Closest To His Heart.. Please Be Okay, Peter..

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Chapter Title: Closest To His Heart.. Please Be Okay, Peter..(I couldn't pick between the two)

"He-he gave himself to them, dad. He sacrificed his freedom for mine." Harley confessed as his voice cracked and he curled into himself.
"What do you mean, kid?" Tony asked and Harley didn't look up.
"When they came into the room, before everything went black… A voice echoed and he said "Your brother gave up his freedom for your pathetic life." He's stuck with them because of me, dad. It's my fault." Harley cried out as he held his knees so tightly to his chest, it hurt and Tony sighed, stepping forward.
"You're wrong, Harley. It's not your fault at all, do you really think Peter would've let you be held captive by some guys who are obviously dangerous? No, not you. You're the closest to him and he would do anything to protect you-"
"Dad, it shouldn't be him. It's always him. He doesn't deserve-" Harley cut his father off and Tony in turn, cut his son off after hearing the beginning of Harley's speech. 
"I know, kid. But if I know Peter, he definitely made the sacrifice play and wouldn't blame you. He would never want you to blame yourself either. He's always held you closest to his heart and would do anything for you. 
Don't think we won't find him, thanks to you and him; we have a lot of new family members. Even Carol offered to help. That's how much of an impact you two make on everyone, don't give up hope. I know we'll find him soon enough. After all, he has a new sister to be protective of along with her other brother." Tony smiled and Harley's tears came to a stop.
"You're right, dad. Go find Peter, I'll stay here to see Morgan. She should have at least one brother with her, right?" Harley questioned and Tony smiled proudly.
"That's right, son. I see you're already protective of her." Tony finished as his helmet came down and he turned to the door. "We'll find him, Harley. We have to." Tony whispered the last part to himself and left the room. 
Harley looked down, then up to the ceiling and tears glistened in the light. He had never hoped for a miracle in his life more than he did right now. He needed his older brother to be okay. Even though Peter's only a year older than him, he still looked up to the older teen. 
"Please… please be okay, Peter.." Harley whispered and looked to the floor. "Morgan's waiting for her oldest brother and... I can't protect her on my own." Harley clenched his fists, tears angrily rushing down his face and walked to the elevator. He still blamed himself, despite what his father told him. It was his fault and if something happened to Peter? That's on him.

☆☆☆☆ Time Skip Brought To You By Tony Being The Best Father ☆☆☆☆

"Carol, any readings yet?" Tony asked and the superhero sighed.
"I've got nothing." 
"Bruce?" Tony asked into the coms and the scientist ran his hand through his hair.
"Tony, you're gonna wanna brace yourself for this.. it's-it's unbelievable." 
"What is it, Banner?" 
"There are several reports on Spiderman, each worse than the last. In the span of three days, Spiderman has been spotted by Shield and was placed under an arrest upon contact. He has been suspected of 7 murders, all over the place." Bruce explained as he spun his chair to the side.
"You're kidding, Peter killing someone? He wouldn't-couldn't- they-they must've done something to him. Peter would never voluntarily kill someone. Remember when he stepped on the ladybug and had everyone gather for a funeral? That kid would never hurt anyone on purpose." Tony rambled, denying each incident. Can I get 100 comments and maybe 40 votes for the ladybug story? I promise, its adorable and captures Peter really well.)
"Do they have an idea of where he is?" Carol cut in and Bruce sighed. 
"Unfortunately and fortunately, they have a suspected hideout.We need to get there before they do. Or it could be bad.." Bruce spoke and every hero started their way to the coordinates Bruce sent.
"Don't worry, kid. I'm coming to save you." Tony whispered to himself as he took off to the location suspected.

》》》Scene Change Brought To You By My Depression Always Present 》》》

Our heroes showed up to a building that appeared abandoned, but Steve confirmed that these are the type of buildings HYDRA usually hide out in. They got ready to enter, when they watched some men walk outside the building sharing a laugh. 
"Nat-" Iron Man went to say, but she had already taken out the guards and was motioning for them to come on. "Go-good job." 
The group went in and was searching for the little arachnid. With every minute passing, Tony was getting increasingly anxious. He wanted to find Peter and hoped his son wasn't hurt or worse, he hoped Shield didn't get to him first. The group took down any and every guard they passed.
"Where is he?" Tony whispered to himself and soon opened a door leading to his son. 
The group walked in and saw their spider strapped to a chair and being forced to watch something weird on the tv. The man of Iron shot at the tv cord and everyone ran forward. Tony got to Peter first and shot at the restraints getting him free. Peter pulled away from Iron Man and threw the iron suit across the room. 
"Peter-" Clint shot an arrow and Peter caught it easily, smirking. He pulled on his mask and threw the arrow on the floor.
"I've been up against- argh." Peter groaned as he looked at his hand. He started to sway and Clint smirked.
"It was meant to be caught, sorry Pete. It's out of love." Clint frowned and Tony caught the kid, before he hit the ground. 
Tony flew out of the room and ended up falling with the kid as a blast hit him. The kid fell out of his arms, but thankfully Natasha was quick enough to catch the fallen Spider. She jumped away from a few blasts and Tony got back on his feet, while Steve brought his shield up.
"So, Captain America is trying to save the mistake with the winter soldier? I gotta give it to you, you broke my control over your friend there. However, I have control over a little bug-" The red skull was so distracted, he didn't know Carol behind him until it was too late. She sent a blast from her hand right through his head. 
"Too bad he's an arachnid. You deserved that, uncultured swine." Carol sneered and Steve smiled.
"You thought the same thing I did." 
"Let's go. We need to get Peter to Bruce and see what damage they did to him." Bucky spoke, annoyed and sent a look to Steve letting him know he was upset. 
"The murderer is right." Tony spoke and took off after retrieving Peter from Natasha.
                   Word Count; 1,190

Okay, soooooo they found Peter! Yay. Anyway, what di you think about the Protectiveness over Morgan from Harley, or the overprotectiveness of Harley from Peter, or the hearts of hero's the teens touched, or the Harley and Tony father son moment? Or jealousy from Bucky? Omfg, I think this is my favorite part. Who wants another one? Or better yet, the ladybug one shot? Please vote and comment your opinions.

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