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“What do you mean he’s not here, Clint?! Where did he go?” I panicked as I looked around for our 6 year old.

Yes, I meant to say our. What no one knows about Clint and I is that we aren’t just best friends. We’ve been together for about 7 years and have a kid together as well. Laura and Clint ended, because they didn’t feel anything for each other anymore. I didn’t steal him from her and we are still friends.

“I don’t know, Nat. He told me he was going to Tony’s to go hang out with Harley. I didn’t think much of it seeing as he usually goes over there. Did you call Tony to see if he was there?” Clint asked as he rubbed my back. I sighed and pulled out my phone, dialing the egotistical asshole’s number and waited for him to answer.

“Sup, red?” He answered and I sighed.

“Is Peter over there? Clint said he was going to visit Harley.”

“No, I haven’t seen him. Harley and I have been in my lab all day. He was expecting Peter, but the kid never showed. I figured he just stayed home.” Tony replied and I dropped my phone. Clint looked at my face and knew right away something was wrong.

“He’s not there?” He asked and I felt panic slowly rise in me. My baby boy is missing.

“C-clint.” I stuttered and he hugged me. I reached for my phone and hung up on Tony, calling Fury instead.

“Agent Romanoff-”

“Peter’s missing.” I muttered into the phone and could barely breath. I heard him say he’ll be over soon and hung up. I stayed in Clint’s arms until Fury finally arrived.

“When was the last time you saw him?” Fury immediately asked as we all sat on the couch, my breathing rapid and coming out in short breaths from my panic.

“An hour ago.”


“Are you sure this is him?” A scary man asked as I was chained to the back of a van.
My eyes were covered by a cloth and I could barely move. I wanted to cry, but knew better. If there’s one thing I learned from my mom, it was that you never show an enemy your emotions, no matter how sad, hurt or pained you are. Emotions are weakness and your enemy will use that against you.

“I’m sure.” Another voice chimed in and I hit my head against the metal van as they swerved quickly.

I felt my eyes closing and I was slowly losing consciousness. I knew I had a concussion and tried to force myself to stay awake, but I was just so tired. My eyes shut and I was consumed in the deep abyss of sleep.

♤♤♤♤♤Time Skip Brought To You By Natasha Being An Emotional Wreck Ove Peter's Disappearance♤♤♤♤♤♤

“Get up kid.” The voice from before woke me up and I held my head, a migraine emerging.

I looked around and saw we were in a sort of desolate area, a plane in the middle of the field. Once I was brought out of the van, I used some of the moves my mom taught me and managed to bring down the first guy. My hands were still cuffed, but I managed to hold my own against the other guy and just as I got ready to run, I felt something attach to my neck.

“Clever little boy I see. Your mother must've taught you to fight. It will be needed.” Another voice rang out and I turned to see a weird guy standing on the walkway of the plane. I turned to run and a bolt of electricity caused me to spasm. I collapsed and was on my front, face turned to the smirking guy on the plane. “Night, night.” He mocked and I passed out, going limp.

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