This Is All Your Fault..

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"This is all your fault!" She screamed and pulled away as I reached out to her.

"Mj-" I tried to plead, but she just turned away.

"Don't talk to me, murderer." She whispered, venom in her voice and she started to walk away. I fell to my knees and cuffed my face with my hands. None of this was meant to happen..

*****************Time Rewind To Earlier That Day Brought To You By The Very Anxious Readers**************************

No one's point Of View

Peter was walking down the street and was grabbed from behind. He thrashed, but it did no good. Even with his super strength, he couldn't break free. A cloth was held to his nose and he held his breath, trying to keep from breathing in the fumes. A few minutes later, he could no longer hold his breath, his lungs desperately screaming for air. The second he breathed in after letting out his breath, he felt a woozy sensation and he fought to stay awake. He eventually couldn't fight any longer and his eyes closed.

"Wakey, wakey Spidey." Peter awoke in an uncomfortable chair and hearing a very unfamiliar voice. He looked around the dimly lit room and saw two other figures struggling in chairs as well. The rest of the lights came on, causing Peter to go temporarily blind from the brightness and when he could see straight, his eyes widened.

Sitting in the chair across from him was MJ, who was struggling against her restraints and next to her was Ned. Ned was terrified and sat still in fear. Peter made eye contact with MJ and saw her usually expressionless face, full of terror and pain from pushing against the restraints. Peter fought in his chair and just as he loosened it, the kidnapper tsk'ed and shaking his head.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Petey boy. Pull on the restraints too hard and you trigger the gun attached to your chair." Peter's eyes widened to the size of saucers, same with MJ and Ned.
"What do you want from us?!" MJ managed to get the bandanna around her mouth loose and screamed.

"Oh, not much-" he turned quickly and threw the knife towards Peter. Peter's powers kicked in and against his will, he moved out of the way, breaking the restraints fully. A big bang sound resounded in the building and everyone froze. Peter looked over to where MJ and Ned were. Blood was gushing from Ned's forehead as it fell forward and Peter's eyes welled with tears. He tapped his watch that the idiots forgot to take off and his suit formed around him. He pressed the center of his suit and the drone came out immediately.

"Karen.. Instant kill mode." Peter said emotionless as his suit's eyes turned red and the drone shot every bad guy in the room. He walked to MJ and broke the restraints easily, before lifting her into his arms and walking out. MJ watched the scene of murder as they walked and once outside, punched Peter on the back repeatedly.

"Put me down!" She yelled and Peter complied immediately. Once on the ground MJ pointed an accusing finger at Peter, tears filling her eyes.

"This is your fault."

****************Timeskip Brought To You By MJ Showing Emotion******************

Peter watched her fading figure and then walked back to the shed. Once inside, he walked up to Ned and kneeled down in front of his corpse. His tears fell freely as he looked at his, now dead, best friend.

"I'm so sorry Ned..." Peter whispered, pulling off his mask and a familiar noise came into earshot until the noise stopped right next to him.

"Peter, what happened?" Tony questioned, shocked and worried. He looked around at all the dead men, until his eyes landed on Ned. Is he?" Tony asked, scared to finish.

"Yea." Peter whispered, standing up and turning away.

"Kid-" Tony reached out to Peter's shoulder, gripping it and Peter shrugged his hand off.

"I need to be alone.." Peter walked out, leaving Tony with the murder scene and walked towards the lake he always goes to. This was definitely not meant to happen.

                                                    Word Count:  695

Okay, so I know  this is short, but I hope it had enough angst. This was requested by _dawnnn I hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment your opinions(and yes, there will be a part two to this one shot as well).

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