You In?

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"Tony, I think you should relax." Steve stated, causing Tony to pause in his pace around the living room. Tony has been stressing out for the past hour and everyone of the ex-rogue avengers were watching the billionaire lose his mind, in confusion.

"I'm sorry, did Mr. Red white and blue here, just tell me to relax?" He asked Natasha and she sighed.

"I can't disagree with him, Tony. Why are you so stressed?" She asked and Tony dragged his hand down his face in exaggeration.

"You all are about to meet Peter and I'm just nervous."

"So what? What's so special about this kid?" Sam interjected and everyone agreed.

"You don't get it." Tony shook his head and Steve raised his eyebrow.

"What don't we get, Tony? This is just some kid-"

"Just some kid I would do anything to protect! If anything happened to that kid, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself. That's what you don't get, Rogers." Tony narrowed his eyes and that was when the elevator dinged and our very lovable curly haired child came in.

"Hey da- oof." Peter fell to the floor and groaned. He jumped up and smiled at everyone. "I'm okay! Woah, you guys are the Avengers, right?" Everyone was too shocked to move or talk and Peter raised an eyebrow. "Oh no, did I do something wrong? I-I'm sorry-"

♤♤♤♤♤♤ Some Time Later some Fucking Where In The Tower ♤♤♤♤♤♤

Steve and Natasha were sitting at a desk in the lobby with the Avengers standing in line. Tony walked by and raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, what is this?" Tony waved his hand around the scene, curiosity in his voice.

"Peter Parker Protect Squad. You in?" Natasha asked and Tony wasn't at all shocked.

"Now you all understand how I feel. Pepper? What-"

"Signing up to protect Peter, of course." Pepper cut Tony off, already knowing what he was going to say.

"How is a woman like you-" Pepper cut Sam off with a heated glare, daring the mechanic bird to speak further. Sam backed up with his arms raised.

"That's what I thought. Now, where do I sign?" She asked, all men making room in fear, as Natasha smirked.

               Word Count: 372

I'm so sorry this was so short, but I'm slightly content with how this turned out. Prompt given by bxcky-bxrnes I hope you liked it. Please vote and comment your opinions.

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