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Peter couldn't sit still. He was looking around frantically and sitting on the edge of his seat. Today was his first day back after Homecoming and he was scared. He couldn't pay attention to the class, which he didn't need to anyway, but the teacher was getting annoyed.

"Mr. Parker, are you even paying attention?" The teacher stopped her lesson for the fifth time now and crossed her arms.

"I-I'm sorry." He responded and the teacher sighed.

"Go to the office." She said sternly and he nodded. As he walked down the hall, he was still looking around frantically, as if something was about to happen. As he reached the office, he walked in and the receptionist rolled her eyes.

"Sir, Pedro Parker is here." Peter's breath caught in his throat and flashbacks went through his head. He felt weak at the knees and his head was spinning. He could hear his watch going crazy, along with his phone, but he couldn't move.

Everything was becoming distant and the sounds were being drowned out by the pounding of his heart. He could hear every word being spoken in other rooms, heart beats from a mile or more away and he could smell the most foulest perfume he's ever smelled. He could faintly hear the receptionist saying his name, except she was saying Pedro and the flashbacks came harder. Finally, a booming voice above the noise broke through the room and Peter was immediately engulfed in a hug.

"It's okay, kid. Calm down. Breathe." Tony muttered as he kept a watchful eye on the crew in the office. Everyone, including the principal, were gathered around the receptionist desk and were watching the scene before them with amazement.

"M-Mr. Stark?" Peter managed to stutter out and Tony nodded into his curls.

"Yea, it's me kid." He muttered looking down at his son- Um intern.

"How does Pedro Parker-"

"I'm sorry, what'd you say his name was?" Tony cut off the principal with a raised eyebrow and the principal paled.

"P-pedro." The principal was now shaking under Tony's intense glare.

"You insolent buffoon. How do you not know a students correct fuckin name? Or even ask for his name instead of just calling him whatever the hell you want?" Tony demanded, Peter flinching at every curse used and the principal was shuddering, close to soiling his pants.

"Mr. Stark, you have to understand. There are over 400 students in this school-"

"Are you trying to tell me that out of the 400 fucking students in this school, your number one student; top of his class, multiple debate/science fair and decathlon student, you're easy to forget his name?" Tony held Peter to him, his so-intern now feeling more calm in his fath-mentors arms.

"Well, Mr. Stark, Mr. Parker here has been known as a liar in school. We do not condone lying and try not to acknowledge his behavior." Tony was taken back and looked down at a once again tense Peter, with an eyebrow raised.

"And what would this lie be, if I may ask?" Tony looked to the principal with a questioning look, disbelief in his tone that his inter-son would lie. His son wouldn't lie.

"He-he says he's an intern at your corporation just to make an excuse for why he was late and or skipped school. When called out for lying, he had no proof-"

"Here's a good fuckin question, why didn't you idiots call my tower to ask personally? All of my staff know who the kid is, they would've gladly told you." Tony demanded, narrowed eyes as he heard Peter heavily breathing. Tony rubbed Peter's back as the principal narrowed his eyes at the kid.

"We had thought of that, however we were sure he would pay the staff to lie and pretend he works there. Now, Mr. Stark, how much did he pay you?" The principal asked, raised eyebrows and arms crossed. He was sure he had caught Peter red handed now. He figured the kid was paying Tony freaking Stark to be there.

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