Bring Him Back... Please?

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Trigger warning; some of the words and imagery in this one shot may cause you to be triggered. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

"Tones, what happened?" Rhodey asked after calming me down and I stared at the floor, not willing to look up. He sighed and sat next to me, Pepper on the other side, holding my hand.
"He has him.." I whispered, a tear slipping and Pepper squeezed my hand.

"Who Tony?" Steve asked, entering the room and I looked up at him with clouded eyes.

"Peter." I croaked and everyone looked on edge. Everyone was here, including Thor and Loki. Bruce started to turn green and Thor's eyes glowed blue.

"Who took the young one?" Loki asked, gripping his dagger. I remained silent, turning to Rhodey, narrowing my eyes and he raised an eyebrow.

"Where is Ross?" I asked and Rhodey looked confused.

"What are you-"

"He has Peter, Rhodes! Now, where. Is. He?" I gritted out and Rhodey furrowed his eyebrows.

"He took time off, so I don't-"

"Fuck!" I yelled on the verge of hyperventilating.

"Why are you-"

"He has Peter Rhodey!" I exclaimed quickly standing and starting to walk to my lab, but was stopped by Steve.

"All of us care about him Tony. We'll find him, calm-" I smacked his hand away and was enraged.

"Don't you DARE tell me to calm down Rogers! My kid-"

"You're kid?!" Everyone exclaimed and I just pushed past Steve continuing to my lab, everyone following.

"What do you mean, your kid Tones?" Rhodey stopped me, putting his hand on my shoulder and I rolled my eyes continuing to walk, ignoring everyone. I walked to my computer and got to work, trying to find my kid.

"Maybe you should call him." Nat suggested and I groaned.

"I'm not calling him." I hissed and she frowned.

"He's probably the only one who can find him Tony." She pointed out and I groaned, pulling out my phone and going all the way down to his number. I pressed call and felt my heart skip a beat when he picked up.

"Tony?" He questioned and I sighed.

"H-hey Strange, I-I um need your help." I stuttered and heard him rustle around.

"I'll be there in a few." He responded and hung up. Seconds later, the portal opened and I looked down, tears threatening to fall.

"What happened?" Strange asked walking through the portal and I looked up. He gasped and rushed over to me, pulling me to him.

"They took him, Stephen.." I whispered and he hugged me tighter.

"They took who, Tony?" He questioned, running his fingers through my hair and pulling back slightly to look in my eyes.

"P-peter." I stuttered and he frowned. "They took my son.." I cried and he hugged my tighter, my face going into the crook of his neck.

"We'll get him back, baby." Stephen whispered and kissed the side of my head. I nodded into his neck and pulled away. He did his magic thingy and finally grinned. "Found him." He announced and opened the portal to a dark looking room. I walked through and he followed. After closing the portal, we walked around looking for Peter and any bad guys. Few came out and Stephen motioned me to continue while he fought them. 

I kissed his lips and by passed all the bad guys, continuing my search for my son. I came across another dark room and heard silent cries, causing me to walk in. The door shut and locked, while the lights came on. I looked around and saw Peter tied to a chair with a blindfold covering his mouth. I ran over and quickly got him untied. Just as I finished untying his feet, clapping was heard behind me. I turned quickly and scowled seeing Ross standing by the door. I pushed Peter behind me and glared at the despicable man in front of me.

"I see you've found us." He grinned and I growled. "How cute, a family reunion." I glanced at Peter to see his confused swaying form and was concerned. He looked horrible and barely alive.

"What did you do to my kid, Ross?" I growled and heard a tiny gasp behind me. The monster in front of me grinned and took out the gun that was in his pocket. I cursed myself for not putting my suit on and tried to shield Peter more. Ross smirked and walked around me, causing me to continuously turn to hide Peter. The door opened, causing me to turn away and I heard a huge bag from the door, aimed at Peter, who was being held by Ross now, gun discarded. I jumped in front of the two just as the bullet would hit them. I fell to the ground, holding my chest and gasping.


My eyes widened in horror as Tony- I mean my dad got shot. Noises and everything else faded around me as I stared at my dad on the ground, hardly breathing. The room went silent and I fell to my knees next to my dad.

"Tony.." I turned to see Dr. Strange through blurred eyes and grabbed his arm.

"Fix it." I spoke shakily and he looked at me with a sad face. "Fix it! You have to! He-he can't die. He can't l-leave me." I broke down and felt someone grip my hand. I looked at the source and saw Tony panting, blood pooling in the corner of his lips, but a soft smile on his face.

"It's okay son." He whispered and I shook my head.

"But why?" I cried and he took a minute to regain breath.

"I didn't want anything to happen to you.." He ended with a coughing fit and I cried harder. "I'm sorry, I let you down.." 

"But- Dad!" I couldn't finish my sentence as he closed his eyes. "Dad, please stay awake." I checked for a pulse, but there wasn't one. I turned to Dr. Strange. "Bring him back." I whispered and he gave me another sad smile.

"I'm sorry, but-"

"No! You have to bring him back!" I yelled and he frowned, but didn't move. "Why aren't you doing anything?!" I screamed and he pulled me into his arms. I cried into his chest, still holding my dad's hand, refusing to let go. He opened a portal that lead to the pent house. He picked me up, but I fought against him.

"Peter!" Nat called and I turned to her. Once I was let down, I ran into her arms and cried. "What happened?" She asked, but I was crying too much to answer.

"Where's Tony?" Steve asked and Stephen walked in with Tony in his arms, crying over the loss of his beloved.

"Is-is he?" Rhodey questioned and with one look at Stephen's face gave him his answer. That night everyone mourned the death of Anthony Edward Stark.

                                                                         Word Count:  1125

Tony's dead! This kinda makes me sad, also, I tried to ship Tony with Strange. What do you think?

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