We're losing him!

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Tony was in his lab, getting more and more agitated as he repeatedly failed while trying to fix the suit. He just couldn't figure it out and he was worried with every second that passed. Suddenly, an idea came to him and as he stood to grab his phone, a portal opened a few feet away from him.
"Strange? I was just about to-" Tony was cut off by a body flying out and it landed at his feet. Tony looked down, expecting to see Dr. Strange and his eyes widened when he saw the suit he and his son made together. 
"What was that-" Natasha started as she came down the stairs, but stopped short when she saw the suit. "Peter?" Natasha asked as she walked forward and Tony bent to the ground. He touched the teens shoulder and lightly shook him.
"Kid, are you-" Tony started, turning Peter to him and his eyes got impossibly larger as he saw the gaging whole that took up part of Peter's chest. "N-no." Tony muttered and he picked his son up carefully. 
"Tony, what's-" Natasha didn't get to finish as Tony threw everything off his desk and lay his son down.
"Go get Bruce and tell Dr. Cho to come down here with an IV and whatever else she can bring!" Tony exclaimed and Natasha nodded, tears escaping her eyes as she saw Peter's state. 
The multibillionaire grabbed everything he used to make his arc and got to work. He knew he didn't have much time, but hoped he would have enough to save his son. The elevator opened and Bruce rushed in, gasping when he saw Peter. He quickly shook off his shock and ran to help, Dr. Cho following suit. The doctor hooked up the IV as Tony finished the chest piece and Bruce helped Dr. Cho keep Peter stabilized.
"Tony, he's beginning to flatline!" Bruce exclaimed and Tony stopped for a second.
"It-it's not ready yet! Helen, do whatever you can to keep him alive! I just need a few more seconds." Tony said and the doctor nodded, trying her best to stop the bleeding, but the damage to his heart was too great. 
"We're losing him!" Helen Cho exclaimed and Tony finally finished, trying desperately to put the piece of tech that could save his son's life into Peter's chest. The line went dead, just as Tony finished and Tony felt like he just died. He looked at the doctor and his best friend desperately. 
"I-I'm sorry, but-" The doctor was cut off by the heart monitor beeping slowly. Tony breathed a sigh of relief, but became alert when the beeping got faster.
"What's happening?!" Tony asked worriedly looking at his son and the doctor looked at the machines, trying to figure out what was going on.
"Dad!" Peter gasped as he shot up and Tony's tears came out faster.
"Peter." That one word made Peter look over and tears sprang to his eyes. Tony went to hug his son, but the teen fell unconscious once more; Tony catching him and laying him gently on the table.
"Is he..?" Bruce asked as Tony pushed his son's bangs out of his face.
"He's stable. He passed out, but he should recover soon." The doctor replied and Tony let the breath he hadn't realized he's been holding out. He looked down at his son and kissed his forehead, leaning his own against the teen's.
"Thank god.." Tony whispered and Bruce smiled sadly. 

♤♤♤ Time Skip Because Everyone Is Most Likely Crying ♤♤♤

"Peter, please wake up. I miss you and I need you here." Tony spoke to his son for the 8th day in a row. Everyday, Tony would awake next to his son and pray to the god he doesn't believe in for his son to wake up. 
It might sound stupid, right? I mean, praying to something you don't believe in doesn't make sense. It would fall on deaf ears, but Tony was desperate. He needed his son back and Pepper wasn't any better. However, Natasha was the worst. She wouldn't leave the room and would spend her days telling Peter stories of russian folklore and other stories that Peter would normally beg to be told. 
Everyone of the Avengers would pop in everyday and attempt to bribe their nephew into waking up. Everyone knew that without their sunshine, their life would be meaningless. Bucky would bake all of Peter's favorites and bring them into the room, but would leave with a heavy heart when he got the same result of Peter still in a coma. Steve would try to convince him by offering to teach Peter how to use the shield.
 Sam would offer to let him fly in his suit and Clint would offer to pull pranks with Peter on everyone. Vision would offer to play despacito on repeat to annoy Tony and Wanda tried to use her powers, but would break down whenever she saw the images of what happened in Dimension 123. She could never tell anyone what she saw, the pain being too much and she stopped visiting after the first 3 days; opting to stay in her room and cry. 
"Is he awake?" Tony turned to look at the door and saw MJ standing there looking worried. Tony sighed, he knew Ned and MJ would find out and he also knew that Peter wouldn't want them to worry, however it was hard to not let them worry when he wasn't waking up.
"No." Tony answered and MJ nodded silently, walking to the bed.
"Tony, we should-"
"Nat, I'm not leaving my son-"
"I wasn't asking, you need a break and Peter wouldn't want to wake up to you like.. that." Natasha gestured to the multibillionaire while giving subtle glances towards the teens.
"Fine." Tony stood and spared one last glance towards his son and unwillingly left the room.
"Hey loser. I know you probably can't hear me, however I need to get this off my chest and I don't know if I could say this if you were awake." MJ started, hoping for the boy to at least move an inch, but the teen stayed still and MJ sighed. She grabbed his hand and held it tightly. 
"Okay, so I know I'm not the best at feelings and emotions, but I love you. I don't know how long it's been, but you were the first person to not see me as.. weird. You made me feel like an actual person and I know it's stupid because Liz moved away, but I find myself wondering if you would ever feel that way about me.." MJ finished, tears springing to her eyes and she looked down. "At least say something. Anything?" MJ asked desperately and she sighed as the door opened.
"Still asleep?" Pepper asked and MJ looked up, nodding sadly.
"Sweetie, he'll be okay." Pepper tried to say, but it sounded like she was assuring herself more than she was MJ. Tony walked back in and hugged Pepper from behind.
"She's-" Tony paused as he saw Peter's eyes flutter and MJ dropped his hand. She quickly wiped her eyes and Tony stepped forward. "Kid?" Tony asked and Peter's eyes slowly opened. He looked around and saw teary eyes, a confused look on his face.
"Why is everyone crying?" Peter asked with a raspy voice and Tony walked over to the bed, holding a cup of water with a straw.
"We were worried about you, sweetie." Pepper responded and Peter finished sipping his water, before speaking.
"Why?" Peter asked and Tony frowned.
"I'll explain later, but for right now how are you feeling?" 
"I'm a little sore, but I think I'm okay." Peter answered and Tony smiled. "Just one question." 
"What is it, Peter?" Pepper asked and the teen looked around once more in confusion.
"Who are you people?" 
                Word Count: 1,312

Okay, so I know I ended this on a cliffhanger. Please don't hate me, but I was thinking of starting off my next one shot book with the next part. I also know this is short, however you all know how much I love leaving my readers on the edge of their seats. I hope everyone continues to read my stories because I have a lot planned. Please vote and comment your opinions.

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