Events After The Snap...

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Okay, before you read; yes I know Peter was older in Infinity War, but I kinda like this one shot, so if you don't like that hes younger, then.. Oh well, sucks for you. Also, I know this wasn't exactly what the person who came up with this prompt had in mind, but I hope this is okay. I thought this was adorable. Please don't hate me for not going completely off of the prompt you gave me.


I watched as everyone walked through the portals, looking for one specific curly brown haired child that's mine and frowned when no one else walked out. I looked around and saw some of my teammates reuniting with some of the others who disappeared in the snap.

“Have any of you seen Peter?” I asked concerned and the first to answer was Natasha.

“Peter isn't here?” She questioned and I shook my head.

A ton of thoughts filled my head and none of them were good. My 8 year old was somewhere out there, alone and scared. When I came home from Titan, I was informed by Happy that Peter and Pepper had disappeared during the snap. My main motivation for taking down Thanos was Pepper and Peter.

“Tony, don't worry. We'll find him.” Pepper whispered as she wrapped me in a hug. I turned my head and a tear fell.

“I'm worried.” I whispered and she hugged me tighter.

“Everything will work out.” I nodded and sighed. I hope it does.

¥¥¥¥¥Time Skip Brought To You By The Defeat And Murder Of A Certain Grape(Don't Worry, He Suffered A Lot; Though Tony Wanted To Torture Him More)¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥

“Tony.. It's been 2 years, I think we should move-”

“How could you give up on OUR son so easily Pepper?!” I cut her off, already knowing where she was going with this. After the first year and a half of Peter missing, she started to suggest moving on and maybe adopting a kid.

“I don't want to give up Tony! But-”

“Then don't give up! He's out there, alone and scared-”

“What is he's dead?!” Pepper screamed and my eyes widened. How could she say that?

“Pepper.” I said in a warning tone and she crossed her arms.

“Tony, it's been two years. If he was alive, we would've found him by now!” Pepper tried to reason, but I shook my head; I didn't want to believe my son might be dead.

“Get out Pepper.” I sighed and she stomped her foot.

“No Tony-”

“Pepper, get out! I-I just need some time alone. Some time to think.” Her expression softened and she sighed.

“Okay.” She nodded and left. I sighed once more and went to my cabinet with all my liquor in it. I grabbed a bottle of Jack and scotch, with a cup to pour the contents into.

I gulped down the first glass, the alcohol burning my throat and poured a few more. I looked at the half empty bottles on my table and glared at them. I gave these up once Peter came into my life. He was 3 when I found out he was my son and got me to give up alcohol without being able to form full sentences. An image of my son came to my mind and I threw the bottle across my lab, causing it to shatter. I threw the other bottle and that shattered as well.

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