I'm Not Going Anywhere..

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“So, you and Aunt Tasha are actually in a relationship, while married to dad? Dad is in love with Dr. Strange and dated Uncle Steve?” I was confused. After I came home and my mom saw me, she wanted to have a talk and came clean about everything.

“Yes. Your father didn't mean what he said, he just didn't want Johnny to hurt like Steve had hurt him.” I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head.

“How did Uncle Steve hurt dad?” I asked and before she could answer, a muscular voice interrupted. I turned around and was faced with my dad.

“He left me for Bucky and almost killed me after the fight at the airport.” Realization dawned on me and my eyes widened.

“That's why it took you so long to get home after you left the airport and went after them.” I was pissed at Uncle Steve and wanted to give him a piece of my mind.

“Correct. Look, kid, Pete.. I'm sorry I went off on you. I was just worried and took it out on you.” He looked down and I hugged him.

“Its okay. Now, you have someone here you should ask out.” I whispered and he pulled back, shocked. I gave him a smile and nodded at the two.

“Stephen would you maybe wanna go out with me?” My dad asked awkwardly and Stephen smiled.

“Meet me tonight at the shawarma joint on 5th and main.” He opened a portal and walked through, leaving my dad shocked. I smiled and shook my head. The smile left my face and I was angry. I went in search of Steven and didn't stop until I found him in the training room with Bucky, working out.

“Steven Grant Rogers.” I spoke and narrowed my eyes at him as his eyes widened. He crossed his arms and gave me the look of disappointment.

“Peter that is no way to talk to your elder, no less your uncle.” He shook his head and I clenched my fists, my dad and mom along with Aunt Tasha walked in.

“That's no way to talk to you?! How about the way you treated my dad was not the way to treat him?! You almost killed him over Uncle Bucky! How fucked up is that! I love you all, but when you almost kill my father, that's where I draw the line.” I spoke with tears in my eyes and his face softened.

“Peter, I'm sorry-”

“No! You can't just say sorry and everything will be okay! You almost killed my father! The one person I look up and love the most, besides my mom and Aunt Tasha. I can't just forgive you and act like I didn't almost lose my dad because of you!” I was held back by my dad as I wanted to go hit him. I fell to my knees as the realization hit me. I actually almost lost my dad. My uncle almost killed him..

“It's okay Peter, I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere.” I looked at my dad through teary eyes and saw he was momentarily glaring at Steve. He looked down at me and kissed my forehead. “I'm not going anywhere..”

                  Word Count: 539

Last part of this one shot. Sorry it's short, but I hope you enjoyed reading it. Vote and comment your opinion.

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