Holy Shit.... Advice From A Seven Year Old?

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"I don't care Tony! Why were you with her in the first place?!" Pepper yelled and I sighed.

"She's just a friend-"

"So a friend kisses you for no reason, Tony?!" She exclaimed and I frowned.

"I'm sorry, I-"

"Sorry?! You're sorry, Tony?! Are you serious?! I don't want a fucking apology!" She screamed and I was at a loss for words. She stormed out of the room and I sighed, looking at the now shattered phone on the floor that I dropped. This whole argument started because when I had a party while Pepper was in Florida, a girl I've known for a while, Whitney Stane, kissed me and someone must've taken a picture of it. I didn't kiss back, though. I love Pepper with everything I have and would rather die than cheat on her. Peter came out of hiding and sat next to me as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Daddy?" I looked at the 7 year old who looked worried and scared.

"Yeah Pete?" He tilted his head and stuck out his bottom lip.

"Will Pepper come back?" He asked and I sighed.

"Of course." Truth is, I had no idea if she would and that scared me. I screwed up majorly, but I said sorry.

"How do you know?" He asked once again.

"Because I said sorry." I responded and he frowned. Damn it, way to go Stark, you just made your kid upset. "What's wrong son?" I asked and he shook his head.

"She's not going to be back for a while. Sorry isn't enough." Peter said and this time I was confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Get a glass and smash it on the floor." He instructed and I raised my eyebrow. "Just do it." He whined and I sighed. I stood and grabbed a glass cup, and did as he told me.

"Okay, done."

"Is it broken?" He asked and I looked between him and the now broken glass on the floor.

"Yea.." I was still confused and he looked serious.

"Now say sorry to it." I went to protest, but he rolled his eyes. "Please?"

"Sorry." I muttered and Peter crossed his arms.

"Is it fixed now?" I looked at him incredulously and he stayed mutual.

"Of course not! Peter, I don't have time for your ga-"

"So, sorry wasn't enough?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Well, no but I still don't underst-"

"What about glue? Can you fix it by gluing it back together?" He asked and I huffed.

"I can try.." I grabbed glue out of the kitchen and began to put it back together. I succeeded and grinned holding it out to Peter, but he didn't grab it. Instead he asked something else.

"Can you still see the cracks?"

"Yes." I answered back, still not understanding.

"Will it hold any water? Can it still fulfill its purpose?"

"No, but-"

"Why not?" He asked and I gave him a look, but he brushed it off, still looking at me for an answer.

"Because it's broken."

"Because you have broken it." Something in my mind clicked and I frowned when I realised my kid was telling me something valuable..

"Oh." Was all I could respond with.

"And it will be broken forever. You couldn't fix it by saying sorry." He spoke wisely and I looked down.

"Oh." Was my oh so ingenious response, yet again.

"Will it still be broken if you walk away?" He asked and I felt tears fill my eyes.


"So you leaving won't fix it?" He asked referring to Pepper.


"Can anything make it the way it was before?" I sighed and hung my head even lower, a tear making its way down my face.


"Do you understand now?" He asked and I nodded, unable to form words. He grabbed my arm and caused me to look at him, a frown on his face. He wiped away a tear, and hugged me. When he pulled back he smiled softly. "Just because you can't get it back to the way it was before doesn't mean you can't make it even stronger than it was." He spoke with honesty, but I shook my head.

"I can't Peter. I broke it very badly and I tried to apologize, but-"

"But words are just words. Actions speak louder and are more meaningful." He said and I wiped my tears, nodding.

"You're right Peter. How'd you get so smart? I'm your father, I'm still supposed to be teaching you stuff, not the other way around." I messed up his hair and he grinned.

"You don't expect me to be dumb, since I'm your son, do you?" He asked cheekily and skipped to his room. I smiled and shook my head, before realization dawned on me. Holy shit I just got very valuable advice from a fucking 7, my 7 year old no less.

                                                                             Word Count: 819

Will Tony actually be able to prove to Pepper how sorry he really is and get her back? Who knows? Comment if you want a second part to this!

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