The Scary 16 Year Old

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"Peter, give it back!" I yelled as he held my sketchbook close to him, hanging upside down.

Peter Parker has been my best friend since kindergarten and we're inseparable. He's my shoulder to cry on, my partner in crime and he's also my crush. I know, I know it's bad to like your best friend, but I can't help it. He's like no other and I know that no matter what, he'll always be there for me. I always love hanging out with him, but today he stole my sketchbook and I needed to get it back before he sees something I'd rather him not see.

"Not unless you say I'm the sexiest man alive." He smirked and I raised an eyebrow as he pulled the web to go up more towards the ceiling.

"Not a chance." I grinned and took a step forward. I tripped on an uneven tile on the floor and ended up falling forward. He jumped down to try and catch me, but lost his footing, falling backwards with me on top of him, causing our lips to connect. I pulled back and blushed, looking the other way. My head was slightly pushed back and I was staring down at Peter, who had an indescribable look in his eyes and a light smile on his face. He leaned up and reconnected our lips. When we pulled back, we were both breathless.

"Woah." I gasped and he smiled, reaching up and stealing another kiss.

"MJ, will you be my girlfriend?" Peter asked, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. In reply, I leaned down and kissed him again. "I'll take that as a yes?" He asked and grinned, kissing me again.

"Hey Pete- woah. Sorry." Tony quickly shut the door, and we burst out laughing. Peter helped me up and we walked out to the living and saw the Avengers along with Pepper, Rhodey and May gathered, listening to Tony talk.

"They're finally together! It only took them 6 years to ask!" Tony exclaimed, and screamed when I cleared my throat. I was glaring at Tony, blushing profusely and he hid behind Pepper, scared of me. I'd be scared of me too, considering I was trained by none other than Black Widow herself. "Please don't kill me." Tony squeaked and everyone laughed at the fear radiating off of the billionaire.

"Oh sweetie, I'm so happy for you!" May exclaimed kissing and hugging Peter.

"Mayyyyy." Peter whined and everyone laughed again.

"Finally, you grew a pair of balls mini Stark." Clint smirked and I glared at him, causing him to take off running.

                                                               Word Count: 435

Just a short funny/cute Spideychelle for y'all.

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