You Weren't There..

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"This thing on?" I spoke as I tapped on the helmet and sat back. "Hey Ms. Potts. Sup. If you find this recording.. Don't post it on social media. It's gonna be a real tearjerker… I don't know if you're ever gonna see these.. I don't even know if you're still- Oh god, I hope so.." I said as I cut off before finishing my sentence. 
I felt so hopeless, out in the middle of space with no one else, but Nebula. My son turned to ashes in my hands and I still have his ashes all over me. Everything felt like a blur, and due to the lack of oxygen, food, and H20, I was starting to feel weak. 
"Today's day.. 21? No, uh, 22. You know, if it- wasn't for the existential terror of staring in the literal void of space, I'd say I'm feeling a little better today. Infections are on its course, thanks to the- blue meanie back there." 
Nebula had helped me stop some of the infections from the wounds I received on Thanos' planet and thankfully, I can live a bit longer; or at least until oxygen runs out. I've been sending, or at least trying to send out messages to Pepper. I missed her and I think she has a right to know what happened to Peter. Hell, I still couldn't admit it to myself. I couldn't handle the fact that my son, died in my arms, on an unknown planet and now, I can't even Avenge him. 
"Oh, you'd love her. Very practical. Only a tiny bit sadistic, like Nat. So, the fuel cells were cracked during battle when we figured out a way to reverse the ion charge and bought ourselves about 48 hours of flight time. Uh, but it's now dead in the water. A thousand lightyears from the nearest seven eleven." I got in a little joke, but couldn't find it in me to even laugh.
"Oxygen will run out tomorrow morning and that'll be it." A flash of my entire life went across my mind and I began to find it hard to talk. I felt lightheaded and didn't want to fall asleep. I needed to finish the video, even if she never sees it. "Look, Pep. I know I said no more surprises, but I gotta say.. I was really looking to pull off one last one.. But it looks like.. Well, you know what it looks like." I sighed and sat up.
"Don't feel bad about this, I mean actually if you grovel for a couple weeks and then.. move on with enormous guilt.." The light headedness got worse and I covered my eyes, arms rested on my knees. "I should probably lie down for a minute. I'm gonna rest my eyes. Please know.. When I drift off, it'll be like every night lately. I'm fine, totally fine. I dream about you and Peter. Cause it's always you two." I whispered as I turned off the camera and stood, stumbling to the chair. 
Just as I had closed my eyes for what I imagined would be for the last time, a bright light caused them to open and I squinted my eyes at the brightness. I forced my eyes to stay open and continued to look as a flaming person came into focus. 

♧♧♧♧ Time Skip Brought To You By Captain Marvel Saving Tony ♧♧♧♧

Nebula helped me stand and walk off the spaceship as the person who saved us landed. Steve came running over and I stepped forward, Nebula still holding onto my hand. Once in his reach, he put his hand on my back and helped me walk over to the others.
"I couldn't stop him." I spoke shakily and he looked at me. 
"Neither could I." Steve responded as he looked ahead and I stopped walking. I looked directly in his eyes and couldn't bring myself to say the next words. It was still fresh in my mind and my heart was still hurting. I took a deep breath and let it go, tears springing to my eyes.
"Hold on. I lost the kid." I whispered, voice wavering. 
"Tony, we lost." 
"Is, uh..?" I was cut off by footsteps rubbing towards and Pepper hugged me. "Oh, good." 
"Oh, my god. Oh my god." Pepper sobbed and I held her tightly. "Tony.. Peter, he…" Pepper sobbed and I looked at the ground. I don't think she knew he was Spiderman, and the kid didn't want her to know. I just held her tightly and decided not to tell her.
I looked at Steve and he gave me an apologetic look.
"It's okay. We'll bring him back." I said as we pulled apart and I kissed her temple.

◇◇◇◇ Another Time Skip Brought To You By Pepper Losing Her Son As Well As Tony ◇◇◇◇

"It's been 23 days since Thanos came to earth." Rhodey spoke as we all were gathered in the lab, looking at all the people who vanished 
"World governments are in pieces. And the parts that are still working… are trying to take a census and it looks like he did.." Natasha paused mid sentence as I stared at the picture of Peter, unable to break the stare and pinched the bridge of my nose as Peter's picture left th holoscreen. "He did exactly what he said he was gonna do… Thanos wiped out.. 50 percent of all living creatures." 
"Where is he now? Where?" I asked as I waved my hand and Steve looked at me, then looked away.
"We don't know. He just opened a portal and walked through." I sighed and turned my wheel chair a bit, spotting Thor behind containment glass.
"What's wrong with him?" 
"Oh, he's pissed. He thinks he failed." My hand fell and I looked at the Build-A-Bear with an exasperated look. "Which, of course,  he did.. but, you know, there's a lot of that going around, ain't there?" 
"Honestly, until this exact second I thought you were a Build-A-Bear." I spoke as I pointed at him and he shrugged. 
"Maybe I am." 
"We've been hunting Thanos for three weeks now. Deep space scans… and satellites, and we got nothing." Steve explained and went silent. A few seconds later, he sighed and looked at me. "Tony, you fought him."
"Who told you that?" I asked as I tilted my head and adjusted my robe. "I didn't fight him. No, he wiped my face with a planet.. while the Bleecker Street magician gave away the store. That's what happened. There was no fight, 'cause he's not beatable." I explained as he closed his eyes and nodded his head.
Did he give you any clues, any coordinates, anything?" Steve asked as if he hadn't heard a word I just said.
"Uh.." I made a stupid movement and the others looked annoyed with my antics. "I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision. I didn't wanna believe it. Thought I was dreaming." 
"Tony, I'm gonna need you to focus." Steve spoke as he stood and I cut him off.
"And I needed you. As in past tense. That trumps what you need. It's too late, buddy. Sorry." I shook my head and he continued to stare at me, Rhodey looking at me from behind. "You know what I need? I need a shave." I slammed my hand on the table as I stood and turned away from Steve. "And I believe I remember telling all of youse…" I started as I gripped my IV and got ready to rip it out of my arm.
"Tony, Tony!" Rhodey tried to stop me, but I ripped it out anyway, continuing to speak. 
"..... alive and otherwise, that what we needed was a suit of armour around the world." I spoke, my voice raising in volume and I used my hand to talk. "Remember that? Whether it impacted our precious freedoms or not. That's what we needed." I stressed and Steve gave a nonchalant shoulder roll.
"Well, that didn't work out, did it?" 
"I said we'd lose. You said, "We'll do that together, too." And guess what, Cap?" I said as I stood straighter and he looked at me with ignorance. "We lost. And you weren't there. But that's what we do, right? Our best work after the fact? We're the "Avengers." I explained and Rhodey grabbed me as I started to become illiterate. "We're the "Avengers," not the "Pre-vengers." 
"Okay." Rhodey nodded and I looked at him.
"You made your point. Just sit down, okay?" He nodded to the chair and I turned my body back to Steve.
"Okay. No, no, here's my point. You know what? She is great by the way." I said pointing over to the woman who saved me and Rhodey pushed me back.
"Tony, you're sick. Sit down."
"We need you. You're new blood. Bunch of tired old mules. I got nothing for you, Cap." I pulled away from Rhodey's arms and stepped forward. I stopped in front of him and stabbed his chest with my pointer finger.
"I got no coordinates… no clues, no strategies, no options. Zero. Zip. Nada. No trust, liar." I panted and his lips parted. I ripped off my chest piece and placed it in the captain's hand. "Here, take this. You find him, you put that on… you hide."
I pointed and suddenly I felt no energy. My body moved faster than my mind and I started to fall back, unable to stand much longer. 
"Tony!" Steve exclaimed and tried to grab me. 
"I'm fine." I breathed out as I sat down and everyone stopped around me. "Let me…" I tried to say, but was covered in darkness and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. 
                       Word Count: 1,637

So, uh.. yea. Tears when I wrote this. Another part? Sooo many ideas and I'm kinda excited.. Please vote and comment your opinions. Also, comment for another part!

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