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"Wh-what if I was crossed with a cheetah, instead of a spider?" Peter wondered aloud. He wasn't asking to be funny, he was genuinely curious as he was high with MJ, Ned, and Flash(gasp). Alright, let me give a quick explanation of why Flash is hanging around the three; weed. Once they got into smoking, Flash's problems faded and he did his best to make up for it, finally realizing what he did was wrong.

"Dudeeeeee you would go by Chetah man!"

"Cheetah boy." MJ mentioned as a side comment and Flash's eyes widened.

"Cheetah girls-"

"Cheetah sisters!" Peter finished singing after Flash and both chuckled.

"Hell yea!" Flash high fived Peter as the other two shook their heads.

"You two sure you aren't gay?" MJ questioned and Peter frowned, then smiled.

"If I was gay, I wouldn't do this." Peter leaned in and kissed MJ, surprising the teen. Up till now, Peter's feelings have never been spoken about MJ, but now it seems he was holding nothing back.

"What if you were crossed with a pig?" Ned asked, ecstatic and Peter chuckle.

"What if you were a girl?" 

"What if you're name wasn't Peter?" 

"What if you were from 1933." Everyone glanced at Ned in curiosity.

"Why that specific year?" MJ questioned, an eyebrow raised and Ned shrugged.

"I like that year."

"What if, instead of powers, he had a robot that battled with him inside?" Flash questioned and Peter burst out laughing at the ridiculously stupid questions his high friends had.

"What if you were older and fat?"

"I don't-" a portal opened in front of the group and Peter's eyes widened as he saw 6 figures step out.

"Where are we?" 

"What is this place?"

"Miles?" A girl in a white spidey outfit questioned as she stared at him. Peter's mouth dropped, along with the bottle in his hand and the 6 figures turned to the group of 4.

"Um, hi?" Peter spoke, more sober and a pig in a spidey costume jumped in front. 

"Who are you?" The pig asked and Flash backed up, mouth agape.

"That-that pig can talk!" He yelled and the pig flung a pie in his face, where he got the pie? Who knows?

"Hey, you can't just-"

"Which one of you is Spiderman and what's with this metal suit?" The black and white Spiderman asked, holding the suit carelessly and Peter shot a web, pulling the suit to him.

"Don't touch that! Who are all of you anyway?!" Peter exclaimed and Miles stepped forward.

"We're like you-"

"Spiderman." All six said at once.

                   Word Count: 433

Requested by Fluttercord_smile So, I'm sorry this isn't that long, but I used somewhat you're of your idea to set up the next one shot

Spider-Son/IronDad One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now