Good Intentions-2

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Trigger warning;  some of the words and imagery in this one shot may cause you to be triggered. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Why won't anyone answer my question, why is the silence so loud? I think I threw it all away. I don't know, I don't know.

Peter threw his suit on the bed and walked to the bathroom. He grabbed the hem of his long sleeve and pulled it off. He turned to his body length mirror and sighed, a tear slid down as he stared at the shattered image, pieces of the glass scattered around the tiled floor. He crouched down and reached into the crevice behind the sink, pulling out a folded towel. He opened it up and grabbed the tiny metal into his hand.

But let me know, Hear me out before you label me the bad one,

"Your family are probably happy they're gone. Now they don't have to look at a worthless piece of shit like you." Flash's words rang in his ears as he stared at the piece of metal in his hand, hovering above his wrist.

I'm walking through the desert, but I'm drowning inside.

A choked sob made itself known in Peter's throat as tears filled his eyes. They spill as a wail resounds from the room.

"Fri, what did you mean by 'Peter isn't doing so well'? What's wrong with him?" Tony rushed as he got his suit on.

"She says that he has had multiple injuries on his arms, and they appear to be self inflicted." Friday replies.

"Where is he?" Tony asked as he started to fly away from the tower.

"His suit's location shows he's currently at home. He doesn't seem to be wearing it though." Friday spoke and he went to turbo on his boots, flying as quickly as he could to his son.

No river runs deeper than the tear from my eye

Heavy knocks are heard at Peter's apartment door, and Peter lowers his cries to whimpers. Blood was rushing out of his arms and he tightly grasped the blade in his hand. Flash's words getting louder and louder as the blood gushes out faster.

"Peter?!" Tony's voice echoes throughout the apartment and Peter can't find it in him to care.

He'll be glad when I'm gone anyway. I'm nothing, but a burden to him. Peter can't help, but smile at the blood that is surrounding his body. The door is knocked in and Tony rushes in. He looks around the empty room and sees the bathroom light on. He knocks softly on the door.

"Pete?" His voice comes out softly, despite the concern he feels.

A bubble of uncertainty fills his gut as he hears the eerie silence that consumes the room. He twisted the knob and his heart breaks at the sight before him. Sitting on the floor was his Peter, blood pooling around him and a heavy look in his eyes. His disheveled hair and dark bags says it all. He looked so small and Tony rushed to his side. He grabbed the towel off of a rack and presses it to Peter's wounds, tears threatening to fall.

"Why Peter?"

You went and made me bitter, bitter

Peter looks up with his glossy eyes and lets out a humorless chuckle.

"It's my fault." He utters out in a raspy voice. Tony gave him a puzzled look, a single tear falling. "I watched Uncle Ben die. I didn't try to save him. I could've saved him. Now even Aunt May is dead. I went to her funeral, you know?" Tony nodded, sorrow filled eyes for the broken child in front of him. "I don't get it." 

"It's apart of life ki-"

"No." Peter shook his head. He looked Tony straight in  the eyes, and Tony could see all the pain, all the sadness that filled his now dull eyes. He wasn't prepared for the next question. "Why are you here?"

"Because I was worried kid. We gotta get you back to the tow-"

"N-no." Peter stuttered, the loss of blood taking its toll and Tony's eyes widened, tears still falling. He just now noticed all the empty bottles around him and the beaten up Spider man suit discarded on the bed.

I wish I wasn't such a giver, giver. Apologize to my liver, liver

"Kid, you've lost too much- Pete!" Tony yelled as his son went limp. He picked up the unconscious teen and flew as fast as he could to the tower, calling Bruce on the way.

Cause if that's the case, then you're the one to blame

"Tony?" Bruce answered, confusion and concern laced in his voice.

"Bruce! Get Med Bay prepared for the kid!" Tony yelled into the suit and he could hear rustling in the phone as Natasha answered.

"Tony, where's Peter?" She demanded.

"Nat, I'm at the tower now. He-he-" Tony couldn't finish.

He walked out of the suit with Peter still in his arms and he ran to the direction of Med Bay. He placed Peter down on the stretcher and he was rushed to surgery. Tony walked with his head down to the waiting room and paced. Nat and the other Avengers walked in with questioning eyes.

"Tony, how's Peter?" Natasha asked and froze when he pointed towards the operation theater. She walked up to the glass and gasped when she saw inside. "мой паук." (My spider) She whispered, her Russian coming out.

One thing you should know about Natasha Romanoff is she doesn't cry, but she couldn't stop the traitorous tear that slipped. She didn't care who saw her cry at this point in time, the only thing that mattered right now was that boy in the room who was on the verge of death. 

To be continued..

Part two done and it probably sucks so far, lol. 

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