One Terrifying Teen

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"What the fuck did you do?!" Clint yelled as Nat returned a dressed up baby Peter. A face full of makeup, nails covered in nail polish, and a little dress on his small body. Peter seemed amused with his uncle and giggled as he heard his uncle Steve come into the room.

"Langu- oh god, what did you do to my nephew?" Steve's eyes bulged out of his head and Natasha grinned at the men's expressions.

"Did Pepper see this?" Clint glanced up at the other spy and saw her smirking.

"She was the first to see. I, of course, took several pictures and sent her a few. She enjoyed it and now we both have blackmail on the kid." Steve was still shocked and Clint shook his head, chuckling.

"What is the big fuss- Oh my god. What did you do to my son??" Tony dropped his mug and snatched his son from the russian spy's hands. He fussed over his son, while Nat being the badass she is, disappeared from everyone's views. "You- you- Did she just fucking leave?" Tony furrowed his eyebrows and Clint laughed.

"L-language." Steve stuttered, still shocked at Nat's decisions. Tony walked away, grumbling and working on cleaning his son up and changing him into better clothes.

"Boss, one of Peter's friends are downstairs looking for him. She says she has his work he missed." FRIDAY interrupted and Tony's eyes widened. Shit, I forgot about school. "Should I send her away?" The AI asked and Tony sighed.

"No. Send her up, but don't mention anything." Tony responded and placed Peter in his room. "Stay in here kiddo, while I go see your friend." He left the room and closed the door partially. He walked to the living room, just as the elevator doors opened.

"Sup, Daddy Warbucks. Where's the loser?" MJ asked getting out the elevator and dropping the papers on the counter to the kitchen.

"He's-he's uh, sick?" Tony replied to.. Rae jay? That's her name? Tony shook her head and MJ raised an eyebrow at the billionaire.

"Is that a question?" She asked and he sighed.

"Look Peter probably won't-" He was cut off by a gasp coming from the teen in front of him.

"Is that Peter?" MJ was shocked seeing the two year old and unless it was some other baby with spider powers, she had a mild guess what happened here. Tony whipped around quickly and grabbed his son off the ceiling walking back to the teen. "Let me guess, Loki gave you a potion to make Clint a baby again, but you put it in the wrong drink, and loser over here drank it instead?" Tony wasn't even surprised, considering MJ and Ned were over a lot and sees the constant fighting Clint and Tony did. Tony let out a defeated sigh and nodded. MJ reached out and grabbed the loser, smiling. "He's adorable." Tony raised an eyebrow and MJ came back to reality, glaring at Tony. "Tell him I said that, and I'll kill you." MJ threatened and Tony was terrified. He knows that Nat and almost everyone else has trained her, so she was one scary bitch; she even carried a gun on her person at all times! Scary shit man.

"I won't, I won't." Tony held his hands in mock surrender and MJ went back to Peter, who giggled and grabbed her finger. He smiled widely at the teen and MJ held back a coo. She hugged him tighter and gave him back to Tony.

"I gotta go, Daddy Warbucks, but I'll be back tomorrow with the loser's work." She said over her shoulder as she walked to the elevator, but her steps faltered when Tony spoke.

"Just to give him his work, Rae Jay? Or to visit a certai-" He was cut off quickly by a knife nearly hitting his head, but was 2 centimeters off, cutting his hair by an inch. Tony made a gulp noise and MJ smirked, continuing on her way. That is one terrifying teen. 

                                                            Word Count: 675

Two badasses in one chapter? Hell yea.  Pepper is of course a badass along with Wanda as well, but neither of them were technically in this part of the one-shot, but don't fret. Future parts may include all 4 in the same chapter. Hope you liked it. Gonna attempt to post more, but kinda busy.

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