A New Super Soldier?

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"Tony.." Pepper's voice rang out, followed by the sound of her heels clicking on the tiled floor and few other footsteps behind her. Tony looked up from his hands and faced Pepper who was being followed by everyone, including Fury and Rhodey. No one looked too bad, just a few cuts and bruises, otherwise they'll be fine. All focus and attention was on the 7 year old in that operation theater who was fighting for his life. Tony glanced at Nat and she nodded discreetly.

"How is he Tones?" Rhodey asked and Tony looked down. The door to the operating theater opened and there stood Bruce. Everyone looked at him with anticipation and Bucky was the first to speak.

"H-how is he Bruce?" Bruce smiled sadly and walked forward.

"He made it through the surgery needed to stop any internal bleeding and should wake up soon." Everyone let out a breath of relief, but Tony stared at Bruce, who looked unfinished with his speech and also concerned.

"What is it Bruce?" Nat asked, after observing the situation and noting that both Tony and Bruce were staring intently at each other. Bruce looked away and sighed, now focusing on the assassin spy.

"There's something you all should see.." He motioned everyone to follow and walked into Peter's med bay room. Another doctor known as Helen Wu was standing at Peter's bed side, a pitiful look on her face. Bruce nodded to her and she lifted the thin blanket covering Peter, to reveal his upper half of his body. Everyone walked closer and gasps were heard around the room. Peter's arms had track marks as if he was prodded with needles and he had scars upon scars covering his entire upper half. Bucky gasped when he saw that the 7 year old was branded with the HYDRA mark and hung his head sadly.

Tony looked over his son and felt his blood run cold. He was too late to save him, now he has physical and emotional scars that won't ever heal. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes and he grabbed Peter's hand, noting how cold he felt. Tony told F.R.I.D.A.Y to turn the heat up and she did it soundlessly, as everyone turned to look at the billionaire. He turned towards the door and began to walk towards it. He turned just as he reached the exit and looked at the Avengers, Rhodey and Pepper with a cold, distant look.

"Stay with Peter and contact me when he wakes up." He turned back to leave, but Pepper stopped him.

"Tony, where are you going?" He gripped the door handle tightly and continued out of the room, with no words and no explanation. He continued towards the one destination he had in mind and nothing was going to stop him. He arrived at a deserted part of the tower, where one room in particular stood out to him and he kicked the door in. The guy inside didn't even flinch, but smiled at Tony as he looked up.

"Ah, Tony Stark, pleasure to see you." The man smiled more as Tony clenched his fists. "Did you like my work on your son? It took a month, but he finally-" He was cut off with a punch from Tony to shut him up and Tony smirked as the room went silent, but grimaced as he remembered who was in the room.

"What did you do to my son?" Venom dripped from every word spoken and the man smiled widely.

"We made him into something special. He is now a super soldier and HYDRA will get him back." The man spoke, laughing when he saw Tony's horrified expression. Tony walked out and made a motion for the S.H.I.E.L.D agent outside to take the man away before he actually killed the son of a bitch. Tony continued, until he heard F.R.I.D.A.Y.

"Boss, Peter is awake and crying for you. He seems to be in distress and his heart rate is increasing rapidly." Tony took off running and didn't stop until he got to his son's hospital room. The door was thrown open and Tony rushed in, only to stop at the sight. Everyone was frozen in place as the scared 7 year old clung to the ceiling and everyone, including Tony wondered how he managed to do that. Tony was the first to break free of his shock and slowly stepped forward. Peter looked towards Tony, eyes wide with fear and tears.

"It's okay Peter.. It's only me.." Tony whispered softly and Peter seemed to calm a little bit. Tony moved so he was right below Peter and reached his arms out towards his son. "Come on kid, just come into my arms?" Tony whispered again and Peter looked conflicted, but decided to crawl down to his father. Once he was in Tony's arms, he began to sob and Tony held him tighter, sinking to the floor. Both of them were crying now, but for different reasons; Peter because he was finally safe and Tony out of relief and sadness for the upcoming battles his son will go through because of his new abilities, not all of them yet known. Everyone seemed to snap out of their shocked confusion and focused on the people in front of them.

"I missed you daddy." Peter whispered, finally able to speak and Tony hugged tighter, but not tight enough to hurt his son more.

"I missed you too, son." Tony whispered back, continuing to hold Peter. He was afraid that if he let go, Peter would disappear. Peter pulled back and looked around at everyone. Bucky was the first to speak and Peter smiled slightly at his uncle.

"Hey little guy, glad to have you home." Bucky ruffled his hair and Peter grinned as best as he could. He yawned and everyone left the room, leaving Pepper and Tony alone with their son.

"Let's go upstairs and watch movies until you fall asleep, how does that sound bud?" Peter nodded mutely and Tony carried Peter in his arms to the elevator. Once they arrived in Tony's and Pepper's room, Peter was fast asleep. Tony crawled into bed, still holding his son close to him and Pepper crawled in next to them. The three fell into a peaceful slumber and everything felt right again.

                                                                      Word Count: 1043

Kinda shitty. Sorry it took so long. Meant to update sooner, but I've been busy moving and shiz. More to come...

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