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Trigger warning! Gay slurs and bullying, kinda. Also, might hate writer, but read at own risk.

After the first lesson, I continued to hear Peter repeatedly get degraded and watched as teachers gave him attitude. It made me even more curious, but every time I tried to speak to him, he brushed me off and looked down.

When lunch time came around, I was led to the lunch room by Peter, who was my tour guide of the school, and I was abandoned. One minute, I was getting in line, Peter behind me and when I turned around the next, he was gone. It confused me, but I brushed it off and continued to get my lunch.

I figured he had went to the bathroom, so I sat down and began to eat. When I finished and realized he wasn't back, I got up to search for him. I looked around the entire school, worry building inside me when I couldn't find the curly brown haired boy and I started to panic.

I don't know what came over me, but I cared for the guy and found him kinda cute. Imagine my anger and hatred for the guy I found picking on the cute brunette. I think the bullies name was Fat? Fast? Flash.. Flash was his name and my blood boiled at the sight in front of me; literally speaking. Flash had Peter pressed against the wall, same as before, except this time he was drenched in blood.

“Did I not tell you earlier to leave him alone?” My eyes flared with fire and he scoffed, not turning around. “Aye fucker, I'm talking to you.” I spat out and he tightened his grip around Peter's neck.

“Listen faggot, your boyfriend-” He stopped short when he turned to face me and saw my eyes. Fire started to cover my hand and he dropped Peter, running away scared. I forced my powers back down and ran to the brunette who seemed to be having trouble breathing.

“Hey Peter, relax. I got you. I'll take you to the nurse-” I started, and began to pick him up, but he grabbed my arm; causing me to stop.

“C-call my-my d-dad.” He gasped out before darkness took over and I sighed. I grabbed my phone and looked for Stark's number, dialing it.

“What do you want kid? I'm busy right now. Why don't you call Reed-” I cut him off, rolling my eyes.

“It's Peter. You need to come to the school. He passed out.” I gave a vague description of the situation and heard sounds over the phone, before he answered.

“On my way.” As soon as he hung up, I looked down at the boy in my arms and swept the bangs out of his face. A few minutes later, the iron man suit touched down and Tony came out.

“What happened?” Tony asked worriedly as he grabbed his son and I sighed, missing the boy in my arms for some odd reason.

“I walked out and a kid named Flash Thompson was beating him up. He was choked and told me to call you, before he passed out.” I answered and Tony nodded, pulling out his phone.

“Happy, I need you to get to the high school as quickly as you can. Peter needs to be taken home and I don't wanna fly him there.” A few incoherent words were spoken and Tony hung up, putting his phone back in his pocket. “Did you wanna stay, or-” Sue would kill me if I skipped-

“Nah. I'll come with you guys to make sure Peter is okay.” I didn't even hesitate and was surprised by my answer, as well as Tony.

“Okay.” He nodded and we waited in silence for ‘Happy’ to show up. Once he arrived, Tony carefully carried Peter to the car and I had him lay the brown haired beauty on my lap.

What the fuck is going on with me? Brown haired beauty? What the fuck, Johnny? You don't even fuckin know him! He could be the worst human being ever, and you're over here calling him a ‘brown haired beauty' and skipping school for him? What the fu-

“We're here kid.” The driver spoke and snapped me out of my thoughts. I nodded and carefully carried Peter inside. Captain America grabbed him from me and rushed him off somewhere(If anyone saw what I did there, you're my new best friend lol). I followed behind and we went to the medical wing part of the tower. I waited in the waiting room and placed back and forth, Tony doing the same. Once the doctor said we could see him, I beat Tony inside. I went to his bedside and he smiled at me, but then frowned.

“Why are you here?” Before I could answer, Tony walked in and began questioning him.

“And you didn't tell me you were getting bullied, because…?” Tony crossed his arms and Peter looked down.

“It doesn't matter. I didn't wanna burden you with my problems.” I watched Tony's facial expression soften and he sighed, hugging his son.

“Of course it matters, you're my son Peter. I don't want any harm to come to you. How about I get some ice cream for us? Johnny, you're welcome to keep Peter company while I'm gone.” Peter nodded, but I could see he was fighting himself about something.

“Sure.” I shrugged and Peter sat up. “Woah, careful there.” I chuckled as he stood up and fell into me. He looked up and our eyes connected for a split second, before Peter stood up and looked away, I think I saw a blush on his cheeks. Peter led me to his room and shut the door.

“Why are you here?” He demanded and I raised an eyebrow.

“You passed out.” I responded, dumbly and he rolled his eyes.

“No shit, sherlock. I was asking why you came here and skipped school.” He sassed and I smirked. Feisty. I like it. What. The. Actual. Fuck.

“I wanted to make sure you're okay. Look Peter, I don't know if you felt this too, but when I first met you; I felt a strong connection. I was immediately attracted to you and had to force myself to stop looking at you. It was like hypnosis.” WHAT. THE. FUCKIN. ACTUAL. HELL IS WRONG WITH ME? Me, Johnny Storm, aka Human Torch, just confessed his feelings for someone. I never do that. Peter blushed and I smiled.

“I felt that too.” He whispered and looked down. “Look, Johnny. I like you, but there's something you should know…” I raised an eyebrow. He looked nervous and I couldn't help myself. I leaned in and planted my lips against his. He kissed back and didn't pull apart until we heard a gasp. We looked to the door and Tony was standing there. He had dropped the spoons and ice cream.

“You-you're gay?!”

                    Word Count: 1142

Please tell me at least one person got what I did during the Captain America bit thing? Please? If not, I might cry. Anyway, part 3? Vote and comment your opinions.

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