To Kill A God Of Mischief...

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It was a normal day for Peter. The birds were chirping, sun was shining, no school for the weekend and... MJ was trying to kill Loki. Loki looked terrified as MJ had cornered him and he looked at Peter pleadingly. No one else was home and Loki showed up out of nowhere looking for Thor. When he arrived, he did his usual greeting with Peter, which included a rare smile to the teen. When Loki spotted MJ, he made a grave mistake and instead of just describing it, let's have a flashback, shall we?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Flashback Brought to you by Loki's Gorgeous Locks of Hair~~~~~~~~~~~

"Come on loser, we have a meet tomorrow. We need to get studying." Peter groaned and threw his head back.

"MJ, we both know that we'll win. We have you on our team, we're sure to win." MJ bit her tongue in an attempt to not blush and turned her head.

"Peter-" She was cut off by a bright light filling the room and Peter smiled widely as he realized who it was.

"Brother, we need to- where is Thor this time? Buying more poptarts?" Loki sighed, annoyed and crossing his arms; his attention was directed at the young 16 year old, who he tried to steal once, but that's a whole other story(Should I write this one? 20 votes).

"Incorrect, Mr. Loki. All the Avengers are currently talking with Mr. Fury, including Mr. Thor." Loki smiled softly at the teen and smirked when he saw an annoyed MJ.

"And who is this? Does the spider have a girlfriend?" Loki grinned as the two blushed and Peter was too flustered to realize Loki potentially gave away his identity.

"N-no M-mr. Loki. MJ is just a friend." Peter stuttered and MJ hid her hurt. Loki furrowed his eyebrows, staring at MJ and his eyes went wide, before smirking.

"You sure Peter? This mortal seems to have an attraction to you." Peter blushed a brighter red and MJ slowly pulled out her dagger, unnoticed. "She has been looking towards you since I've arrived. I would even say she is in lo-" Loki cut off with a sort of scream as a blade went right past his head. He smirked looking at the teen in front of him and MJ glared at the god. "Feisty, I see I'm not wrong." That brings us back to the present time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Flashback Brought to you by Peter's Adorable Face~~~~~~~~~~~

"MJ-" Peter tried to get the girl's attention, but she just continued to glare menacingly at the god of mischief. Loki was too terrified to pull any tricks. He's attempted to duplicate himself with a fake, but MJ immediately threw a dagger at the two, lightly grazing Loki's cheek.

"I don't like people intruding in my life." MJ spoke coldly and held the blade to Loki's throat. Loki gulped and looked to Peter for help. The boy sighed and wrapped his arms around MJ, pulling her to him. MJ tensed, but relaxed and looked to Peter with an annoyed expression. She hated that he could cause her mood to go from 100 to 0 with one touch.

"Please don't kill Mr. Loki." Peter mumbled looking up slightly at the other teen. MJ sighed and nodded, causing Peter to let go and grin. Loki relaxed and Peter went to the kitchen, leaving MJ and the god alone. MJ took a dangerously calm step to Loki and glared threateningly at the god.

"If you ever intrude in my life again or tell Peter my feelings for him, I will kill you." MJ spoke with such a cold voice, it made Loki shudder and nod. MJ turned away and walked to the kitchen where Peter was. Loki stayed where he was for a few minutes more and jumped when the elevator opened and out walked the team. Tony grabbed his gauntlet as he spotted Loki and aimed his beam towards him.

"Come to steal my son again?" Loki shook his head and gave a wavering smirk.

"Not today Stark, on the contrary actually. I was looking for my brother." Loki tried to sound confident, but his voice cracked when MJ entered the room, with a glare to the god. The teens went to Peter's room and Loki visibly relaxed, causing Tony to gain a knowing look.

"MJ almost killed you too?" Loki nodded and Tony shook his head, lowering his gauntlet. "That is one terrifying teen." Nat smirked and walked to the kitchen, proud of her protegee. All the guys agreed and tensed when MJ entered the room, heading to the kitchen. There was not one guy in the building who was not afraid of MJ now and it shows.

                                                        Word Count: 787

The reason Loki is terrified of MJ, everyone. I feel like this was kinda stupid,but yea. Who wants a one-shot of when Loki tried to steal Peter?? Get this chapter 20 votes and comment. I'm so glad you guys read these and actually read  them. I  absolutely love your guys comments, they're amazing and funny. This story has 1.4k votes and 30.6k reads, and I can't thank you all enough. When I started writing this book, I wasn't expecting many people to read it. I was going to stop writing after the first few chapters, but people actually started to comment wanting more and I am just so glad you guys like what I write. I put a lot of thought when writing these and I appreciate the great feedback and comments I receive. 

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