The Coma..

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"What did you do!? Peter hasn't come out of his room in a week! Now he's in the hospital!" Natasha exclaimed as soon as Mr. Jones opened the door and he rolled his eyes.

"Ok? So? Stark probably beats him." Natasha smacked Mr. Jones and glared at him.

"I don't want to hear you say such bullshit about my friend's son. My nephew tried to kill himself. Peter has PTSD and your daughter was the only one besides the team that could ever help him through anything.
Did you know Peter allows himself to get bullied so you're daughter and their mutual friend doesn't get hurt. The kid was picking on MJ. He was calling her names and grabbing her inappropriately but Peter saw it and immediately came to her rescue.

Peter didn't throw the first punch, but instead roasted the kid so hard that the kid now only picks on Peter. He comes home bloodied and bruised every few days, but he won't let us do anything about it because he doesn't want the kid to go back to hurting your daughter and their friend. Peter even took a bullet for MJ once. Did you know that?" Mr Jones, looked at her in horror. Had he really treated the person who saved his daughter that badly? 


"I don't want to hear it. My nephew is stuck in the hospital because of you and your bullshit. Peter already has enough going on and you telling him he can't be with his girlfriend just because of who his father is.. that's just despicable. Maybe try getting to know who he is, before you try to make judgements." Natasha said bitterly and left him on the steps.

She pulled up to the hospital and got out of the car quickly. She took the elevator to the 2nd floor and walked slowly to his room. He had wires attached to his body and a tube going down his throat. He was extremely pale and thin from not eating. If they had found him a minute later, he would've been gone. 

"Is he doing any better?" A small, quiet voice asked as the door opened behind Natasha.

"He's been in a coma for the past two days. The doctors don't know when or… if he'll wake up.." A tear rolled down both of their cheeks as they hugged each other.  "I'll give you two alone time." Natasha whispered, pulling back from the hug and walking to the door, with one last glance to Peter. 

"Hey Peter, it's me.. I'm so sorry, but you need to wake up. I need to see your big brown doe eyes. I need your arms wrapped around, laughing or giving sweet little kisses. I need to protect me, like you always have. I need you.." MJ finished as more tears fell and she grabbed his hand. She looked down as she played with his fingers and she gasped when she saw his hand twitch. She looked up at him and his eyes fluttered open slightly.

"You're here." Peter whispered and MJ covered her mouth. She hugged him by his neck and kissed his neck.

"I missed you." MJ whispered as she leaned in and kissed him. 

■■■■■■■ Fast Forward 5 Years In The Future Brought To You By The Writer Being Suckish And Using A Scene From The Greatest Showman ■■■■■■■■■■■■

"Dont forget to push his face down in the cake!" Tony yelled out as Peter and MJ sliced the cake. Pictures were taken as MJ flung the first piece of cake into Peter's face as he was distracted.

"You little…" Peter muttered and MJ smirked.

"Talking about yourself?" Peter smirked and MJ looked confused.

"That's not what you were saying the other night." Peter winked and MJ blushed. Pepper smacked Peter's arm and Peter held his hands up in defense.

"We were spooning mom! Nothing else happened!" MJ burst out laughing as Pepper scalded Peter and lectured him on the importance of private conversations and public conversations.

"Good job loser." MJ smirked at her husband and he grinned, pulling her by the hand as he walked by her. She twirled into his chest and he smirked, looking eye to eye(he grew taller in those 5 years, so they're the same height as long as she doesn't wear heels). 

"Well you married this loser." He chuckled and she smiled.

"Indeed I did." She said as her eyes closed and she kissed him. The crowd around them 'awed' except a few.

"Get a room!" Tony yelled.

"Steve! Theres PDA in here!" Sam yelled and Steve put his hand on his face, dragging it down slowly.

"Alright, who told Sam about the language thing?! It just slipped out!" Steve yelled out to the crowd.

"That's my daughter and son-in-law!" The two pulled away from the kiss and turned to Mr. Jones. Peter had his arm around MJ's shoulder and MJ smiled at her father.

"Thank you again, Mr. Jones for your blessings." Peter graced and Mr. Jones smiled.

"Anything to keep my daughter happy. I… was wrong about you and wrongfully assumed the type of person you are, and for that, I paid for your honeymoon fully." Mr. Jones spoke and MJ's face contorted to a worried look as Peter got ready to object.

"Daddy, are you sure?" MJ asked worriedly and he chuckled.

"Sir, my dad could help-"

"No, no. I'm sure. Your mother and I have been saving for your honeymoon. Please, let us do this for you? Both of you?" Mr. Jones asked hopefully and MJ smiled while Peter grinned.

"Okay. Where are we going?" Peter asked and Mr. Jones smiled, putting his arm around his wife's waist who had just joined the group with cups.

"On an all paid for expense trip for a cruise all around the Carribean islands." Mr. Jones announced and MJ smiled.

"Thank you so much, dad."

"Thank you so much, Mr-"

"Son, we're family now, so call me dad." Mr. Jones hugged him. 

               Word Count: 1003

Another alternate ending to 'Meeting MJ's Parents'.

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