here?!" I exclaimed embracing Shuri and Peter then everyone else.

"Well,I'm visiting with my brother and we're staying with the Avengers. We found out from Peter over there that you were alone this Christmas and decided to come spend it with you instead. It was all Peter's idea." Wanda inputted and Peter blushed.

"Awe, Petie. You're the best. I thought you were going to Hawaii with May though?" I asked and he smiled sheepishly.

"I kind of, ran away?" he questioned and my eyes widened yet again.

"Peter! You can't just do that! What about your Aunt?" I exclaimed and he smiled.

"She was cool with it. Besides, I told my princess I'd be home for Christmas, didn't I?" I smiled and we spent the rest of the day watching Christmas movies and opening presents.

                                                                             Word Count: 291

Just a cute little Christmas one-shot. Hope you like it. After this one I will be posting younger Peter one-shots. I know I said that in the last chapter thingy, but I wanted to post this cutie of Spideychelle and a hint of Shuri.

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