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"Hey Pete, did your father ever tell you the story of when him and Pepper first started dated?" I asked trying to comfort the crying 7 year old who had woken up from a nightmare. He shook his head, calming down a bit and I smiled slightly, motioning for him to lay on me. Tony was out on a mission and Pepper was in Moscow for another day, so I was called to babysit. "It happened 4 years ago.."


"Tony, hurry up! The banquet starts soon and it wouldn't look good if you were late." I yelled through the bathroom door and looked at the clock.

"Would you relax Rhodes?" Tony asked, finally opening the door and my jaw dropped. He was standing in the doorway with only a towel around his waist, and it made me wonder what he was doing that entire time he was in the bathroom, so I voiced my thoughts.

"What took you so long?" I raised an eyebrow and he shrugged. He moved past me and walked over to his wardrobe.

"You think I look this good just by-" He was cut off by Pepper walking in the room, her black heels clinking behind her.

"Tony, what are you doing? You're not even dressed yet. Rhodey?" Her eyebrow was raised and arms were crossed, as she looked over at me, silently asking why Tony wasn't ready yet. I smiled sheepishly, and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Sorry Pep, I tried, but you know Tony." I replied and she sighed.

"Right, well since he's going to be late, I need to leave and greet the guests." Pepper turned on her heel, with one last look at Tony before finally leaving. I looked back at Tony and he seemed to be frozen in place. I waved my hand in his face, but he remained the same.

"Tony!" He snapped out of it and I swear I saw a slight blush on his face. He grabbed his suit and changed quickly. He walked out of the bathroom moments later fixing his cufflinks and turned to me.

"Do I look okay?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow.

"Since when did you ever ask for my opinion on how you look?" I questioned and he gave me a look, causing me to chuckle. "You look fine Tones, now let's go." We got down to the garage and as we passed the first car, I noticed Tony stop in front of it. I turned, thinking that was the car we were taking, but I was wrong. "Uh, Tony what are you doing?" I asked as he was looking in the cars reflection.

"Um, I'm definitely NOT checking my hair." He said and I chuckled, shaking my head at his ridiculousness.

"Really? Your hair's perfect, now let's go. We're already late." I gestured towards the keys and he nodded.

"Fine." He said and started to walk with me, then ran back to the car. "Seriously?!" I yelled as he fixed his hair.

"What? I thought something happened and it messed up." Tony frowned and I narrowed my eyes.

"Anthony Edward Stark, let's go right now." I hissed in a stern voice and he walked with his head down. "Good boy." I grinned, subconsciously patting his hair and he looked up at me with wide eyes. I face palmed as he ran back to the car. "Not again." I muttered as he obsessively tried to fix it.
"Why are you stressing so much over how you look tonight?! You usually don't give many fucks as long as you look professional! Well, besides that one party when you got drunk..." I exclaimed, finally having enough of his bullshit and he sighed, blushing bright pink.

" is.... There...." Tony mumbled and I raised an eyebrow.

"What was that? I don't understand mumble."

"Pepper's going to be there and I wanted to impress her.." I couldn't believe it. I burst out laughing and he gave me an annoyed look. "What's so funny?" He groaned and I wiped away tears, pulling myself together some.

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