You Don't Care..

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Another bottle down. He threw the bottle to the floor along with the others and cracked open another one. This was his seventh bottle tonight and all he felt was a slight buzz. He didn't want to stop- he couldn't. Drinking is the only way to forget his past and get rid of the anxiety he felt, if only for a little while. He couldn't deal with his life anymore and it was evident to some of the people he was actually close to. 

Pepper was gone, the Avengers absent on a mission and he felt all alone. The pain he felt was always masked by a smile, but once he got home; the bottles were consumed like there was no tomorrow. No one was ever really home anymore, so no one could stop him. His best friends tried to talk to him and convince him to get help, but he always pushed them away further. He couldn't expose his problems and didn't want to admit everything was getting to be too much for him.

Rhodey tried to convince him to stop before Pepper or anyone else found out, except all he did was cover that up as well. It got to the point where everyone looked at the multimillionaire as an inspiration. The interviews, press conferences and paparazzi made him out to be almost perfect and he now had a reputation to keep up. He's become so good at hiding things, that everyone who was concerned before was relieved to see him better.

♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ Time Skip Is Brought To You By A Misleading Author ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤

"I wonder where Peter is-" Ned was interrupted by the sound of pain and flesh hitting flesh. He shared a worried glance with MJ and both teens took off in the direction of the noise.

"Hey! Flash let him go!" MJ shouted as she got between the two and Ned helped Peter stand, as he could barely stand on his own. 

"Oh, look Puny's girlfriend is here." Flash laughed with his buddies and MJ put her hands on her hips. 

"At least he has someone, unlike you." MJ sassed and everyone gasped while she smirked. Flash clenched his fists and stormed off. "Show's over people!" MJ exclaimed and everyone just stood there staring. "Go the fuck away!" Everyone started to slowly leave and MJ turned to her boyfriend and friend.

"Oh Peter." MJ muttered as she cupped his face and looked at the damage. His right eye was swollen black and blue, lip was gushing blood, and his hair was an absolute mess. "Let's get back to my-"

"N-no. I want to g-go home." Peter stumbled and Ned caught him as he shared a concerned look with MJ. 

"Peter, I don't-"

"Please? I promise I'm better." Fingers crossed behind his back as he held onto Ned for balance. The bruises and cuts began to heal, but Peter still felt weak. MJ sighed and Ned looked down.

"Just- just promise me you'll call me later?" MJ asked with a forced small smile and he nodded as best he could.

"I will." The lie was spoken before Peter could stop it and he forced himself to steady, before walking to Happy's car.

"Hey kid, that looks pretty-"

"It's nothing Happy, just a fun fight. It'll heal." Happy looked like he wanted to argue and Peter sent a smile. "I promise I'm okay. Can we just go home? I want to relax and be alone." Happy looked uneasy, but agreed as he began to drive. Neither of the two knowing what was in store for Peter upon his arrival. 

♡♡♡♡♡♡ Scene Change Brought To You By Happy's Concern For The 'Kid' ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ 

Tony leaned back in his chair with a yawn. His stomach rumbled and he frowned, looking at the time. 

"Peter should be home by now." Tony said thoughtfully, and he grimaced as his stomach rumbled loudly. "Okay, stop yelling. I'll go get food." Tony chuckled and walked to the elevator, going up to the penthouse. He looked around and furrowed his eyebrows. "Peter?"

No response made him confused and he walked to his son's room. He knocked and still no response. He put his ear against the door to listen for no noise, but it was silent. He opened the door and was confused when the sound of glass met his ears. He looked down and was shocked. Several different empty bottles of alcohol littered the floor and he was concerned. 

He walked back out to the living area and looked to his now empty liquor cabinet. His eyes widened and he was more upset and concerned than angry. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that his sweet, innocent and loving 17 year old was drinking his life away, just as Tony had. The elevator door opened and Tony looked towards it, only to find Happy.

"Where's the kid?" Tony asked and Happy looked confused.

"He's not here?" 

"No. I need to talk-" Tony was cut off by a crash coming from his son's room and he dashed in the direction of Peter's room. He opened the door and anger took over at the sight of his son.

"H-Hey daddio." Peter slurred with a drunken smile and Tony clenched his fists.
"Are you drunk?" He asked the obvious and Peter furrowed his eyebrows, stumbling as he stood. His suit was on and he had his mask on his bed.

"N-no. I-I think You-you're drunk." Peter giggled and Tony let out an angry breath.
"Why are you drinking?" Tony hissed and Peter frowned, an undeniable anger bubbling in his chest. 

"Why do you care? You never cared about me before." Peter hiccupped and Tony narrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm your father. Of course I care about you. You're 17 years old, you should not be drinking." Tony stated with disappointment and Peter balled his fists, glaring at the man just outside his doorway.

"I've been drinking for months now. All that time you were in your lab and no one else was here. You have no right to be upset with me, when you don't know the loneliness I've felt or the pain everyday life brings. You don't even know what it's like." Peter spoke with such anguish and pain, while Tony frowned. 

"Peter-" The door was slammed in Tony's face, cutting the older one off and the lock turned. Tony tried the handle, but to no avail. "Peter! Open this door this instant!" Tony exclaimed, but Peter ignored. He put his mask back on and stumbled to the window, tears in his eyes. He looked to the door and shook his head. He shot a web and swung out the window, moving away from the tower.

               Word Count: 1119

This was requested by LokiLover660 I hope y'all liked it. Part 2???

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