Nick Fury Smiling?

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Edit: I corrected Star Wars. Sorry for having the wrong movie. I always get them mixed up :p

It's been a few weeks since the small family came back from Disney World and Tony was enjoying the time spent with his kid. When he was unavailable, Peter's uncle Rhodey or Bruce would watch him, but made sure the two updated Tony on everything that happened throughout the time Tony spent away from his kid. Today, however, was very different. Pepper was in Florida for another day, Rhodey was busy with the president, and Bruce was holed up in his lab, unable to leave his project unattended or have anyone else in his lab due to security purposes. Fury had called and told Tony he was needed, causing Tony to protest.

"Eye patch, I can't today I have to-" Fury wasn't having it and demanded Tony be there within the next 10 minutes, leaving no room for argument. Tony turned to his son, and sighed. The kid was really looking forward to spending time with his father, since he'd been busy all week. Although Peter did love his uncles and Pepper, he wanted time with the father that had just recently entered his life a little over half a year ago.

"Sorry bud, but we have to go somewhere real quick." Tony said and Peter looked down, his smile he once had now replaced with a frown. "Wanna go flying with me in my armour today?" Tony asked and Peter looked up, wide eyed.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" He exclaimed and Tony chuckled nodding. After calling his armour, and being completely covered in it, Tony picked up the small child, making sure to hold him tightly so as to not drop him.

"Do not tell Pepper about this." Tony said and Peter nodded, nuzzling his head against the suit, close to Tony's chest. Tony flew to the aircraft and landed gently so as not to hurt the child in his arms. He placed Peter down on the aircraft and his suit retreated to form his black shades. They walked inside, Peter holding tightly onto Tony's hand and he led the child to a meeting room, gaining weird looks from the people passing by. Everyone was surprised to see the billionaire walking around with a child holding his hand. Peter moved closer to Tony, uncomfortable by the stares. Tony looked down and frowned at the fear radiating off the small child. He picked him up in his arms and opened the door with his foot.

"Stark, what took- Why the fu-" Fury was confused turning around and Tony glared at him.

"First off, don't talk so loud, you're scaring my kid. Second of all, don't curse in front of him, he's only six." Tony interrupted and Fury's eye widened. Here was Tony Stark, the alleged cold hearted, billionaire playboy philanthropist, holding a kid and being tender to him. Fury cleared his throat and nodded, glancing at the child being held. "Now, what did you call me here for?" Tony asked, not even looking at the man standing in front of him, all of his attention directed at the boy in his arms.

"Colonel Rhodes is unavailable and I need you to fly to Texas to the military base out there and pick up some important classified documents, bringing them back here to me." Fury explained and Tony sighed as the boy looked up at him, tears welling in his doe brown eyes.

"But daddy, you were supposed to spend the day with me." Peter whimpered and Tony frowned.

"I know Pete, but I promise I'll be quick and be back before you know it." Tony replied, but Peter remained frowning. "Why don't you stay here with Eye pat- Mr. Fury and when I return we'll get ice cream?" Tony asked and for the first time since they entered the room, Peter glanced at the man standing before his father.

"Is he a pirate?" Peter whispered to his father and amusement swam in Tony's eyes.

"Yes he is, but he's a friendly pirate. Now, I'll be back, and then I promise we'll get ice cream." Tony responded placing Peter on the ground and he shyly moved to the S.H.I.E.L.D director as Tony took off.

"So kid, what's your name?" Fury asked, unsure of what to say to the kid who was tilting his head in wonder at the man.

"P-peter." He spoke, and Fury nodded.

"I'm Nick Fury, head and director of S.H.I.E.L.D. What do you wanna do kid?" Fury asked, not knowing what to do with the kid since he rarely spent time around kids. Peter thought for a moment, then his eyes lit up.

"Can we watch Star Wars?!" Peter exclaimed and Nick nodded, leading the kid to a screening room. He chose the movie, turning it on and getting ready to leave the room, once the kid was settled and comfy on the couch. "Mr. Fury, w-will you watch Star Wars with me?" Peter stuttered, a light blush tainting his cheeks as Fury raised an eyebrow at him. "Pwease?" Peter asked, giving him his best puppy dog eyes, with his bottom lip poking out.

"I'm sorry Peter, but I have to go-" He cut himself off when he saw the kid look down.

"It's okay. I'm used to being alone.." Peter whispered looking down and Fury felt a tug at his heart for the kid he had just met. He sighed and called for Maria to come to the screening room. She walked in and glanced at the kid, but only for a minute before looking at Fury.

"Yes director Fury?" Maria asked and Nick turned to her.

"I need you to make sure no one bothers me for the next few hours." He told her and she agreed, walking out of the room to wherever. Fury walked over to the kid and sat next to him. "Alright kid, let's start the movie." Peter cheered and the movie started. At some point during the middle of the movie, Peter made his way over to Fury and lay his head on the man's lap, causing him to be surprised, but let a small genuine smile grace his lips. "Okay kid, what do you wanna do now?" Fury asked, looking down at the boy who was still wide awake. Peter smiled and sat up.

"Can we draw?" Peter questioned, his head tilted slightly, causing the man to chuckle a little and nod. Peter smiled widely and tugged Fury's hand to lead him back to the meeting room they were in earlier. Fury grabbed pens and papers, along with some markers and crayons, walking back to the table and setting them down. Peter grinned, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen, immediately beginning to scribble. After a few minutes, he looked up to Fury, who was watching intently, and frowned. "Mr. Fury, you have to draw too." Peter pouted and the man grabbed a pen and paper, drawing on his own, causing Peter to smile, returning to his drawing.

Tony returned and was happy to see his son sitting silently at the table, drawing with Fury. Tony was surprised to see the man sitting down with his son, drawing nonetheless. Tony cleared his throat, and Peter looked up, excitement taking over once he saw his father standing in the room. He jumped up, grabbing his picture and ran to show his dad.

"Daddy! Look what I drew!" Peter exclaimed, pushing the paper into Tony's hands and Tony smiled at him, before looking down. He was surprised to see that Peter had done a pretty good job at drawing. "See, that's you, me, Ms. Pepper, Uncle Rhodey and Uncle Bruce." Peter said excitedly and Tony smiled, but scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion.

"Who's the other person Pete?" Tony asked and both adults were surprised by his response.

"That's uncle Fury. See, he has the eye patch." Peter grin widened, as both adults glanced at each other then at Peter who was bouncing around excitedly. He grabbed the paper from Tony's hand and turned to Fury nervously. "T-this is for you, Uncle Fury." Peter said shyly and handed the drawing to Fury, who accepted it shocked. He was also surprised at the great job Peter did at drawing. Fury kneeled and what he did next nearly made Tony have a heart attack. Nick Fury embraced the young Stark in a hug, shocking Tony more than anything.

"Thank you Peter." Fury smiled and Peter nodded, smiling widely. After the embrace, Peter turned to Tony who was frozen in shock.

"Come on Daddy! You said we could get ice cream!" Peter exclaimed tugging his father's hand towards the door, pulling Tony back to reality. They were almost out the door, when Tony heard Fury call out to him, and Tony stuck his head back through the door to look at the man.

"Stark, make sure you bring my nephew around more often." Fury said and dismissed him. Fury smiled to himself, glancing back at the picture in his hands. Meanwhile, Tony was astonished at the fact that his son had made Fury smile. Tony shook his head, already knowing the power Peter had to attract people to him. 

                                                                   Word Count: 1501

This was just adorable, but kinda shitty. Longest one-shot so far though, so yay me.

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