A Cold Night and a Sad Murder..

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The scared 5 year old ran, ran away from the screams and blood. So much blood. It horrified the tiny kid and he didn't know where to run. His mother lay slain on the freezing cold streets of New York, the boy barely able to escape the scene. He ran as fast as his tiny little legs could carry him, the adrenaline from the frightful event fueling him to go faster.

He barely stopped to catch a breath, his malnourished body screaming at him in pain, wanting him to stop, but he couldn't. They would surely come after him. His mother gone, and his father never being around, he had no one to turn to to. No one to assure him that everything was going to be alright.

His body came crashing down as he tripped over his own feet. His body aching all over, tears blinding his vision and blood now rushing out of a gash on his forehead and the cut on his knee. He tried to get up, but cried in frustration when his body refused to cooperate.

He was whimpering, the cold just hitting him, and the loss of blood making it even colder. He couldn't stay there though, he couldn't let his mother's death be in vain. His mother pushed herself in front of him as the guy threatened to shoot him, and instead shot his mother, killing her instantly.

He pushed himself off the ground, ignoring the protest of his body, and continued to run. Stumbling every now and then from the loss of blood and his body being to thin to carry his own weight. He refused to stop though, knowing the killers were right behind him.

Blood got in one of his eyes, causing it to close completely, but he continued to push through all of the pain. His legs felt ready to give out, but he just couldn't stop. He continued to run, collapsing in front of a tall building, the tallest in New York he's seen. His body was out of energy and strength. He cried, knowing the killers were gonna get him. He curled in a ball as footsteps approached the coiled up child.

"P-please d-don't k-kill m-m-me." The child muttered, just before darkness took over.

Tony Stark stared down in shock at the body in front of him. A child who looked around 5-7 lay on the ground, curled into a ball in front of his building. His eyes widened hearing the mutters of the child and he bent down slightly to get a better look at the figure. He picked up the kid gently, taking note of the gash apparent on his forehead and knee. The kid whimpered and snuggled deeper into the billionaires chest, craving the warmth in his unconscious state of mind.

Tony walked into the building, the dirt covered child in his arms, and walked briskly to the elevator. The elevator took him to Med Bay and he walked to the closest stretcher, deciding to put the child down on the bed. The child clung to him tighter as he went to place him on the stretcher and Tony sighed, carrying the kid to the nearest doctor he could find.

"I need your help. I found this child outside the building and it appears he's in bad condition." I said softly, so as to not wake the sleeping child. The doctor just so happened to be Bruce Banner, who nodded and led Tony to the closest room that was available. Bruce gestured for him to place the child on the bed, but Tony shook his head. "The kid won't let go." Bruce's mouth formed an 'o' shape as he nodded and got to work.

He cleaned up the blood around the wounded areas, the kid occasionally jumping and whimpering in pain causing Tony to frown and tell Bruce to go gentler. Bruce apologized and complied, moving quickly, but gently to care for the kid. He got the needle and thread to stitch up the giant gash and putting numbing medicine on the infected wound so as to not hurt the kid more. After several minutes of stitching, Bruce put a bandage around his forehead and knee, so it wouldn't become more infected.

"Run a DNA scan to see who the kids' parents are and let me know as soon as you get the results in." Tony said tiredly and Bruce nodded once again.

Tony stood and carried the kid to the elevator, going to the living area of the large building. Once he reached the floor, Pepper was at the table drinking coffee and reading something on her Stark tablet. She looked up as the elevator opened and froze when she saw Tony carrying an injured child. 

"Pepper, order some children's clothes please?" Tony asked softly and Pepper took a moment to shake away her shock and nodded.

Tony gave her a tired smile and continued to his room, the child still clinging tightly to his clothing. He walked into his room and gently placed the child on his bed, the kid whimpering at the loss of contact and warmth.

Tony quickly changed the kid into one of his shirts and quietly climbed into bed, the child immediately snuggling up to Tony and he pulled the covers over the two, falling asleep the moment his head hit the pillow. For the first time in years, Tony slept peacefully, no nightmares to disturb his peaceful sleep.

                                                                        Word Count: 911

Should I write a part two?? This has got to be my favorite so far, tbh.

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