I Love You, Peter

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Trigger warning; some of the words and imagery in this one shot may cause you to be triggered. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Also, keep in mind, this is a fictional story. I don't focus on what's actually legal or not, I focus on what makes a story emotional and okay, as a lot of writers do when making a story.

"May, can you hold my hand?" I whimpered as the needle came in contact with my skin.

"Of course." She gently grabbed my hand.

"Promise you'll be here when I wake up?" I asked and she nodded, tears rolling down her face. "Why are you crying?" I questioned and she quickly wiped her face.

"Nothing sweetie, just worried. That's all." She smiled at me and I hugged her lightly. She kissed my forehead as my eyes started to roll in the back of my head. "I love you Peter." She whispered and I was rolled back.

~~~~3 hours later~~~~ 

I was so excited to see May after the operation, but when we got to the room the Avengers were the only ones there. "Tony, Pepper where's May?" I asked and they looked at me sadly.

"Sweetie, where do you think you got the heart from?" Pepper asked and tears stung my eyes. Tony grabbed my hand and looked me in my eyes.

"She left you a note." He handed it to me and I slowly read it as tears rolled down my face.

The note read: "

Dear Peter,

Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. They couldn't get a heart fast enough and I couldn't live without you, so I gave you mine. Don't ever think you're alone, cause I'll always be with you. I love you so much. ~Love May"

I couldn't believe it. First my parents, then my Uncle Ben, now May? I felt my heart rate pick up and could barely hear the Avengers talking to me, telling me to calm down. I was having a hard time breathing and felt arms lightly wrap around me.

"I know kid, but you have us. We're not going anywhere. We love you and May will always be with you." Tony whispered into my ear and my heart slowed down, as my breathing slowed, but my tears continued to race.

"I can't believe she's gone. Where will I go now Tony? Who will want me now?" I asked, voice cracking and he pulled back slightly to look me in the eyes.

"You will live with us, Underroos. I have the adoption papers already being put through and you already have a room at the tower. You won't be alone through this. We all love you, and May gave up her heart so you could live. She loved you more than anything.

"She's proud of the person you are becoming and didn't want to leave you, but she couldn't live with herself if we lost you. Don't look at this as a bad thing kid. Now her and Uncle Ben are reunited with your parents and they're looking down at their kid right now, with so much pride swelling in their chests." Tony spoke every word with honesty and love in his tone. My eyes drooped and Tony slowly lay me back down.

"Thank you. I love you, Dad." I whispered closing my eyes and Tony froze.

Dad?  Tony smiled and looked at Pepper. I didn't know he thought of me as a father.

"Goodnight, son." Tony whispered mindlessly brushing his hand through his sons curls and kissing his forehead.

                                                                         Word Count: 526

Kinda sad, but also cute.

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