The Field Trip of Truth

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It's not like it was a secret that MJ and Peter liked each other. Everyone knew. Well everyone, but the two of them. So when a school field trip to the Avengers Tower/Stark industries came up, Tony had a plan. Operation get MJ and Peter together was a go. They were on the bus towards the tower and Peter was sitting with Ned, while MJ sat across from them.

"Dude, I'm going to die today! It's going to be the death of Peter Parker!" Peter whisper yelled to Ned as he panicked and Ned gave him a look of sympathy. Flash turned in his seat and saw Peter's panicked face, causing him to smirk.

"What's wrong Penis? Afraid your lie is finally gonna come to an end today? How long did you think you'd be able to lie like this? Tony Stark would never hire a worthless, good for nothing nobody like you!" Flash yelled and MJ closed her book, looking dead at Flash.

"Don't you ever get tired of your own voice, Eugene? Just shut up, you're killing everyone's brain cells and ear drums with your useless talking." She smirked and Flash flushed. Before he could reply, the bus came to a stop and the teacher began to speak.

"Alright students, settle down. I want everyone to follow the rules and don't touch anything you're not supposed to. Now, the tour guide is waiting for us, so calmly walk out and to the front of the building." Everyone stood and Flash sent one last glare towards MJ and Peter, before getting off the bus.

"Thanks MJ." Peter smiled at her and she nodded, not looking up from her book she reopened. They walked into the building and Peter recognized the tour guide as a fellow intern.

"Good morning students of Midtown High, my name is Dan Russo, and I'll be your tour guide today. Now, I will be passing around your security passes, good up till 4 hours, then they're just souvenirs of your visit here as they become completely obsolete." He started to call names and one after the other, students collected their badges as their names were called. It came down to MJ, Ned, and Peter. Dan finally acknowledged the trio and grinned. "Peter, Ned, MJ, you guys have your badges, right?" The three nodded and took out their badges. "Good, now I need everyone to get in a line and swipe their badges while going through that scanner." Dan pointed and Flash pushed his way through first.

"Eugene Thompson, Omega one badge. Welcome." F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice came out of the speakers and the class jumped, looking around.

"What was that?!" Flash yelled and the trio held back a laugh.

"That was F.R.I.D.A.Y, Mr. Stark's AI." Dan replied and the line continued, 'Omega 1's' heard as everyone went through, until it came to Ned, MJ and Peter.

"Ned Leeds, Alpha 10. Welcome back Ned, should I alert Dr. Banner of your arrival?" F.R.I.D.A.Y asked sounding more excited.

"Nah, thanks though F.R.I." Ned smiled and it was MJ's turn to go through.

"Michelle Jones, Alpha 10. Welcome back MJ, shall I alert Ms. Potts or Ms. Romanoff of your arrival?"

"No thank you F.R.I." Everyone was shocked at their two classmates. All eyes snapped towards Peter and Flash smirked, thinking he had the same pass.

"Peter, nice to see you use this entrance for once. Mr. Stark has been alerted of your arrival. Also, Bucky told me to let you know he made cookies and Steve is cooking dinner." The AI spoke and Peter groaned.

"Why'd you alert him F.R.I?" Peter hissed as Ned and MJ grinned.

"Mr. Stark told me to tell him when you arrived." F.R.I.D.A.Y sassed back and Peter sighed. This was going to be a long day. He walked over to Ned and MJ, ignoring the gaping of his classmates and glaring from Flash.

"Alright, now before we start our tour, does anyone have any questions?" Cindy's hand shot up and Dan chose her.

"What are the badge levels?"

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