Bad ass Bitch, MJ

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"TONY!! HELL WAS FULL SO I'M BACK!!" MJ exclaimed walking into the room and I tried to bite back a laugh. Tony looked up from his work and rolled his eyes with a smile tugging at his lips.

"Oh god, you again? I thought I told security to keep you off the premises?" Tony jokingly narrowed his eyes while MJ continued to smirk.

"No one can stop a bad ass bitch like me from doing anything." MJ crossed her arms and I grinned.

"She's not lying, trust me." I spoke up and Tony rolled his eyes.

"Well, what did you want?" Tony questioned with fake annoyance and MJ pointed behind her at me.

"That loser wanted to come see you, now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find Nat, Wanda or Pepper." MJ strutted out of the room like the boss ass bitch she was. I turned to Tony and he raised an eyebrow.

"So, kid. Did you ask her yet?" I looked down and shook my head. "Why?" Tony asked and I looked up, a frown evident on my face.

"I was going to! But as I went to ask her, Troy Lavigne already asked, and she said yes." I sighed and sat down, head between my hands. "She wouldn't want to go with me anyways. I'm such a loser, why'd I even think I had a chance with her?" I shook my head and Tony put his hand on my shoulder.

"I know how you feel kid, I used to be just like you." I looked up and rolled my eyes.

"You used to be like me? Yeah, I doubt it." Tony shrugged.

"Well, I was rich, and pretty good looking." Tony pretended to think aloud, his fingers stroking his chin. I threw my head back into my hands. "That's besides the point kid. Look, I went through the same thing, kinda. I almost lost pepper." I looked up at him quickly, my eyes wide.

"Really?" I asked and Tony nodded with a frown as if re-watching the moment play in his head. "How?"

"Well, Pepper and I were best friends, and she's always been in love with me, but me being the dunce I am, didn't realize till almost too late. It was the night of the Gala and I was walking around introducing myself to people when I saw her in that black dress. It was a gift that I bought for her that she picked out. It looked gorgeous with her black stilettos. It complemente-" I coughed and he shook his head, before smiling sheepishly, "right, sorry kid. Anyway, she was approached by many guys that night, but one guy stuck out."



It was an ex of hers and they ended up chatting the whole night. After the Gala, I was wasted and had to be taken home by Pepper. In my drunken state I had asked Pepper what was going on with her and her ex. She admitted that they wanted to meet up for coffee and my stomach twisted, not just because of the alcohol, but because I didn't want to see her with anyone else. I remained quiet the rest of the drive and when we got to the tower, after she tucked me in she asked if I needed anything else. My drunken mind decided to speak my heart and I had blurted out that I needed her. She froze, but then sighed.

"Look Tony, you're drunk and you don't mean any of this. I'm not one of those girls you bring home for a one night stand." Pepper spoke, and I could see sadness in her eyes.

"But that's the thing Pepper! I am drunk, but I also truly mean that. I've been wanting you for a while, but didn't know what to say to you." I responded and Pepper shook her head.

"Tony-" I cut her off with a kiss, but she quickly pushed me away and ran out of the room. I went to go after her, but passed out instead.

~~~~~The Next Morning~~~~~

I woke up to pills and water on my nightstand. I sighed as memories of last night came back to me and took the meds with the water. I walked out of the room and saw Pepper in the kitchen, making eggs. She turned around and nearly dropped the frying pan.

"T-tony." She gasped, but quickly composed herself and looked away. "Good morning. Did you take the pills that was on your night stand? I know you were really drunk last night and also figured you would have a hangover. Also I'm making-"

"Also, I have a lot of work to do today-"
"And a lot of meetings-"

"Pep!" I yelled and she stopped talking. I looked her straight in her eyes, making my way slowly to her. "I meant what I said last night." I said and she paled.

"Last night? W-when last n-night?" She stuttered and I sighed.

"Look Pep, I know I don't have a good reputation with girls in the past, but I'm serious this time. You're the only girl I want." I said staring into her eyes.

"Tony, I want to, but-"

"Just give me a chance?" I asked and she sighed, but nodded a small smile on her face and a large grin took over my face.

~~~~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~


"Huh, I remember that story." Pepper's voice came out of the blue and I jumped. If she's here then.... I turned to see MJ next to her, narrowed eyes and crossed arms.

"You idiot, why didn't you just tell me you wanted to go to prom together?" MJ asked as she got closer and I glanced at Tony to see him smirking and shrug his shoulders.

"I wanted to! But..."

"Who cares about Troy?! I wanted to go with you!" MJ exclaimed, with her hands in the air and my eyes bugged out.

"Um, uh, um. MJ will you go to Prom with me?" I asked and she nodded, a smirk on her face. 

"What about that other boy?" Tony piped in and MJ raised an eyebrow, smirk still on her face.

"I told you before, no one can stop a badass bitch like me from doing anything. No one can tell a badass bitch like me what to do either." MJ responded, placing a pair of sunglasses over her eyes, and I laughed while Tony rolled his eyes and Pepper smiled. 

                                                                                     Word Count: 1076

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