Not again..

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Trigger warning; some of the words and imagery in this one shot may cause you to be triggered. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Flashbacks (Italics/bold)

Thoughts (Italics only)

"Tony, why?" I asked, tears in my eyes as I looked at my mentor in shock.

"I didn't want anything to happen to you." Tony responded, coughing.

"But.." I couldn't finish my sentence as his eyes closed. "Tony!"

~~~~~~~~Earlier that day~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey Mr. Stark have you seen-" I started as soon as he answered the phone, but was cut off by the sound of the repulsor.

"Not right now, kid. Kinda busy." He hung up and I turned to Ned.

"I need a distraction." I whispered and he nodded. He stood up from his seat in class and gasped.

"We're going to die!" Ned screamed and pointed to the dangerous men outside the building. I snuck away as everyone began to freak out and I put on my suit.

"Hello Peter, how are you today?" Karen's voice came to my ears and I smiled, rushing out of the building.

"Hey Karen, I'm doing great!" I chirped and stopped as I got on the football field. "You know, it's great that you guys want to go back to school, but it's the middle of the year and it's a bit too late to join now. Maybe try coming back next year?" I joked and one of the guy sneered.

"Why you little-" The middle guy held up his hand, stopping the man on his right from approaching me.

"Now, now Bert, we need him unharmed, for now." The guy now known as Bert grumbled and I burst out laughing.

"You're name's Bert? Man no wonder why-" My speech was cut short by an electric shock going through my body and I fell to my knees from the immense pain.

"Bye, bye Spiderman." The middle man waved and smirked, as my eyelids closed. When I woke up again I was in a panic. I couldn't move and couldn't see where I was. An anxiety attack snuck it's way up and I couldn't breathe. I wanted to desperately claw at my throat to breathe, but my hands were tied to something and I freaked out more as memories I've tried suppressing resurfaced.

I was trapped under the rubble of the building, trying my hardest to lift the thing on my back to get up, but it wasn't working. Nothing I was doing was working.

"Help!" I gasped out, barely able to speak.

"Hello? Hello!!! Please, please. I'm down here! I'm stuck! I can't move!" I yelled out, trying once again to get out.

I pulled at my restraints, still not making any progress. I held my head down and tried to regain my breathing.

"If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it." Tony's voice resounded in my head as I looked at my mask.

My suit! That's right, I still have my suit on!

"Karen?" I whispered, voice hoarse from my struggling and heavy breathing. I got no response, just clapping and the lights turned on, revealing a man who was in the middle earlier in the football field.

"Sorry Pedro, but if you'll notice, your mask is off." The guy smirked and I cringed at the name.

"W-who are you?" I asked with a shaky breathe and he chuckled.

"You'll learn soon enough." He walked out of the room and I was left alone, in the dark once more. Tears ran down my face as I realized I'm not getting help anytime soon.


I sighed, crashing onto the couch after a long mission. There was an attack of robots in Milan and I was sent by Fury to help. It took a few hours to finish off the last of them and it's also been a few hours since Peter attempted to call me. I looked at the clock and frowned when I saw it was 6pm, meaning school was already out. Peter should be here by now.

"F.R.I., call Peter." I told the AI, holding the ice to my lip once more, hissing upon contact.

"Calling Mr. Parker." It rang twice, before being picked up.

"Hey kid, where are y-" I was cut off.

"Hello Stark." A mysterious voice came over the line and I jolted forward in my seat, my face turning serious.

"Who are you, and where's the kid?" I questioned, gritting my teeth in worry.

"Oh, Pedro? He's in a room with one of my associates right now, would you like to speak with him?" I could hear the smirk in his voice and heard rustling, followed by footsteps.

"Oh Pedro, I have someone important on the phone for you." I heard heavy breathing on the other line, followed by a pained sigh of breath.

"Peter? Kid, are you there?" I questioned, worried.

"M-mr. S-stark?" He was scared. He stopped calling me Mr. Stark awhile ago and his voice quivered.

"Are you-"

"That's enough of that. Continue." The guy on the other end replied nonchalantly and I heard more pain filled cries in the background.

"If you don't leave the kid alone right now, I'll-"

"You'll what Stark? You'll kill me?" The guy chuckled and I gritted my teeth once again. "You'd have to find me first, Stark." He replied and I growled.

"What is it that you want?" I asked and he laughed.

"What I want is revenge, Stark. Revenge on you and the Avengers for the death of my wife." The guy said coldly and I clenched my fist.

"Then take it out on me, the kid is innocent."

"Oh Tony, that's not how this works. I've been watching you and the Avengers for a while now, and for whatever reason, you care about the little piece of shit. You took the person I loved away from me, now it's time I take the person you all have common love for. Especially you, does he know yet?" I raised my eyebrows as I realized what he meant and who it was.

"Agent Ross. Does Rhodey know you're doing this?" I got out through gritted teeth and he laughed once again.

"Goodbye Stark."

"Ross!" I shouted as the line went dead and I threw my phone at the wall. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, track Peter's suit for his location." I demanded.

"Mr. Parker's suit cannot be traced. It appears the tracker was destroyed." She responded and I couldn't breathe. It felt like Adrian Toomes all over again, except this time, I don't have a tracker on the kid. I fell off the couch, clutching my chest. I couldn't move and it felt like a ton of bricks were on my chest, causing me to let out a horrid scream.


                                                                              Word Count: 1101

Will Tony find Peter? What happened to Tony in the beginning? Was it a memory or is something going to happen to him?  Comment your thoughts

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