You're Eloping?!

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"I'll be right back, just gotta use the ladies room." Michelle got up, kissing my cheek and walked away. I smiled at her fading figure and turned back around to my family.

"Oh Peter, I can't wait for the wedding!" Aunt May gushed and I turned red.

"What, May, no!" I exclaimed.

"So you're not inviting us to the wedding?!" My mom, Pepper asked and I turned impossibly redder.

"What, no. There won't be a wedding!" My voice cracked and I panicked, hoping Michelle didn't hear any of this.

"You're eloping?!" Aunt Natasha exclaimed and all the girls high fived each other.

"No!" I shrunk in my seat, arms crossed and a pout on my face.

"Peter, they were only joking." I heard her giggling and I turned to her, a smile replacing the recent pout.

"I know, but I didn't want them to scare you off." I said nervously and she smiled as I got up and pulled out her chair for her to sit at the table.

"Underroos, if your face didn't scare her off then nothing would." My dad, Tony said and Sam nodded, while Michelle chuckled.

"Gee thanks dad." Sarcasm dripped from my words and I heard noises from the vents.

"Clint! Get the fuck out of my vents!" My dad yelled to my uncle and I face palmed. I turned to MJ with an apologetic look, but she seemed amused.

"I have to come over for dinner more often." She grinned and I smiled. My family and my girlfriend got along great. Even Nat liked her, Nat doesn't like anyone! 

I feel like I'm posting too much. But for the people who are reading these, how are they so far?  

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