The Internship..

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The two walked around the entire building and Peter was introduced to many of the scientists and interns. A few had glared; considering a teen was going to be a new intern, while they had to wait till they graduated to even be accepted into the internship. Peter had met a few interns who were around his age and he could just tell that they would be good friends, given that they didn't glare at him the minute he walked into the room. 

"Okay, let's get some lunch and then you can go to the intern lab and start working," Tony announced as they ended up in the cafeteria and Peter shifted on his feet.

"Uh, Mr. Stark. I-I don't have any money." Peter spoke sheepishly, looking down and Tony raised an eyebrow.

"Kid, we're going up to the penthouse and eating. I already had the food prepared. Let's go." Peter nodded and followed the billionaire upstairs, while everyone else watched in awe at the two. 

&&&&&&& Time Skip Brought To You By Peter Being Adorably Shy Around Tony &&&&&&&

"Hey. Peter, right?" An intern asked walking up to Peter and smiling. Peter looked up and smiled.

"Yea, that's me." 

"I'm Timothy. I work over there at that desk. So, what are you working on over here?" He asked, looking at the tech scrambled around the desk and Peter grinned.

"I'm working on a machine that could help nurses give out medicine," Peter responded and Timothy tilted his head.

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, you know how nurses have to look up on their machine who gets what medicine?" The intern nodded and raised an eyebrow. "Well, this device should be able to dispense medicine needed for that specific patient. Once done, it would have an AI programmed to tell the nurse patients still in need of their medication and would update when needed. I'm still working on the invention idea, but that's the basic run down." Peter finished and Timothy was amazed.

"Wow, that sounds... Awesome! Let me know if you want help!" He exclaimed and Peter smiled widely, nodding.

"What are you working on?" Peter questioned and Timothy's face fell. 

"Nothing nearly as amazing as yours.." He answered sadly and Peter stood.

"Let's see what it is." Timothy was surprised, but led the teen to his desk.

"It's kinda stupid, really. I can't seem to get the equation right.." Timothy sighed and Peter narrowed his eyes, looking down at the problem. Once he spotted the mistakes, he quickly grabbed the pencil and erased the wrong answers, correcting them. 

"Wh-what did you do?" He asked and Peter frowned when he saw the intern frowning and upset. 

"I only corrected-"

"This took me months to do! Y-you just ruined everything I spent months writing!" The intern freaked out and Peter backed away.

"I-I'm sorry-"

"Just leave. This is why we don't have children working here." Peter looked down and ran to the elevator looking to the ceiling.

"F-Friday, take me to the m-main floor." Peter stuttered and the elevator began to descend downwards. The doors opened and Peter continued out of the elevator, making his way to the front doors.

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