Disney World!

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"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" The excited newly turned 6 year old burst through the door, diving straight into Tony's lap as he sat at the big table full of investors and board members.

Rhodey came in a moment later, out of breath and leaning against the door for support, trying to breath. Tony looked down at the kid in his lap, a big smile on his son's face as he looked up at his father's face.

"Sorry Tony, I tried to stop him, but the little brat is too fast for his own good." Rhodey said as soon as he caught his breath and Peter stuck his tongue out at his uncle, while Tony waved him off.

Rhodey huffed as he walked away, muttering under his breath something along the lines of 'I used to be a respected hero, degraded to a babysitter for a brat'. Causing Tony to laugh at his best friend. He turned to the kid sitting on his lap, looking up at him with wide doe eyes.

"Hey kiddo, what's wrong?" Tony asked, glad that his son interrupted this boring meeting. Peter pouted and Tony was confused.

"Did you forget my birthday?" Peter questioned and Tony pretended to ponder that question for a minute or two.

"Hm.. Oh, is that today?" Tony asked, already knowing the answer to his question. Peter looked down sadly and Tony tickled his sides, causing him to giggle. "Of course I didn't forget." Tony chuckled then turned to the members of the meeting who were gaping at the scene playing out before them. The Tony Stark was laughing and smiling with a six year old.

"The meeting is over, get out." Tony announced, back to his usual self, dismissing the meeting. The board members and investors started to protest, but Tony was having none of it and walked out of the room with his child in his arms.

"Daddy, I'm a big boy now. I can walk on my own." Peter pouted and Tony laughed putting the boy down.

"Oh I'm sorry big kid." Tony joked putting his arms up, before ruffling the little boy's hair, causing the aforementioned to pout.

He tugged on Tony's hand, pretty much dragging his father to the elevator that would take them to the penthouse. Once in the lounge, Tony looked around to see everyone packed.

"Alright, is everyone ready to go to Disney World?" Tony asked and everyone nodded as they loaded the private jet parked on the roof.  Pepper, Rhodey, Bruce, Tony and Peter boarded the plane, placing their items in their designated areas.

Peter was excited, he'd never been to Disney World and could barely sit still on the jet. He went from seat to seat, making sure to sit with everyone as he didn't want anyone to feel lonely. At the end, he was found laying on his father's lap, asleep with Tony soon following his son.

They were awaken to the pilot announcing that they have arrived. Peter jumped up and grabbed his father's hand along with Pepper's leading them to the entrance. When they got there, the passes were handed out and Peter was bouncing around in excitement.

"Okay Pete, I'm going to hold your pass since-" Tony was cut off by Peter pouting.

"But Daddy, I'm a big kid now. I wanna hold my own pass!" He whined and Tony gave a worried glance to Pepper who smiled.

"Let him have the pass Tony." Pepper told him and Tony sighed.

"Alright kid, you can hold onto it, but you have to promise you won't lose it." Tony said holding out his pinky and Peter did the same. After making the pinky promise, Tony handed him the pass and Peter grinned, pulling Rhodey to the first attraction they passed, which happened to be the Tea Cups, gripping the pass tightly, determined not to lose it.

After a few hours, the group left to the food court to eat. After eating they waited for the food to digest, walking around to look at all the interesting views. Once Peter got the okay to go on rides again, him and Tony took off towards the Prince Charming Regal Carrousel.

~~~~~Later on that night~~~~~~

It was time to leave and Peter was slung over Bruce's shoulders, while Pepper carried his backpack and other stuff he got on his trip to Disney World. It was a great day and Peter had worn himself out running around, trying to go on every ride his height was allowed on.

Tony smiled as he looked at his tired son, draped across Bruce's shoulders and walked next to them. He fixed his son's Mickey ears and ran his hand through his son's curls, a habit he's picked up since he first met the child and he's grown pretty accustomed to doing so, seeing as it soothed the young child.

"Happy birthday kiddo." Tony whispered and carefully took Peter from Bruce as they boarded the jet to go home. It's safe to say so far, this was Peter's best birthday ever.

                       Word Count: 833

Okay so this is kind of a continuation of the last one-shot, but a year later. Let me know if you want more one-shots like these, cause I think this is kinda fun to write. Plus these are adorable.

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