May Takes The Night Off..

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Peter walked down the street lost in his thoughts and his music was playing. He was trying to figure out how all of this happened and why it was happening to him. First, he meets Tony Stark, then he builds a clock in about three days to impress the billionaire and also receives an internship. He hasn't been able to talk to anyone since May was always at work and Ned would freeze whenever he explained. He's kept so much to himself and it's starting to wear him out.

"Oh, hello Peter." Peter was greeted when he walked through his front door and his eyes widened.

"M-may?" Peter stuttered, shocked to see his busy aunt and she gave a tired smile. "W-what are you doing home?"

"I took the night off. I've been working too much and haven't spent much time with you since..." May trailed off and Peter nodded. May gave a tight smile while memories came to mind and Peter smiled sadly.

"So, uh, what's for dinner?" Peter changed the subject and May sent a grateful smile.

"Pizza." They sat at the table and Peter grabbed his slice, already taking a bite. "So, tell me everything I've missed." Peter finished chewing and swallowed his food, before answering.

"Nothing really. Just school and stuff." Peter dismissed and May frowned.

"Well, what about your trip to Stark Tower, how was that?" Aunt May pressed and Peter gave an uneasy smile.

"Pretty good, we met Tony Stark-"

"Ugh, that man. His dangerous actions have caused the hospital to be busy nonstop. I can't believe they call him a hero." May spoke spitefully and Peter frowned.

"I- uh, I'm not hungry May. I think I'm gonna go to sleep." Peter excused and May frowned.

"I thought Pizza was your favorite, Peter?" May asked, but Peter had already reached his door and entered his room.

"Karen, do you think I was overreacting?" Peter sighed as he sat on top of a random building with his suit on.

"Overreacting to what Peter?" Karen questioned and Peter sighed. He knew he had to tell the AI the full story, but he needed actually advice; not that he doesn't appreciate Karen of course.

"You know Spiderman, for someone who doesn't want to be caught.. You sure do suck at hiding." Ironman said as he landed next to Peter and the teen smiled under the mask.

"I'm pretty sure if you wanted to turn me into Fury, you would've already done so. After all, this seems to be a regular thing." Tony chuckled and lifted his faceplate. Since that night Tony comforted the spider, he's been meeting him on top of buildings whenever he got an alert. He and the spider would always talk about different ideas and opinions.

"What can I say? You remind me of an intern I have." Tony spoke looking out over the city and Peter choked.

"Wh-what do you mean by that?" Peter stuttered and cursed when Tony looked at the masked man with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, you both want to help people and with a suit like that, I'd say you and him are on par with your genius. You two are also kind-hearted and try your hardest." Tony explained and Peter was shocked. He noticed his need to help as himself and Spiderman. Peter cleared his throat and sat up straight.

"Uh-huh, well he sounds like a great kid." Peter agreed, nodding his head, and Tony nodded slowly.

"He is, however, there's something going on with him and an intern named Timmy. I can't quite figure it out and I know he was lying when he said he stole Timmy's work. Whatever it is going on, I will figure it out and deal with it." Tony said as though he was staring into Peter's eyes and the teen gulped silently. "Well Spider, I gotta go. Be safe going home and don't get into any trouble." Tony took off and Peter stared at the spot the adult was just in. Does he care about Peter and Spiderman?

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