Would You Jump Off A Bridge?

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"D-dad?" Peter stuttered and Tony chuckled, walking in the room more.
"I'm going to make the assumption that you're a child. Either that, or that building really must've done some damage to your brain, because I am not a father; nor do I want to become one." Tony spoke and Peter frowned.
"Wh-what happened to you?" Peter asked as tears welled in his eyes and Tony tilted his head.
"You must have serious brain damage, because I swear I don't-" Peter pulled his mask off and Tony raised an eyebrow. "So my assumption was right, you are just a child." Tony nodded to himself and Peter started to tear up.
"Y-you really don't know who I am? Wh-where's mom?" Peter said pleadingly and Tony was getting frustrated.
"Look kid, I'm not a fath-"
"Where's Pepper?!" Peter exclaimed, cutting Tony off and the adult's eyes narrowed.
"How do you know that name?" 
"That's my mother and you're my-"
"I'm done with the lies child! Is this funny to you?!" Tony yelled as he stormed over to the child and lifted him up by his suit. He looked into the teens eyes and saw that his brown eyes were tearing up.
"In what world would my own father forgetting me be funny?" Peter asked weakly and Tony threw him to the wall, before turning to leave. 
"Sorry kid, but I'm not a father." Tony muttered before opening the door and walked out, slamming it behind him. 
Peter lay against the wall and cried in pain. He was hurt emotionally and physically, wondering what the hell happened to his father and where his mother actually was. It was maybe an hour later that the door opened and Peter looked up in the same spot he was thrown to. Standing before him was the Winter Soldier, aka Uncle Bucky and Peter tried a small smile.
"Uncle Bucky?" Peter said slowly and the soldier lifted an eyebrow, looking down at the pained teen. 
"Who are you and how do you know my name?" Bucky asked and Peter frowned, tear welling again.
"I-it's me P-Peter. I-I'm your- I was your nephew.." Peter corrected himself and the soldier walked forward, lifting the teen by his suit the same way Tony did. Peter hissed, but forced himself to stare into his uncle's eyes. 
"I don't have a-" 
"You were a war veteran who was taken by HYDRA and they messed with your head. For years, you were forced to do stuff against your own will. Uncle Steve-"
"Don't dare speak that name." Bucky cut the teen off with a deadly killer intent and Peter furrowed his eyebrows.
"Wh-what happened to Uncle Steve?" Peter asked, lip quivering and Bucky glared at the teen.
"Are you a spy of-"
"You like baking to take your mind off the stuff you've had to witness and your favorite fruit is a plum."
"How do you-"
"I know this because I am your nephew. I came to live with my father Tony Stark and my mother Pepper Potts after- after my Aunt died and you all- the Avengers- adopted me as your nephew. Uncle Steve would lecture you and Uncle Sam for swearing." Peter finished and Bucky's eyes were wide. He dropped Peter gently and walked out of the room, closing the door. 
When the door reopened, there stood the Black Widow, aka Aunt Tasha.
"My two colleague out there tells me you know stuff you shouldn't. Now, who do you work for?" Natasha asked deadly calm and Peter looked down. 
"I-I work for no one. You're the Black Widow, aka Natasha Romanoff. You worked alone for a long time after leaving the red room, before you worked for shield and became close friends with Clint Barton; Hawkeye." 
"You never knew your family and when you became an Avenger, you finally had one. You would do anything to protect your new family, and although you would never tell anyone, you still have nightmares from your past. I know all this because I was your ребенок паук." Peter explained and Natasha had her hand over her mouth, her tough exterior gone. No one knew of her nightmares, not even Clint- so how did this child know so much? 
"Please, Aunt Tasha. I just- I wanna know what happened to everyone? Please?" Peter pleaded and for the first time, Natasha was shocked. She couldn't remember this child, however his tears made her heart hurt. 
"Aunt Tasha?" Peter asked as he watched the spy walk backwards to the door. She opened it and walk out, leaving Peter alone in the dark.
The confused Russian Spy walked over to Tony and saw him sitting anxiously. He looked up when he heard her footsteps and raised an eyebrow.
"So? Did you find out-"
"I believe him." Natasha cut the other adult off and Tony's mouth fell open in shock.
"What-what do you-"
"Look Tony, I know it sounds crazy. However, he-he knew about the Red Room, about Clint." About the nightmares. 
"Fine. I'll do a DNA test, although this is crazy. There is no way he's my son. Not with her.." Tony trailed off, eyes becoming cold and Natasha frowned. Tony walked back over to the door leading to the child and opened it to see Peter up against the cement wall. "I don't know what you said, however my colleague seems to believe you. So, I'm going to run a DNA test." 
"Okay.." Peter nodded and cut his thumb off the wall, causing Tony's eyes to widen.
"I was just going to have you poke your finger with a pin, not slice it open on the concrete wall!" Tony freaked out and Peter raised an eyebrow.
"Well, you kinda weren't specific." Peter shrugged and Tony sighed, fingers on the bridge of his nose. Tony walked out of the room after taking the sample needed while Peter grinned and remembered the time something similar had happened.

$$$ Flashback Coming To You From Peter Being Our Smol Bean $$$$$

"You know Peter, I think you should get rid of that back pack." Tony mentioned and Peter gasped.
"You want me to get rid of Herb?! How dare you, you have no idea what we've been through together!" Peter exclaimed and Tony deadpanned.
"Kid, I meant throw it in your room or something, before we go on vacation. You're not really gonna do homework on the cruise are you?" Tony asked and Peter made an 'O' with his mouth.
"Ohhhhh, righhhhht!" Peter exclaimed bouncing in his spot and he ran to his door.
"Bye Herb!" Peter yelled, yeeting the bookbag across the room and it smashed through his window.
"What was that?!" Tony yelled as he ran into his sons room and Peter chuckled nervously.
"I um, I threw my bag and it kinda crashed through the window." Peter explained and Tony raised an eyebrow.
"Maybe you should go out after it." Tony chuckled as he shook his head and Peter nodded. He ran to the window and opened it, throwing himself out while Tony was distracted. "Peter?" Tony asked, looking around as he looked for his son and then looked to the window. His eyes widened and his suit was on before you could say his name.
"I got Herb, dad!" Peter yelled as he clung to the building and Tony grabbed his son, flying him inside. Tony pressed his chest piece and his suit went back into his arc reactor, leaving an unimpressed billionaire. Peter grinned and Tony placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose.
"What made you think jumping out of the window, with no suit on and being 108 floors from the ground was a good idea?" Tony questioned and Peter tilted his head, looking at his father confused.
"You suggested it." 
"So if I was to tell you to go jump off a bridge-"
"Which bridge?" Peter cut his father off and Tony sighed exasperated.
"Are you sure you're my son?" Tony asked and Peter put his hand on his chin.
"I mean, you could do a DNA test and double check, but I'm pretty sure you are." Peter grinned brightly and Tony shook his head, smiling.
"Alright kid, I'll have someone repair your window on our vacation. Now let's go before your mother kills me." Tony said and ruffled his sons hair adoringly as the teen walked by.
"Dad, the hair." Peter groaned and Tony laughed.

♡♡♡♡♡ End Flashback Because Peter Was Ready To Jump Off A Bridge ♡♡♡♡♡♡

Peter was brought back from his thoughts by the door opening and Tony stood there frowning. He opened his mouth several times, but no words left his mouth. Finally, he decided to keep his mouth closed and Peter stood up from his laying position, body still in slight pain from the building collapsing causing Peter to cringe. 
"So, did-" Peter began to speak, before he coughed roughly and blood came out of his mouth. He fell to his knees still coughing and gasping for air. Soon, he couldn't keep up with it and he passed out, Tony catching him before he hit the ground.
                       Word Count: 1,524

Part 3? Ahhhhhh, I love this and y'all are probably still trying to figure out what the fuck is going on in this one shot 😂😂😂 I hope you liked it and if you did, please vote and comment your opinions. Also, there are 26 chapter left of this book! Should I make a second one shot book after this one is finished???

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